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Software and architecture patterns - SaaS Lens
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Software and architecture patterns

SaaS SUS 1: How do you use deployment models (silo, bridge, pool) to align tenant consumption with resource utilization?
  • Best Practice–01: Have a good understanding of the key value and principles behind the silo, pool, and bridge models, including awareness how silo and pool strategies can be applied more granularly across the layers and services of your solution.

  • Best Practice–02: Understand the operational tradeoffs of each model. Build a unified onboarding, operations, and analytics experience spanning any of these models. 

  • Best Practice–03: Have a complete end-to-end automated tenant onboarding process that maps the tenancy models to the resources that are provisioned at each architecture layer or component. Also have detailed insights into the footprint and consumption costs and tradeoffs associated with each of these models

SaaS applications can be built using a variety of different architectural models. Regulatory, competitive, strategic, cost efficiency, and market considerations all influence the shape of your SaaS architecture. At the same time, there are strategies and patterns that can be applied when defining the footprint of the components within a SaaS application. These patterns—silo, bridge, and pool—can be applied in combinations to enable the most efficient consumption of infrastructure resources.

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