What is recovery control configuration in Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC)? - Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller

What is recovery control configuration in Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC)?

Welcome to the Recovery Control Configuration API Reference Guide for Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC).

With recovery control configuration in ARC, you can use extremely reliable routing control to enable you to recover applications by rerouting traffic, for example, across Availability Zones or Regions. Routing controls are simple on/off switches hosted on a ARC cluster. You integrate your routing controls with Amazon RouteĀ 53 health checks that are configured with DNS records. Then, to implement failover, you turn one routing control on and another one off to reroute traffic from one Availability Zone or AWS Region to another.

When you create routing controls, you add them to a control panel. All routing controls are grouped on control panels. You can use the default control panel that is created for each cluster, or create your own custom control panels. You must create a cluster before you can create a routing control or control panel.

After you create routing controls, you can create safety rules to put safeguards in place when you reroute traffic. Safety rules can help you avoid unintentional consequences, like turning two routing controls off at once and stopping all traffic flow.


ARC is a global service that supports endpoints in multiple AWS Regions but you must specify the US West (Oregon) Region when you work with readiness and recovery control configuration resources, for example, to create readiness checks or routing controls. In addition, you must specify regional endpoints when you work with API cluster operations to update routing control states to reroute traffic for failover.

For more information about ARC, see the following: