Respond to alarms - AWS IoT SiteWise

Respond to alarms

When an AWS IoT Events alarm changes state, you can do the following to respond to the alarm:

  • Acknowledge an alarm to indicate that you are handling the issue.

  • Snooze an alarm to disable it temporarily.

  • Disable an alarm to disable it permanently until you enable it again.

  • Enable a disabled alarm to detect alarm state.

  • Reset an alarm to clear its state and latest value.

You can use the AWS IoT SiteWise console or the AWS IoT Events API to respond to an alarm.


You can respond to AWS IoT Events alarms, but not external alarms.

Respond to an alarm (console)

You can use the AWS IoT SiteWise console to acknowledge, snooze, disable, or enable an alarm.

Acknowledge an alarm (console)

You can acknowledge an alarm to indicate that you're handling the issue.


You must enable the acknowledge flow on the alarm so that you can acknowledge the alarm. This option is enabled by default if you define the alarm from the AWS IoT SiteWise console.

To acknowledge an alarm (console)
  1. Navigate to the AWS IoT SiteWise console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Assets.

  3. Choose the asset to for which you want to acknowledge an alarm.


    You can choose the arrow icon to expand an asset hierarchy to find your asset.

  4. Choose the Alarms tab.

  5. Select the alarm to acknowledge, and then choose Actions to open the response action menu.

  6. Choose Acknowledge. The alarm's state changes to Acknowledged.

Snooze an alarm (console)

You can snooze an alarm to disable it temporarily. Specify the duration for which to snooze the alarm.

To snooze an alarm (console)
  1. Navigate to the AWS IoT SiteWise console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Assets.

  3. Choose the asset to for which you want to snooze an alarm.


    You can choose the arrow icon to expand an asset hierarchy to find your asset.

  4. Choose the Alarms tab.

  5. Select the alarm to snooze, and then choose Actions to open the response action menu.

  6. Choose Snooze. A model opens where you specify the duration to snooze.

  7. Choose the Snooze length or enter a Custom snooze length.

  8. Choose Save. The alarm's state changes to Snoozed.

Disable an alarm (console)

You can disable an alarm so that it doesn't detect anymore. After you disable the alarm, you must enable it again if you want the alarm to detect.

To disable an alarm (console)
  1. Navigate to the AWS IoT SiteWise console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Assets.

  3. Choose the asset to for which you want to disable an alarm.


    You can choose the arrow icon to expand an asset hierarchy to find your asset.

  4. Choose the Alarms tab.

  5. Select the alarm to disable, and then choose Actions to open the response action menu.

  6. Choose Disable. The alarm's state changes to Disabled.

Enable an alarm (console)

You can enable an alarm to detect again after you disable or snooze it.

To enable an alarm (console)
  1. Navigate to the AWS IoT SiteWise console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Assets.

  3. Choose the asset to for which you want to enable an alarm.


    You can choose the arrow icon to expand an asset hierarchy to find your asset.

  4. Choose the Alarms tab.

  5. Select the alarm to enable, and then choose Actions to open the response action menu.

  6. Choose Enable. The alarm's state changes to Normal.

Reset an alarm (console)

You can reset an alarm to clear its state and latest value.

To reset an alarm (console)
  1. Navigate to the AWS IoT SiteWise console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Assets.

  3. Choose the asset to for which you want to reset an alarm.


    You can choose the arrow icon to expand an asset hierarchy to find your asset.

  4. Choose the Alarms tab.

  5. Select the alarm to enable, and then choose Actions to open the response action menu.

  6. Choose Reset. The alarm's state changes to Normal.

Respond to an alarm (API)

You can use the AWS IoT Events API to acknowledge, snooze, disable, enable, or reset an alarm. For more information, see the following operations in the AWS IoT Events API Reference:

For more information, see Responding to alarms in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide.