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Jika Anda setuju, AWS dan pihak ketiga yang disetujui juga akan menggunakan cookie untuk menyediakan fitur situs yang berguna, mengingat preferensi Anda, dan menampilkan konten yang relevan, termasuk iklan yang relevan. Untuk menerima atau menolak semua cookie yang tidak penting, klik “Terima” atau “Tolak”. Untuk membuat pilihan yang lebih detail, klik “Kustomisasi”.

AWS Elemental MediaTailor Deskripsi log ADS dan jenis acara

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AWS Elemental MediaTailor Deskripsi log ADS dan jenis acara - AWS Elemental MediaTailor

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Terjemahan disediakan oleh mesin penerjemah. Jika konten terjemahan yang diberikan bertentangan dengan versi bahasa Inggris aslinya, utamakan versi bahasa Inggris.

Bagian berikut menjelaskan log yang MediaTailor memancarkan untuk menggambarkan peristiwa dengan server keputusan iklan (ADS). ini adalah AdDecisionServerInteractions log.

AdDecisionServerInteractions peristiwa

Peristiwa berikut dipancarkan selama MediaTailor interaksi dengan server keputusan iklan (ADS).

Log Deskripsi
AD_MARKER_FOUND MediaTailor menemukan penanda iklan di manifes.
BEACON_FIRED MediaTailor menembakkan suar pelacak.
EMPTY_VAST_RESPONSE ADS mengembalikan respons VAST kosong yang berisi nol iklan.
EMPTY_VMAP_RESPONSE ADS mengembalikan respons VMAP kosong.
ERROR_ADS_INVALID_RESPONSE ADS mengembalikan kode status non-200.
ERROR_ADS_IO MediaTailor mengalami kesalahan saat mencoba berkomunikasi dengan ADS.
ERROR_ADS_RESPONSE_PARSE MediaTailor mengalami kesalahan saat mengurai respons ADS.
ERROR_ADS_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN_ROOT_ELEMENT Respons ADS berisi elemen root yang tidak valid.
ERROR_ADS_TIMEOUT MediaTailor Permintaan ke ADS habis waktunya.
ERROR_DISALLOWED_HOST Host ADS tidak diperbolehkan.
ERROR_FIRING_BEACON_FAILED MediaTailor gagal menembakkan suar pelacak.
ERROR_PERSONALIZATION_DISABLED Penyisipan iklan dinonaktifkan untuk sesi ini.
ERROR_UNKNOWN MediaTailor mengalami kesalahan yang tidak diketahui selama permintaan ADS.
ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST Host ADS tidak diketahui.
ERROR_VAST_INVALID_MEDIA_FILE VAST Ad memiliki elemen yang tidak valid atau hilangMediaFile.
ERROR_VAST_MISSING_CREATIVES VAST Ad berisi nol atau beberapa Creatives elemen. Tepat satu Creatives elemen diperlukan.
ERROR_VAST_MISSING_IMPRESSION VAST Ad mengandung nol Impression elemen. Setidaknya satu Impression elemen diperlukan.
ERROR_VAST_MISSING_MEDIAFILES VAST Ad berisi nol atau beberapa MediaFiles elemen. Tepat satu MediaFiles elemen diperlukan.
ERROR_VAST_MISSING_OVERLAYS MediaTailor tidak menerima materi iklan non-linier dari server iklan.
ERROR_VAST_MULTIPLE_LINEAR VAST Ad berisi banyak Linear elemen.
ERROR_VAST_MULTIPLE_TRACKING_EVENTS VAST Ad berisi banyak TrackingEvents elemen.
ERROR_VAST_REDIRECT_EMPTY_RESPONSE Permintaan pengalihan VAST mengembalikan respons kosong.
ERROR_VAST_REDIRECT_FAILED Permintaan pengalihan VAST mengalami kesalahan.
ERROR_VAST_REDIRECT_MULTIPLE_VAST Permintaan pengalihan VAST menampilkan beberapa iklan.
FILLED_AVAIL MediaTailor berhasil mengisi keberhasilannya.
FILLED_OVERLAY_AVAIL MediaTailor berhasil mengisi overlay yang berhasil.
INTERSTITIAL_VOD_FAILURE Permintaan atau respons ADS mengalami masalah saat mengisi ketersediaan pengantara untuk daftar putar VOD. Tidak ada iklan yang akan dimasukkan.
INTERSTITIAL_VOD_SUCCESS MediaTailor berhasil mengisi ketersediaan pengantara untuk daftar putar VOD.
MAKING_ADS_REQUEST MediaTailor meminta iklan dari ADS.
MODIFIED_TARGET_URL MediaTailor memodifikasi URL target keluar.
NON_AD_MARKER_FOUND MediaTailor menemukan penanda iklan yang tidak dapat ditindaklanjuti dalam manifes.
RAW_ADS_RESPONSE MediaTailor menerima respons ADS mentah.
REDIRECTED_VAST_RESPONSE MediaTailor menerima tanggapan VAST setelah mengikuti pengalihan VAST.
VAST_REDIRECT Respons iklan VAST berisi pengalihan.
VAST_RESPONSE MediaTailor menerima tanggapan yang luas.
VOD_TIME_BASED_AVAIL_PLAN_SUCCESS MediaTailor berhasil membuat rencana penggunaan berbasis waktu untuk template VOD.
VOD_TIME_BASED_AVAIL_PLAN_VAST_RESPONSE_FOR_OFFSET MediaTailor sedang membuat rencana penggunaan berbasis waktu untuk template VOD. MediaTailor menerima respons VAST untuk offset waktu.
VOD_TIME_BASED_AVAIL_PLAN_WARNING_NO_ADVERTISEMENTS Permintaan atau respons ADS mengalami masalah saat membuat rencana penggunaan berbasis waktu untuk template VOD. Tidak ada iklan yang akan dimasukkan.
WARNING_NO_ADVERTISEMENTS MediaTailor mengalami masalah saat mengisi avail. Tidak ada iklan yang disisipkan.
WARNING_URL_VARIABLE_SUBSTITUTION_FAILED MediaTailor tidak dapat mengganti variabel dinamis di URL ADS. Periksa konfigurasi URL.
WARNING_VPAID_AD_DROPPED Iklan VPAID turun karena batu tulis yang hilang, atau sesi menggunakan pelaporan sisi server.

