CreateGroupMembership - Amazon QuickSight


Use the CreateGroupMembership API operation to add an Amazon QuickSight user to a QuickSight group. You can find users in a certain group by calling the ListGroups API operation, and then the ListGroupMemberships API operation on the group of your choice.

Following is an example AWS CLI command for this operation. In the following examples, the member USERNAME is added to the group GROUPNAME.

aws quicksight create-group-membership --namespace default --aws-account-id AWSACCOUNTID --group-name GROUPNAME --member-name USERNAME

You can also make this command using a CLI skeleton file with the following command. For more information about CLI skeleton files, see Use CLI skeleton files.

aws quicksight create-group-membership --cli-input-json file://creategroupmembership.json

For more information about the CreateGroupMembership API operation, see CreateGroupMembership in the Amazon QuickSight API Reference.