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PublishBatch - Amazon Simple Notification Service
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Publishes up to 10 messages to the specified topic in a single batch. This is a batch version of the Publish API. If you try to send more than 10 messages in a single batch request, you will receive a TooManyEntriesInBatchRequest exception.

For FIFO topics, multiple messages within a single batch are published in the order they are sent, and messages are deduplicated within the batch and across batches for five minutes.

The result of publishing each message is reported individually in the response. Because the batch request can result in a combination of successful and unsuccessful actions, you should check for batch errors even when the call returns an HTTP status code of 200.

The maximum allowed individual message size and the maximum total payload size (the sum of the individual lengths of all of the batched messages) are both 256 KB (262,144 bytes).


The PublishBatch API can send up to 10 messages at a time. If you attempt to send more than 10 messages in one request, you will encounter a TooManyEntriesInBatchRequest exception. In such cases, split your messages into multiple requests, each containing no more than 10 messages.

Some actions take lists of parameters. These lists are specified using the param.n notation. Values of n are integers starting from 1. For example, a parameter list with two elements looks like this:



If you send a batch message to a topic, Amazon SNS publishes the batch message to each endpoint that is subscribed to the topic. The format of the batch message depends on the notification protocol for each subscribed endpoint.

When a messageId is returned, the batch message is saved, and Amazon SNS immediately delivers the message to subscribers.

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.


A list of PublishBatch request entries to be sent to the SNS topic.

Type: Array of PublishBatchRequestEntry objects

Required: Yes


The Amazon resource name (ARN) of the topic you want to batch publish to.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Response Elements

The following elements are returned by the service.


A list of failed PublishBatch responses.

Type: Array of BatchResultErrorEntry objects


A list of successful PublishBatch responses.

Type: Array of PublishBatchResultEntry objects


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.

HTTP Status Code: 403


Two or more batch entries in the request have the same Id.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The length of all the batch messages put together is more than the limit.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The batch request doesn't contain any entries.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Exception error indicating endpoint disabled.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Indicates an internal service error.

HTTP Status Code: 500


The Id of a batch entry in a batch request doesn't abide by the specification.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The credential signature isn't valid. You must use an HTTPS endpoint and sign your request using Signature Version 4.

HTTP Status Code: 403


The ciphertext references a key that doesn't exist or that you don't have access to.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The request was rejected because the specified AWS KMS key isn't enabled.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The request was rejected because the state of the specified resource isn't valid for this request. For more information, see Key states of AWS KMS keys in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The request was rejected because the specified entity or resource can't be found.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The AWS access key ID needs a subscription for the service.

HTTP Status Code: 403


The request was denied due to request throttling. For more information about throttling, see Limits in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.

HTTP Status Code: 404


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Exception error indicating platform application disabled.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The batch request contains more entries than permissible (more than 10).

HTTP Status Code: 400


Indicates that a parameter in the request is invalid.

HTTP Status Code: 400

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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