Deskripsi log ADS

Bagian ini menjelaskan struktur dan isi deskripsi log ADS. Untuk menjelajah sendiri di editor JSON, gunakan daftar diSkema JSON log ADS.

Setiap peristiwa dalam log ADS berisi bidang standar yang dihasilkan oleh CloudWatch Log. Untuk selengkapnya, lihat Menganalisis data CloudWatch log dengan wawasan Log.

Properti log ADS

Bagian ini menjelaskan properti log ADS.

Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
adsRequestUrl string false URL lengkap dari permintaan ADS yang dibuat oleh MediaTailor.
avail objek tipe berhasil false Informasi tentang pemanfaatan yang MediaTailor diisi dengan iklan. Saat ini, untuk jenis FILLED_AVAIL acara, ini adalah rencana yang dibuat oleh MediaTailor saat pertama kali menemukan keuntungan. Bagaimana hasil akhirnya diisi dapat bervariasi dari rencana ini, tergantung pada bagaimana konten diputar.
awsAccountId string true ID akun AWS untuk MediaTailor konfigurasi yang digunakan untuk sesi tersebut.
customerId string true Versi hash dari ID akun AWS, yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengkorelasikan beberapa entri log.
eventDescription string true Deskripsi singkat tentang peristiwa yang memicu pesan log ini, yang disediakan oleh MediaTailor layanan. Secara default, ini kosong. Contoh:Got VAST response.
eventTimestamp string true Tanggal dan waktu acara.
eventType string true Kode untuk acara yang memicu pesan log ini. Contoh:VAST_RESPONSE.
originId string true Nama konfigurasi dari MediaTailor konfigurasi. Ini berbeda dari sumber konten video, yang juga merupakan bagian dari konfigurasi.
requestHeaders array tipe pembaca ulang false Header yang MediaTailor disertakan dengan permintaan ADS. Biasanya, log menyertakan ini ketika permintaan ke ADS gagal, untuk membantu pemecahan masalah.
requestId string true ID MediaTailor permintaan, yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menghubungkan beberapa entri log untuk permintaan yang sama.
sessionId string true Pengidentifikasi numerik unik yang MediaTailor ditugaskan ke sesi pemain. Semua permintaan yang dibuat pemain untuk sesi memiliki ID sesi yang sama. Contoh:e039fd39-09f0-46b2-aca9-9871cc116cde.
sessionType string (nilai hukum: [DASH, HLS]) true Jenis aliran pemain.
vastAd objek tipe VastAd false Informasi tentang satu iklan yang diuraikan dari respons VAST.
vastResponse objek tipe VastResponse false Informasi tentang respons VAST yang MediaTailor diterima dari ADS.
vodCreativeOffsets objek tipe vodCreativeOffsets false Peta yang menunjukkan offset waktu dalam manifes tempat MediaTailor akan menyisipkan avails, berdasarkan respons VMAP.
vodVastResponseTimeOffset number false Offset waktu khusus VMAP untuk penyisipan iklan VOD.

Konten iklan

Bagian ini menjelaskan properti AdContent log ADS.

ADS Log Properti AdContent
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
adPlaylistUris objek tipe adPlaylistUris false Pemetaan dari manifes asal untuk varian ke manifes iklan untuk varian tersebut. Untuk DASH, ini berisi satu entri, karena semua varian diwakili dalam manifes DASH tunggal.


Bagian ini menjelaskan properti log ADS adPlaylistUris.

adPlaylistUris Properti ADS Log
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
<any string> string false URL manifes iklan untuk varian tertentu.


Bagian ini menjelaskan properti log ADS yang tersedia.

ADS Log memanfaatkan Properti
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
availId string true Pengidentifikasi unik untuk penggunaan ini. Untuk HLS, ini adalah nomor urut media tempat ketersediaan dimulai. Untuk DASH, ini adalah ID periode.
creativeAds array tipe CreativeAD true Iklan yang MediaTailor dimasukkan ke dalam avail.
fillRate number true Tingkat di mana iklan mengisi durasi avail, dari 0,0 (untuk 0%) hingga 1,0 (untuk 100%).
filledDuration number true Jumlah durasi semua iklan yang dimasukkan ke dalam avail.
numAds number true Jumlah iklan yang MediaTailor dimasukkan ke dalam avail.
originAvailDuration number true Durasi penggunaan sebagaimana ditentukan dalam aliran konten dari asal (CUE_OUTatauSCTE).
skippedAds array tipe SkippeDad false Iklan yang MediaTailor tidak menyisipkan, karena alasan seperti TRANSCODE_IN_PROGRESS danTRANSCODE_ERROR.
slateAd objek tipe SlateAD true Informasi tentang iklan batu tulis, yang MediaTailor digunakan untuk mengisi segmen yang tidak terisi dalam avail.


