Use CLI skeleton files - Amazon QuickSight

Use CLI skeleton files

To run AWS CLI commands that require long and complicated strings, you can generate CLI skeleton files . A CLI skeleton is a JSON file that provides you with an outline, or skeleton, of the command that you want to run. You can use a CLI skeleton file for every QuickSight command, but skeleton files are most useful when using Create or Update commands.

Generate a CLI skeleton file

To generate a CLI skeleton file, enter the following command into your terminal.

aws quicksight OPERATION --generate-cli-skeleton

A JSON file that contains a skeleton of the command that you want to run then appears in your terminal. Enter the required input values and save the file. The following example shows a cli example that is generated for the UpdateDashboardPermissions API.

$ aws quicksight update-dashboard-permissions --generate-cli-skeleton { "AwsAccountId": "", "DashboardId": "", "GrantPermissions":[ { "Principal": "", "Actions": [ "" ] } ], "RevokePermissions": [ { "Principal": "", "Actions": [ "" ] } ] }

Enter the following to make a CLI command using the saved skeleton file.

aws quicksight COMMAND --cli-input-json file://filename.json

You can update and reuse CLI skeleton files to run future commands.

Operations that skeleton files are most useful for

You can use a CLI skeleton file for every command in Amazon QuickSight. However, skeleton files are most useful for commands that require long or complicated string inputs, such as a permissions update.

Following is a list of QuickSight operations where we recommend using a CLI skeleton file:

IAM policy assignment operations
Ingestion operations
Namespace operations
Template alias operations
Theme alias permissions
User operations