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AWS Partner CRM connector - AWS Partner Central
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AWS Partner CRM connector


The AWS Partner Customer Relationship Management (CRM) connector offers a no-code solution to integrate Salesforce with AWS. With this integration, you can manage cosales activities within your Salesforce environment while collaborating with AWS services. The connector also offers the ability for you to integrate with AWS Marketplace. This guide helps you set up and use the AWS Partner CRM connector.


AWS Partner integration engineering offers a new AWS managed package for AWS Partners who use Salesforce CRM. With this CRM connector for Salesforce, AWS Partners can install a managed package directly on their Salesforce organization instead of developing and maintaining custom code for the CRM integration. This CRM connector package is a no-code solution for partners to scale their lead and opportunity pipeline management, as well as their AWS Marketplace business, and is available for free from the Salesforce app exchange.

AWS Partner CRM connector application

You can install, upgrade, and uninstall the AWS Partner CRM connector application from the Salesforce App Exchange.

Installing the AWS Partner CRM connector package
  1. Navigate to AWS Partner CRM connector.

  2. Choose Get it now.

  3. Choose Install in sandbox.

  4. Confirm the installation details.

  5. Choose Install for administrators only.

  6. Choose Install. The package installation takes a few minutes to complete.

Upgrading the AWS Partner CRM connector package

Before upgrading the AWS Partner CRM connector package in your production Salesforce organization, refer to ACE integration and AWS Marketplace integration transisition recommendations and plan for sandbox testing.

  1. Navigate to AWS Partner CRM connector.

  2. Choose Get it now.

  3. Choose Install in sandbox.

  4. Confirm the installation details.

  5. Choose Install for administrators only.

  6. Choose Upgrade.


    To upgrade from a previous version of the connector, first upgrade the connector in your Salesforce organization, then complete the procedures in Upgrading from previous versions.

Confirming AWS Partner CRM connector installation
  • To confirm package installation or upgrade, choose Home, Apps, Packaging, Installed Packages.

Uninstalling the CRM connector package

Before uninstalling the AWS Partner Central CRM connector, remove any user ACE integration permission sets and AWS Marketplace integration permission sets.

Uninstalling the package
  1. Choose Home, Apps, Packaging, Installed Packages.

  2. Choose Uninstall.

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