Bagian ini menjelaskan properti log ADS CreativeAd.

ADS Log Properti CreativeAD
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
adContent objek tipe Konten iklan true Informasi tentang konten iklan yang disisipkan.
creativeUniqueId string true Pengenal unik untuk iklan, digunakan sebagai kunci untuk transcoding. Ini adalah bidang ID untuk materi iklan dalam respons VAST, jika tersedia. Jika tidak, itu adalah URL mezzanine iklan.
trackingEvents objek tipe Melacak Acara true Suar pelacakan URLs untuk berbagai acara pelacakan untuk iklan. Kuncinya adalah nama acara, dan nilainya adalah daftar suar URLs.
transcodedAdDuration number true Durasi iklan, dihitung dari aset yang ditranskode.
uri string true URL versi mezzanine iklan, yang merupakan input ke transcoder.
vastDuration number true Durasi iklan, sebagaimana diuraikan dari respons VAST.

pembaca ulang

Bagian ini menjelaskan properti dari log ADS requestheaders.

ADS Log Requestheaders Properti
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
name string true Nama header.
value string true Nilai header.


Bagian ini menjelaskan properti log ADS SkippeDad.

ADS Log Properti SkippeDad
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
adMezzanineUrl string true URL mezzanine dari iklan yang dilewati.
creativeUniqueId string true Pengenal unik untuk iklan, digunakan sebagai kunci untuk transcoding. Ini adalah bidang ID untuk materi iklan dalam respons VAST, jika tersedia. Jika tidak, itu adalah URL mezzanine iklan.
skippedReason string true Kode yang menunjukkan mengapa iklan tidak dimasukkan. Contoh:TRANSCODE_IN_PROGRESS.
transcodedAdDuration number false Durasi iklan, dihitung dari aset yang ditranskode.
vastDuration number true Durasi iklan, sebagaimana diuraikan dari respons VAST.


Bagian ini menjelaskan properti log ADS SlateAd.

ADS Log Properti SlateAd
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
adContent objek tipe Konten iklan true Informasi tentang konten iklan yang disisipkan.
creativeUniqueId string true Pengenal unik untuk iklan, digunakan sebagai kunci untuk transcoding. Ini adalah bidang ID untuk materi iklan dalam respons VAST, jika tersedia. Jika tidak, itu adalah URL mezzanine iklan.
transcodedAdDuration number true Durasi iklan, dihitung dari aset yang ditranskode.
uri string true URL versi mezzanine iklan, yang merupakan input ke transcoder.

Melacak Acara

Bagian ini menjelaskan properti log ADS TrackingEvents.

Properti Pelacakan Log IKLAN
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
<any string> array tipe string false Daftar suar URLs untuk acara pelacakan yang ditentukan (tayangan, lengkap, dan sebagainya)


Bagian ini menjelaskan properti log ADS VastAd.

ADS Log Properti VastAd
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
adSystem string true Nilai AdSystem tag dalam respons VAST.
adTitle string true File media yang tersedia untuk iklan dalam respons VAST.
creativeAdId string true Nilai atribut aDid dari Creative tag dalam respons VAST.
creativeId string true Nilai atribut id Creative tag dalam respon VAST.
duration number true Perkiraan durasi iklan, berdasarkan duration tag di linear elemen respons VAST.
trackingEvents objek tipe Melacak Acara true Suar pelacakan URLs untuk berbagai acara pelacakan untuk iklan. Kuncinya adalah nama acara, dan nilainya adalah daftar suar URLs.
vastAdId string true Nilai atribut id Ad tag dalam respon VAST
vastAdTagUri string false URI pengalihan khusus VMAP untuk iklan.
vastMediaFiles array tipe vastMediaFile true Daftar file media yang tersedia untuk iklan dalam respons VAST.


Bagian ini menjelaskan properti log ADS vastMediaFile.

vastMediaFile Properti ADS Log
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
apiFramework string true Framework API diperlukan untuk mengelola file media. Contoh:VPAID.
bitrate number true Bitrate dari file media.
delivery string true Protokol yang digunakan untuk file media, diatur ke progresif atau streaming.
height number true Tinggi piksel file media.
id string true Nilai atribut id dari MediaFile tag.
type string true Jenis MIME dari file media, diambil dari atribut tipe MediaFile tag.
uri string true URL versi mezzanine iklan, yang merupakan input ke transcoder.
width number true Lebar piksel file media.


Bagian ini menjelaskan properti log ADS VastResponse.

ADS Log Properti VastResponse
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
errors array tipe string true Kesalahan URLs diuraikan dari Error tag dalam respons VAST.
vastAds array tipe VastAd true Iklan diuraikan dari respons VAST.
version string true Versi spesifikasi VAST, diuraikan dari version atribut VAST tag dalam respons.


Bagian ini menjelaskan properti log ADS vodCreativeOffsets.

vodCreativeOffsets Properti ADS Log
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
<any string> array tipe vodCreativeOffset false Pemetaan dari offset waktu dalam manifes ke daftar iklan yang akan disisipkan saat ini.


