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Document History - AWS Elemental MediaLive API Reference
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Document History

The following table describes the main changes to this documentation.

  • API version: latest

Change Description Date
Workflow monitor Workflow monitor features have been added to the API.

Workflow monitor is a tool to analyze AWS media services and create signal maps, visualizations of the media workflow, between those services. Use the signal maps to generate monitoring alarms and notifications using CloudWatch, EventBridge, and AWS CloudFormation.

April 11, 2024
Features added since November, 2021 Documentation for features added from November 2021 to July 2022, including:
  • AWS Elemental Link remote reboots and remote software updates

  • Reservation automatic renewal

  • SCTE-35 input PID selection

  • PDT clock source selector for HLS outputs

  • Accessibility captions for HLS and MediaPackage outputs

July 19, 2022
Features added since April, 2021

Documentation for features added from April 2021 to November 2021, including:

  • Transport Stream (TS) file inputs

  • Nielsen watermarks

  • Support for font styles with WebVTT captions

  • WebVTT output captions

  • Amazon CloudWatch metrics

  • Pipeline locking with UDP outputs

  • Trick-play in MediaPackage output group

November 5, 2021
Features added since December, 2020

Documentation for features added from December 2020 to April 2021, including:

  • Delivery via your VPC

  • Captions in CDI inputs

  • Clipping a file input that is stored on an HTTP server

  • Trick-play in HLS outputs (according to the Image media playlist specification)

  • Automatic input failover with CDI inputs

  • Support for transferring AWS Elemental Link devices between Regions

  • Support for ACLs when delivering outputs to Amazon S3

  • Support for motion graphics overlays via the channel schedule

  • Font styling on TTML output captions

May 3, 2020
Features added since August, 2020

Documentation for features added since August, 2020, including:

  • Batch operations for the channel

  • Operations to handle transfers of AWS Elemental Link devices

  • Operations for input thumbnails.

December 28, 2020
Rewrite of resources.

The descriptions of many of the elements in the resources other than Channel have been revised.

August 26, 2020
Rewrite of Channels and Channels (ID) resources.

The descriptions of many of the elements in these two resources have been revised.

August 20, 2020
Features added since September, 2019

Documentation for features added since September, 2019, including:

  • EBU-TT-D captions in a captions output

  • AWS Elemental Devices and the AWS Elemental Link hardware device

  • Multiplex

  • Automatic input failover

  • Input prepare action in the schedule

  • Immediate mode for all actions in the schedule

  • Follow mode for SCTE-35 actions in the schedule

  • Enhanced VQ mode

  • ID3 segment tagging

  • Nielsen watermarks

August 10, 2020
Changes to support the H.265 (HEVC) codec

Documentation for configuring H.265 in Channels

September 12, 2019
Changes to support SDR and HDR color space handling

Documentation for handling color space in the input, in VideoSelector in Channels

Documentation for handling color space in the output, in H264ColorMetadata, H264ColorSpaceSettings, H265ColorMetadata and H265ColorSpaceSettings in Channels

September 12, 2019
Changes to support input clipping when switching inputs, in the channel schedule

Documentation for InputClippingSettings in Channels channelId Schedule

July 25, 2019
Changes to support switching inputs immediately, in the channel schedule

Documentation for urlPath in InputSwitchScheduleActionSettings in Channels channelId Schedule

July 25, 2019
Changes to support dynamic inputs in the channel schedule

Documentation for urlPath in InputSwitchScheduleActionSettings in Channels channelId Schedule

July 25, 2019
UpdateChannelClass operation in the channel, and more

Documentation for the UpdateChannelClass operation in the channel

Documentation for the MediaPackage output group type

Documentation for pausing and unpausing a channel using the channel schedule

Documentation for the RTP push input and RTMP push input connected to an upstream system that is in your Amazon VPC

Documentation for tagging using MediaLive

Documentation for the frame capture output group

May 2, 2019
Integration with AWS Elemental MediaConnect, and more Documentation for the MediaConnect input type in the Channel resource

Documentation for Input switching using the channel schedule

Documentation for Schedule feature in the Channel resource

Documentation for Reservations resource

Documentation for the RTMP output type in the Channel resource

December 7, 2018
New AWS Elemental MediaLive service release Initial documentation for the MediaLive service. November 27, 2017
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