Use SiteWise Edge gateways - AWS IoT SiteWise

Use SiteWise Edge gateways

An AWS IoT SiteWise Edge gateway serves as the intermediary between your industrial equipment and AWS IoT SiteWise. The SiteWise Edge gateway runs on either AWS IoT Greengrass V2 or Siemens Industrial Edge. You can use a SiteWise Edge gateway to collect data at the edge and publish it to the cloud. For gateways running on AWS IoT Greengrass, you can also process data at the edge using asset models and assets.

SiteWise Edge gateways with AWS IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT SiteWise utilizes AWS IoT Greengrass V2 to enable self-hosted edge computing capabilities for industrial gateways. You can facilitate on-premises data collection and processing, which can enable you to perform real-time analytics and decision-making at the edge. This allows the SiteWise Edge gateway to aggregate, process, and analyze raw machine data on-premises before sending refined industrial data to the AWS Cloud. You can also use AWS OpsHub for AWS IoT SiteWise to manage your SiteWise Edge gateways and monitor on-site operations.

To get started with a self-hosted gateway using AWS IoT Greengrass V2, see Create a self-hosted SiteWise Edge gateway.

SiteWise Edge gateways on Siemens Industrial Edge

The AWS IoT SiteWise Edge application on Siemens Industrial Edge supports integration between industrial equipment and AWS IoT SiteWise. With Siemens Industrial Edge, you can aggregate and process raw machine data and run analyses locally before sending refined data to the AWS Cloud.

To get started with the AWS IoT SiteWise Edge gateway using Siemens Industrial Edge, see Host a SiteWise Edge gateway on Siemens Industrial Edge.

Monitoring edge gateways

For gateways with a data processing pack enabled, you can use AWS OpsHub for AWS IoT SiteWise to centrally manage your SiteWise Edge gateways. AWS OpsHub provides remote management and monitoring capabilities. For more information, see Manage SiteWise Edge gateways using AWS OpsHub for AWS IoT SiteWise.

Monitoring industrial equipment data on-premises

Monitor data locally in your facility using SiteWise Monitor portals on your local devices. For more information, see Enabling your portal at the edge.