Bagian ini menjelaskan properti log ADS vodCreativeOffset.

vodCreativeOffset Properti ADS Log
Properti Tipe Diperlukan Deskripsi
adContent objek tipe Konten iklan true Informasi tentang konten iklan yang disisipkan.
creativeUniqueId string true Pengenal unik untuk iklan, digunakan sebagai kunci untuk transcoding. Ini adalah bidang ID untuk materi iklan dalam respons VAST, jika tersedia. Jika tidak, itu adalah URL mezzanine iklan.
trackingEvents objek tipe Melacak Acara true Suar pelacakan URLs untuk berbagai acara pelacakan untuk iklan. Kuncinya adalah nama acara, dan nilainya adalah daftar suar URLs.
transcodedAdDuration number true Durasi iklan, dihitung dari aset yang ditranskode.
uri string true URL versi mezzanine iklan, yang merupakan input ke transcoder.
vastDuration number true Durasi iklan, sebagaimana diuraikan dari respons VAST.

Skema JSON log ADS

Berikut ini mencantumkan skema JSON untuk log AWS Elemental MediaTailor ADS.

{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "$id": "http://amazon.com/elemental/midas/mms/adsLogSchema.json", "type": "object", "title": "AWS Elemental MediaTailor ADS Log JSON Schema", "required": [ "eventType", "eventTimestamp", "requestId", "sessionType", "eventDescription", "awsAccountId", "customerId", "originId", "sessionId" ], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "eventType": { "$id": "#/properties/eventType", "type": "string", "description": "The code for the event that triggered this log message. Example: <code>VAST_RESPONSE</code>.", "examples": [ "FILLED_AVAIL" ] }, "eventTimestamp": { "$id": "#/properties/eventTimestamp", "type": "string", "description": "The date and time of the event.", "examples": [ "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" ], "format": "date-time" }, "requestId": { "$id": "#/properties/requestId", "type": "string", "description": "The MediaTailor request ID, which you can use to correlate multiple log entries for the same request.", "examples": [ "c7c7ae8c-a61e-44e0-8efd-7723995337a1" ], "pattern": "^(.*)$" }, "sessionType": { "$id": "#/properties/sessionType", "type": "string", "enum": [ "HLS", "DASH" ], "description": "The player's stream type." }, "eventDescription": { "$id": "#/properties/eventDescription", "type": "string", "description": "A short description of the event that triggered this log message, provided by the MediaTailor service. By default, this is empty. Example: <code>Got VAST response</code>.", "default": "", "examples": [ "Got VAST response" ], "pattern": "^(.*)$" }, "awsAccountId": { "$id": "#/properties/awsAccountId", "type": "string", "description": "The AWS account ID for the MediaTailor configuration that was used for the session." }, "customerId": { "$id": "#/properties/customerId", "type": "string", "description": "The hashed version of the AWS account ID, which you can use to correlate multiple log entries.", "pattern": "^(.*)$" }, "originId": { "$id": "#/properties/originId", "type": "string", "description": "The configuration name from the MediaTailor configuration. This is different from the video content source, which is also part of the configuration.", "examples": [ "external-canary-dash-serverside-reporting-onebox" ], "pattern": "^(.*)$" }, "sessionId": { "$id": "#/properties/sessionId", "type": "string", "description": "The unique numeric identifier that MediaTailor assigned to the player session. All requests that a player makes for a session have the same session ID. Example: <code>e039fd39-09f0-46b2-aca9-9871cc116cde</code>.", "examples": [ "120b9873-c007-40c8-b3db-0f1bd194970b" ], "pattern": "^(.*)$" }, "avail": { "$id": "#/properties/avail", "type": "object", "title": "avail", "description": "Information about an avail that MediaTailor fills with ads. Currently, for the <code>FILLED_AVAIL</code> event type, this is the plan created by MediaTailor when it first encounters the avail. How the avail is eventually filled may vary from this plan, depending on how the content plays out. ", "required": [ "creativeAds", "originAvailDuration", "filledDuration", "fillRate", "driftMillisecondsAtAvailStart", "numAds", "slateAd", "availId" ], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "originAvailDuration": { "$id": "#/properties/avail/originAvailDuration", "type": "number", "description": "The duration of the avail as specified in the content stream from the origin (<code>CUE_OUT</code> or <code>SCTE</code>)." }, "filledDuration": { "$id": "#/properties/avail/filledDuration", "type": "number", "description": "The sum of the durations of all the ads inserted into the avail." }, "fillRate": { "$id": "#/properties/avail/fillRate", "type": "number", "description": "The rate at which the ads fill the avail duration, from 0.0 (for 0%) to 1.0 (for 100%)." }, "driftMillisecondsAtAvailStart": { "$id": "#/properties/avail/driftMillisecondsAtAvailStart", "type": "number", "description": "The cumulative drift at the beginning of this avail. A positive value implies that we are moving away from the live edge, a negative value implies that we are moving towards the live edge." }, "creativeAds": { "$id": "#/properties/avail/creativeAds", "type": "array", "description": "The ads that MediaTailor inserted into the avail.", "items": { "type": "object", "title": "creativeAd", "description": "Information about a single inserted ad.", "required": [ "uri", "creativeUniqueId", "adSystem", "adContent", "trackingEvents", "vastDuration", "transcodedAdDuration" ], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "uri": { "$ref": "#/definitions/adMezzanineUri" }, "creativeUniqueId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/creativeUniqueId" }, "adSystem": { "$ref": "#/definitions/adSystem" }, "adContent": { "$ref": "#/definitions/adContent" }, "trackingEvents": { "$ref": "#/definitions/trackingEvents" }, "vastDuration": { "$ref": "#/definitions/vastDuration" }, "transcodedAdDuration": { "$ref": "#/definitions/transcodedAdDuration" } } } }, "numAds": { "$id": "#/properties/avail/numAds", "type": "number", "description": "The number of ads that MediaTailor inserted into the avail." }, "slateAd": { "$id": "#/properties/avail/slateAd", "type": ["object", "null"], "title": "slateAd", "description": "Information about the slate ad, which MediaTailor uses to fill any unfilled segments in the avail.", "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "uri", "creativeUniqueId", "adContent", "transcodedAdDuration" ], "properties": { "uri": { "$ref": "#/definitions/adMezzanineUri" }, "creativeUniqueId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/creativeUniqueId" }, "adContent": { "$ref": "#/definitions/adContent" }, "transcodedAdDuration": { "$ref": "#/definitions/transcodedAdDuration" } } }, "availId": { "$id": "#/properties/avail/availId", "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier