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Monitoring Lookout for Equipment with Amazon CloudWatch - Amazon Lookout for Equipment
Halaman ini belum diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Anda. Minta terjemahan

Amazon Lookout for Equipment is no longer open to new customers. Existing customers can continue to use the service as normal. For capabilities similar to Amazon Lookout for Equipment see our blog post.

Amazon Lookout for Equipment is no longer open to new customers. Existing customers can continue to use the service as normal. For capabilities similar to Amazon Lookout for Equipment see our blog post.

Monitoring Lookout for Equipment with Amazon CloudWatch

You can monitor Lookout for Equipment using CloudWatch, which collects raw data and processes it into readable, near real-time metrics. These statistics are kept for 15 months, so that you can access historical information and gain a better perspective on how your web application or service is performing. You can also set alarms that watch for certain thresholds, and send notifications or take actions when those thresholds are met. For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

The Lookout for Equipment service reports the following metrics in the AWS/lookoutequipment namespace.

Metric Description


If the value is 1, the inference succeeded. If the value is 0, the inference failed.

ModelName: The name of the model.

InferenceSchedulerName: Name of the inference scheduler


If the value is 1, the inference failed. If the value is 0, the inference succeeded.

ModelName: The name of the model.

InferenceSchedulerName: Name of the inference scheduler


If the value is 1, you've provided an invalid value for the inference.

ModelName: The name of the model.

InferenceSchedulerName: Name of the inference scheduler

The following dimensions are supported for the Lookout for Equipment metrics.

ModelName The name of the ML model that you've trained to monitor your equipment.

The inference scheduler schedules the times when your model monitors your equipment.

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