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Managed AWS Migration Hub automation units

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Managed AWS Migration Hub automation units - AWS Migration Hub
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The AWS Migration Hub Automation feature is in preview release. It is available in US East (N. Virginia). To use this feature, you must set your AWS Region to US East (N. Virginia). You must also set the AWS Migration Hub home Region to US East (N. Virginia). For instructions on how to set the AWS Migration Hub home Region, see Managing your AWS Migration Hub home Region.

This is pre-release documentation. Both the AWS Migration Hub Automation feature and the documentation are subject to change.

This topic describes the automation units that AWS Migration Hub provides. These units are referred to as managed automation units. This topic also describes the prerequisites for running a managed automation unit.

Prerequisites for running managed automation units


This automation unit uses the MGN connector to install AWS Replication Agent on source servers. The unit performs the following actions:

  1. It registers source servers with the MGN connector.

  2. It registers credentials with source servers.

  3. It verifies required IAM roles exist in the account.

  4. It verifies the prerequisites that are required to install the AWS Replication Agent on the source servers.

  5. It installs the AWS Replication Agent agent on the source servers.


  1. Ensure that your source servers meet the requirements for installing the AWS Replication Agent. For details, see Installation requirements .

  2. Prepare Application Migration Service import file and import it to Application Migration Service:

    • Create an import file in the CSV format that contains the information about the servers that you want to migrate.

    • The import file must include the following fields: mgn:account-id, mgn:region , mgn:wave:name , mgn:wave:tag:[KEY] , mgn:wave:description , mgn:app:name , mgn:app:description , mgn:server:user-provided-id , mgn:server:platform , mgn:server:fqdn-for-action-framework , mgn:launch:instance-type , mgn:launch:placement:tenancy , mgn:launch:iam-instance-profile:name , mgn:launch:placement:host-id .

    • Import the CSV file to the Application Migration Service service by using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDK.

  3. Set up the MGN connector:

    • Navigate to the MGN service in the AWS Management Console.

    • Follow the instructions to download and install the MGN connector on a dedicated Linux server.

    • Configure the connector to connect to the MGN service.

  4. Store source servers credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret:

    • Follow the instructions described in Register server credentials to create a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager that stores the credentials for the source servers.

    • Make sure to add the AWSApplicationMigrationServiceManaged tag to the secret.

    • The Application Migration Service service will use the stored credentials in order to connect to the source servers and perform actions on them during the migration process.


Parameter name Description Type Required?
WaveARN Application Migration Service wave ARN string True
ApplicationARNs List of Application Migration Service application ARNs. array False
ConnectorArn Application Migration Service connector ARN to use for the Application Migration Service rehost. string True
CredentialsSecretArn Secret ARN containing the credentials for the source servers in scope. string True


Run this unit after you install the replication agent on the source servers.

After you install the replication agent on the source machines, you monitor the status of data replication and resolve issues like permissions or network performance. This managed unit retries every 10 minutes until the status of every server in the wave changes to Continuous Data Replication.

Depending on the amount of data to replicate on the provided source servers, replication can take several days.


Parameter name Description Type Required?
WaveARN Application Migration Service wave ARN string True
ApplicationARNs List of Application Migration Service application ARNs. array False


After you add all of your source servers and configure their launch settings, you are ready to launch a test instance. To verify that your applications can function properly within the AWS environment, it is crucial that you test the migration of your source servers to AWS before you initiate a cutover.

Before you run this automation unit, ensure that ReplicationStatus is healthy.


Parameter name Description Type Required?
WaveARN Application Migration Service wave ARN string True
ApplicationARNs List of Application Migration Service application ARNs. array False


After you launch your test instances, go to the Amazon EC2 console and use SSH or RDP to connect to your test instances and ensure that the instances are functioning correctly. If you are done with your testing and are ready for cutover, you can finalize the test. This will change your migration lifecycle status of your source servers to Ready for cutover, indicating that all testing is complete and that these servers are now ready for cutover.

Before you run this automation unit, make sure that you have finished your testing and that you are ready for cutover.


Parameter name Description Type Required?
WaveARN Application Migration Service wave ARN string True
ApplicationARNs List of Application Migration Service application ARNs. array False


This automation unit starts and verifies the completion of an Application Migration Service job that terminates launched Amazon EC2 test and cutover instances.

This unit does not work for any source server whose lifecycle state is TESTING, CUTTING_OVER, or CUTOVER.


Parameter name Description Type Required?
WaveARN Application Migration Service wave ARN string True
ApplicationARNs List of Application Migration Service application ARNs. array False


After you add all of your source servers and configure their launch settings, you are ready to launch a test instance. To verify that your applications can function properly within the AWS environment, it is crucial that you test the migration of your source servers to AWS before you initiate a cutover.

It is a best practice to perform a test at least two weeks before you plan to migrate your source servers. This time frame allows you to identify potential problems and solve them before the actual migration takes place.


Parameter name Description Type Required?
WaveARN Application Migration Service wave ARN string True
ApplicationARNs List of Application Migration Service application ARNs. array False


After you perform a successful cutover and complete the migration, this automation unit changes the migration lifecycle status of your source servers to Cutover complete. This status indicates that the migration was successful. This unit also stops data replication and causes all replicated data to be discarded. All AWS resources used for data replication will be terminated.

To ensure that your cutover instances are functioning correctly after you launch them, go to the Amazon EC2 console and use SSH or RDP to connect to the instances. Validate connectivity, and perform acceptance tests for your application.


Parameter name Description Type Required?
WaveARN Application Migration Service wave ARN string True
ApplicationARNs List of Application Migration Service application ARNs. array False


This automation unit archives source servers by removing them from the main AWS Application Migration Service (Application Migration Service) source servers page. Archiving allows you to focus on source servers that haven't yet been cut over.

Ensure that the servers that you plan to archive have launched cutover instances.


Parameter name Description Type Required?
WaveARN Application Migration Service wave ARN string True
ApplicationARNs List of Application Migration Service application ARNs. array False
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