for this avail. For HLS, this is the media sequence number where the avail begins. For DASH, this is the period ID." }, "skippedAds": { "$id": "#/properties/avail/skippedAds", "type": "array", "description": "The ads that MediaTailor didn't insert, for reasons like <code>TRANSCODE_IN_PROGRESS</code> and <code>TRANSCODE_ERROR</code>.", "items": { "type": "object", "title": "skippedAd", "description": "Information about a single skipped ad.", "required": [ "creativeUniqueId", "adMezzanineUrl", "skippedReason", "vastDuration" ], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "creativeUniqueId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/creativeUniqueId" }, "adMezzanineUrl": { "type": "string", "description": "The mezzanine URL of the skipped ad." }, "skippedReason": { "type": "string", "description": "The code that indicates why the ad wasn't inserted. Example: <code>TRANSCODE_IN_PROGRESS</code>." }, "vastDuration": { "$ref": "#/definitions/vastDuration" }, "transcodedAdDuration": { "$ref": "#/definitions/transcodedAdDuration" }, "targetVariant": { "type": "object", "title": "targetVariant", "description": "The target variant of the source content. This key is present when an ad wasn't inserted due to the source content containing a variant that could not match to any variants present in this ad.", "required": [ "mediaProtocol", "mediaType", "bitrate", "mediaResolution", "codecs" ], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "mediaProtocol": { "type": "string", "description": "The media protocol of this variant, such as HLS.", "enum": [ "HLS", "DASH" ] }, "mediaType": { "type": "array", "description": "The media type of this variant, such as VIDEO.", "items": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "VIDEO", "AUDIO", "SUBTITLES", "TRICK_PLAY" ], "description": "Media type, such as VIDEO." } }, "bitrate": { "$ref": "#/definitions/bitrate" }, "mediaResolution": { "type": "object", "title": "mediaResolution", "description": "The media resolution of this variant.", "required": [ "width", "height" ], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "width": { "$ref": "#/definitions/width" }, "height": { "$ref": "#/definitions/height" } } }, "codecs": { "type": "array", "description": "The codecs of this variant.", "items": { "type": "string", "description": "Codec, such as avc1." } } } } } } }, "adBreakTrackingEvents": { "$id": "#properties/avail/adBreakTrackingEvents", "type": "object", "title": "adBreakTrackingEvents", "description": "VMAP/ad break tracking events and corresponding URL", "properties": { "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/adBreakTrackingEvents" } } } } }, "vastResponse": { "$id": "#/properties/vastResponse", "type": "object", "title": "vastResponse", "description": "Information about the VAST response that MediaTailor received from the ADS.", "required": [ "version", "vastAds", "errors", "nonLinearAdsList" ], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "version": { "$id": "#/properties/vastResponse/version", "type": "string", "description": "The VAST specification version, parsed from the <code>version</code> attribute of the <code>VAST</code> tag in the response.", "examples": [ "3.0" ], "pattern": "^(.*)$" }, "vastAds": { "$id": "#/properties/vastResponse/vastAds", "type": "array", "description": "The ads parsed from the VAST response.", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/vastAd" } }, "errors": { "$id": "#/properties/vastResponse/errors", "type": "array", "description": "The error URLs parsed from the <code>Error</code> tags in the VAST response.", "items": { "type": "string", "description": "A single error URL." } }, "nonLinearAdsList": { "$id": "#/properties/vastResponse/nonLinearAds", "type": "array", "description": "A list of NonLinearAds as they are read from the VAST response.", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonLinearAds" } } } }, "vastAd": { "$ref": "#/definitions/vastAd" }, "vodVastResponseTimeOffset": { "$id": "#/properties/vodVastResponseTimeOffset", "type": "number", "description": "The VMAP specific time offset for VOD ad insertion.", "examples": [ 5.0 ] }, "vodCreativeOffsets": { "$id": "#/properties/vodCreativeOffsets", "type": "object", "title": "vodCreativeOffsets", "description": "A map that indicates the time offsets in the manifest where MediaTailor will insert avails, based on the VMAP response.", "additionalProperties": { "type": "array", "$id": "#/properties/vodCreativeOffsets/entry", "description": "A mapping from a time offset in the manifest to a list of ads to insert at this time.", "items": { "type": "object", "$id": "#/properties/vodCreativeOffsets/entry/items", "title": "vodCreativeOffset", "description": "The list of ads to insert at the specified time offset.", "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "uri", "creativeUniqueId", "vastDuration", "transcodedAdDuration", "adContent", "trackingEvents" ], "properties": { "uri": { "$ref": "#/definitions/adMezzanineUri" }, "creativeUniqueId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/creativeUniqueId" }, "vastDuration": { "$ref": "#/definitions/vastDuration" }, "transcodedAdDuration": { "$ref": "#/definitions/transcodedAdDuration" }, "adContent": { "$ref": "#/definitions/adContent" }, "trackingEvents": { "$ref": "#/definitions/trackingEvents" } } } } }, "adsRequestUrl": { "$id": "#/properties/adsRequestUrl", "type": "string", "description": "The full URL of the ADS request made by MediaTailor." }, "adMarkers": { "$id": "#/properties/adMarkers", "type": "string", "description": "Found Ad Marker in the Manifest." }, "segmentationUpid": { "$id": "#/properties/segmentationUpid", "type": "string", "description": "Value of segmentation upid parsed from ad markers in manifest." }, "segmentationTypeId": { "$id": "#/properties/segmentationTypeId", "type": "integer", "description": "Value of segmentation typeId parsed from ad markers in manifest." }, "requestHeaders": { "$id": "#/properties/requestHeaders", "type": "array", "description": "The headers that MediaTailor included with the ADS request. Typically, the logs include these when a request to the ADS fails, to help with troubleshooting.", "items": { "type": "object", "title": "requestheaders", "description": "The name and value for a single header included in the ADS request.", "required": [ "name", "value" ], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the header." }, "value": { "type": "string", "description": "The value of the header." } } } }, "originalTargetUrl": { "$id": "#/properties/originalTargetUrl", "type": "string", "description": "The old URL to which MediaTailor was going to make a request." }, "updatedTargetUrl": { "$id": "#/properties/updatedTargetUrl", "type": "string", "description": "The new URL to which MediaTailor is making a request." }, "rawAdsResponse": { "$id": "#/properties/rawAdsResponse", "type": "string", "description": "Paginated ADS response as it's exactly returned to MediaTailor." }, "rawAdsResponseIndex": { "$id": "#/properties/rawAdsResponseIndex", "type": "integer", "description": "Integer value denoting this rawAdsResponse's index into the full ADS response. This value is used to order the paginated messages for this ADS response." } }, "__COMMENT_oneOf": "The oneOf section defines subtypes for our events. Subtypes can have different rules, including which fields are required. For more information, see https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/combining.html#oneof ", "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventAdMarkersFound" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventNonAdMarkerFound" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventMakingAdsRequest" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventModifiedTargetUrl" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventRawAdsResponse" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventVastResponse" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventFilledAvail" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventFilledOverlayAvail" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventErrorFiringBeaconFailed" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventWarningNoAdvertisements" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventUnknownHost" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventErrorAdsTimeout" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventErrorVastMissingOverlays" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventPlannedAvail" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventEmptyVastResponse" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventEmptyVmapResponse" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventErrorUnknown" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventVastRedirect" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventRedirectedVastResponse" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventErrorAdsMissingImpression" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventErrorAdsResponseParse" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventErrorAdsInvalidResponse" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventErrorDisallowedHost"}, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventPersonalizationDisabled"}, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventWarningDynamicVariableSubFailed"}, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventVodTimeBasedAvailPlanVastResponseForOffset" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/eventVodTimeBasedAvailPlanSuccess" } ], "definitions": { "eventAdMarkersFound": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventAdMarkersFound", "required": [ "eventType", "adMarkers" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "AD_MARKER_FOUND" } } }, "eventNonAdMarkerFound": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventNonAdMarkerFound", "required": [ "eventType", "adMarkers" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "NON_AD_MARKER_FOUND" } } }, "eventMakingAdsRequest": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventMakingAdsRequest", "required": [ "eventType", "adsRequestUrl" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "MAKING_ADS_REQUEST" } } }, "eventModifiedTargetUrl": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventModifiedTargetUrl", "required": [ "eventType", "originalTargetUrl", "updatedTargetUrl" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "MODIFIED_TARGET_URL" } } }, "eventRawAdsResponse": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventRawAdsResponse", "required": [ "eventType", "rawAdsResponse", "rawAdsResponseIndex" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "RAW_ADS_RESPONSE" } } }, "eventVastResponse": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventVastResponse", "_comment": "NOTE: the vastResponse property should ideally be marked as a required field for this event, but unfortunately, in the case of an empty vast response, we currently emit an EMPTY_VAST_RESPONSE followed by a VAST_RESPONSE, and the vastResponse property is not present in the latter. We need to fix this so that we don't emit both of those events in the empty response case, and update this schema to flag vastResponse as required for VAST_RESPONSE.", "required": [ "eventType" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "VAST_RESPONSE" } } }, "eventFilledAvail": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventFilledAvail", "required": [ "eventType", "avail" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "FILLED_AVAIL" } } }, "eventFilledOverlayAvail": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventFilledOverlayAvail", "required": [ "eventType", "avail" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "FILLED_OVERLAY_AVAIL" } } }, "eventErrorVastMissingOverlays": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventErrorVastMissingOverlays", "required": [ "eventType", "adsRequestUrl", "requestHeaders" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "ERROR_VAST_MISSING_OVERLAYS" } } }, "eventErrorFiringBeaconFailed": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventErrorFiringBeaconFailed", "required": [ "eventType", "error", "beaconInfo" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "ERROR_FIRING_BEACON_FAILED" } } }, "eventWarningNoAdvertisements": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventWarningNoAdvertisements", "required": [ "eventType" ], "_comment": "We should really have a more descriptive error field for these events", "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "WARNING_NO_ADVERTISEMENTS" } } }, "eventUnknownHost": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventUnknownHost", "required": [ "eventType", "requestHeaders" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST" } } }, "eventErrorAdsTimeout": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventErrorAdsTimeout", "required": [ "eventType", "adsRequestUrl", "requestHeaders" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "ERROR_ADS_TIMEOUT" } } }, "eventPlannedAvail": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventPlannedAvail", "required": [ "eventType" ], "_comment": "TODO: Flesh this out as we implement it", "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "PLANNED_AVAIL" } } }, "eventEmptyVastResponse": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventEmptyVastResponse", "required": [ "eventType" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "EMPTY_VAST_RESPONSE" } } }, "eventEmptyVmapResponse": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventEmptyVmapResponse", "required": [ "eventType" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "EMPTY_VMAP_RESPONSE" } } }, "eventErrorUnknown": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventErrorUnknown", "required": [ "eventType" ], "_comment": "TODO: we should have a field for the exception message or something", "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "ERROR_UNKNOWN" } } }, "eventVastRedirect": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventVastRedirect", "required": [ "eventType" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "VAST_REDIRECT" } } }, "eventRedirectedVastResponse": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventRedirectedVastResponse", "required": [ "eventType" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "REDIRECTED_VAST_RESPONSE" } }, "_comment": "NOTE that the property vastResponse is not required because empty vast responses do not contain a vastResponse." }, "eventErrorAdsResponseParse": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventErrorAdsResponseParse", "required": [ "eventType" ], "_comment": "We should have a field with an error message here", "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "ERROR_ADS_RESPONSE_PARSE" } } }, "eventErrorAdsInvalidResponse": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventErrorAdsInvalidResponse", "required": [ "eventType", "additionalInfo" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "ERROR_ADS_INVALID_RESPONSE" } } }, "eventErrorAdsMissingImpression": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventErrorAdsMissingImpression", "required": [ "eventType" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "ERROR_VAST_MISSING_IMPRESSION" } } }, "eventErrorDisallowedHost": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventErrorDisallowedHost", "required": [ "eventType" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "ERROR_DISALLOWED_HOST" } } }, "eventPersonalizationDisabled": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventPersonalizationDisabled", "required": [ "eventType" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "ERROR_PERSONALIZATION_DISABLED" } } }, "eventWarningDynamicVariableSubFailed": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventWarningDynamicVariableSubFailed", "required": [ "eventType", "adsRequestUrl" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "WARNING_URL_VARIABLE_SUBSTITUTION_FAILED" } } }, "eventVodTimeBasedAvailPlanVastResponseForOffset": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventVodTimeBasedAvailPlanVastResponseForOffset", "required": [ "eventType", "vastResponse" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "VOD_TIME_BASED_AVAIL_PLAN_VAST_RESPONSE_FOR_OFFSET" } } }, "eventVodTimeBasedAvailPlanSuccess": { "$id": "#/definitions/eventVodTimeBasedAvailPlanSuccess", "required": [ "eventType", "vodCreativeOffsets" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "string", "const": "VOD_TIME_BASED_AVAIL_PLAN_SUCCESS" } } }, "creativeUniqueId": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier for the ad, used as a key for transcoding. This is the ID field for the creative in the VAST response, if available. Otherwise, it's the mezzanine URL of the ad. " }, "adSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The value of the <code>AdSystem</code> tag in the VAST response. " }, "vastDuration": { "type": "number", "description": "The duration of the ad, as parsed from the VAST response." }, "transcodedAdDuration": { "type": "number", "description": "The duration of the ad, calculated from the transcoded asset." }, "adContent": { "$id": "#/properties/adContent", "type": ["object", "null"], "title": "adContent", "description": "Information about the content of the inserted ad.", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "adPlaylistUris": { "$id": "#/properties/adContent/adPlaylistUris", "type": "object", "title": "adPlaylistUris", "description": "The mapping from the origin manifest for a variant to the ad manifest for the variant. For DASH, this contains a single entry, because all variants are represented in a single DASH manifest. ", "additionalProperties": { "$id": "#/properties/adContent/adPlaylistUris/adPlaylistUri", "type": "string", "description": "The URL of the ad manifest for the specific variant." } } } }, "adMezzanineUri": { "type": "string", "description": "The URL of the mezzanine version of the ad, which is the input to the transcoder." }, "bitrate": { "type": "integer", "examples": [ 533 ], "description": "The bitrate." }, "width": { "type": "integer", "examples": [ 1280 ], "description": "Width in pixels." }, "height": { "type": "integer", "examples": [ 720 ], "description": "Height in pixels." }, "trackingEvents": { "type": "object", "title": "trackingEvents", "description": "The tracking beacon URLs for the various tracking events for the ad. The keys are the event names, and the values are a list of beacon URLs.", "additionalProperties": { "type": "array", "description": "The list of beacon URLs for the specified tracking event (impression, complete, and so on)", "items": { "type": "string", "description": "The beacon URLs for this tracking event." } } }, "nonLinearAds": { "$id": "#/properties/nonLinearAds", "type": "object", "title": "nonLinearAds", "description": "A NonLinearAds as it appears in the VAST response.", "required": [ "nonLinearAdList", "nonLinearTrackingEvents" ], "properties": { "nonLinearAdList": { "type": "array", "description": "List of non linear ads as they exist within one NonLinearAds.", "items": { "type": "object", "title": "nonLinearAdList", "description": "List of NonLinearAd as they are parsed from its parent NonLinearAds.", "properties": { "nonLinearAdId": { "type": "string", "description": "Ad ID of this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearAdSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "Ad system of this non linear ad's parent Inline ad." }, "nonLinearAdTitle": { "type": "string", "description": "Ad title of this non linear ad's parent Inline ad." }, "nonLinearCreativeId": { "type": "string", "description": "Creative ID of this non linear ad's parent Creative ad." }, "nonLinearCreativeAdId": { "type": "string", "description": "Creative ad ID of this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearCreativeSequence": { "type": "string", "description": "Creative sequence of this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearWidth": { "type": "string", "description": "Width of this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearHeight": { "type": "string", "description": "Height of this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearExpandedWidth": { "type": "string", "description": "Expanded width of this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearExpandedHeight": { "type": "string", "description": "Expanded height of this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearScalable": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Boolean denoting if this non linear ad is scalable." }, "nonLinearMaintainAspectRatio": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Boolean denoting if aspect ratio should be maintained for this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearMinSuggestedDuration": { "type": "string", "description": "Min suggested duration for this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearApiFramework": { "type": "string", "description": "API framework for this non linear ad's parent Inline ad." }, "nonLinearStaticResource": { "type": "string", "description": "Static resource for this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearStaticResourceCreativeType": { "type": "string", "description": "Static Resource creative type for this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearIFrameResource": { "type": "string", "description": "I-Frame resource for this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearHtmlResource": { "type": "string", "description": "HTML resource for this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearAdParameters": { "type": "string", "description": "Ad parameters for this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearClickThrough": { "type": "string", "description": "Click Through data for this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearClickTracking": { "type": "string", "description": "Click Tracking data for this non linear ad." }, "nonLinearClickTrackingId": { "type": "string", "description": "Click Tracking ID for this non linear ad." } } } }, "nonLinearTrackingEvents": { "$ref": "#/definitions/trackingEvents" }, "extensions": { "$id": "#/properties/nonLinearAds/extensions", "type": "array", "description": "Extensions that exist for this NonLinearAds.", "items": { "$id": "#/properties/nonLinearAds/extensions/items", "type": "object", "title": "Extensions", "description": "Extensions found in non linear ads", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "extensionType": { "$id": "#/properties/nonLinearAds/extensions/extensionType", "type": "string", "description": "The value of the extension type attribute of the <code>Extensions</code> tag.", "examples": [ "FreeWheel" ] }, "extensionContent": { "$id": "#/properties/nonLinearAds/extensions/extensionContent", "type": "string", "description": "The extension content attribute of the <code>Extensions</code> tag.", "examples": [ "progressive" ] } } } } } }, "adBreakTrackingEvents": { "$id": "#/properites/adBreakTrackingEvents", "type": "object", "title": "adBreakTrackingEvents", "description": "These are all VMAP ad break tracking events.", "additionalProperties": { "type": "array", "description": "VMAP/ad break tracking events and corresponding URL", "items": { "type": "string", "description": "The beacon URLs for this tracking event." } } }, "vastAd": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd", "type": "object", "title": "vastAd", "description": "Information about a single ad parsed from the VAST response.", "required": [ "vastAdId", "adSystem", "adTitle", "creativeId", "creativeAdId", "duration", "vastMediaFiles", "trackingEvents" ], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "vastAdId": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd/vastAdId", "type": "string", "description": "The value of the id attribute of the <code>Ad</code> tag in the VAST response", "examples": [ "ad1" ] }, "adSystem": {"$ref": "#/definitions/adSystem" } , "adTitle": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd/adTitle", "type": "string", "description": "The media files that are available for the ad in the VAST response.", "examples": [ "External NCA1C1L1 LinearInlineSkippable" ] }, "creativeId": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd/creativeId", "type": "string", "description": "The value of the id attribute of the <code>Creative</code> tag in the VAST response.", "examples": [ "creative1" ] }, "creativeAdId": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd/creativeAdId", "type": "string", "description": "The value of the adId attribute of the <code>Creative</code> tag in the VAST response." }, "duration": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd/duration", "type": "number", "description": "The approximate duration of the ad, based on the <code>duration</code> tag in the <code>linear</code> element of the VAST response.", "examples": [ 30, 30.0 ] }, "vastMediaFiles": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd/vastMediaFiles", "type": "array", "description": "The list of available media files for the ad in the VAST response.", "items": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd/vastMediaFiles/items", "type": "object", "title": "vastMediaFile", "description": "Information about a media file for the ad.", "required": [ "uri", "id", "delivery", "type", "apiFramework", "width", "height", "bitrate" ], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "uri": { "$ref": "#/definitions/adMezzanineUri" }, "id": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd/vastMediaFiles/items/properties/id", "type": "string", "description": "The value of the id attribute of the <code>MediaFile</code> tag.", "examples": [ "GDFP" ] }, "delivery": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd/vastMediaFiles/items/properties/delivery", "type": "string", "description": "The protocol used for the media file, set to either progressive or streaming.", "examples": [ "progressive" ] }, "type": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd/vastMediaFiles/items/properties/type", "type": "string", "description": "The MIME type of the media file, taken from the type attribute of the <code>MediaFile</code> tag.", "examples": [ "video/mp4" ] }, "apiFramework": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd/vastMediaFiles/items/properties/apiFramework", "type": "string", "description": "The API framework needed to manage the media file. Example: <code>VPAID</code>." }, "width": { "$ref": "#/definitions/width" }, "height": { "$ref": "#/definitions/height" }, "bitrate": { "$ref": "#/definitions/bitrate" } } } }, "trackingEvents": { "$ref": "#/definitions/trackingEvents" }, "vastAdTagUri": { "$id": "#/properties/vastAd/vastAdTagUri", "type": "string", "description": "The VMAP-specific redirect URI for an ad.", "examples": [ "https://ads.redirect.com/redirect1" ] } } } } }

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