Device and service profiles can be defined to describe common device configurations. These profiles describe configuration parameters that are shared by devices to make it easier to add those devices. AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN supports device profiles and service profiles.
The configuration parameters and the values to enter into these profiles are provided by the device's manufacturer.
Add device profiles
Device profiles define the device capabilities and boot parameters that the network server uses to set the LoRaWAN radio access service. It includes selection of parameters such as LoRa frequency band, LoRa regional parameters version, and MAC version of the device. To learn about the different frequency bands, see Consider selection of LoRa frequency bands for your gateways and device connection.
Add a device profile by using the console
If you're adding a wireless device by using the console as described in
Add your wireless device
specification to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN using the console, after you've added
the wireless device specification, you can add your device profile.
Alternatively, you can also add wireless devices from the
You can choose from default device profiles or create a new device profile. We recommend that you use the default device profiles. If your application requires you to create a device profile, provide a Device profile name, select the Frequency band (RfRegion) that you're using for the device and gateway, and keep the other settings to the default values, unless specified otherwise in the device documentation.
Add a device profile by using the API
If you're adding a wireless device by using the API, you must create your device profile before creating the wireless device.
The following lists describe the API actions that perform the tasks associated with adding, updating, or deleting a service profile.
AWS IoT Wireless API actions for service profiles
For the complete list of the actions and data types available to create and manage AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN resources, see the AWS IoT Wireless API reference.
How to use the AWS CLI to create a device profile
You can use the AWS CLI to create a device profile by using the create-device-profile command. The following example creates a device profile.
aws iotwireless create-device-profile
Running this command automatically creates a device profile with an ID that you can use when creating the wireless device. You can now create the service profile using the following API and then create the wireless device by using the device and service profiles.
"Arn": "arn:aws:iotwireless:us-east-1:123456789012:DeviceProfile/12345678-a1b2-3c45-67d8-e90fa1b2c34d",
"Id": "12345678-a1b2-3c45-67d8-e90fa1b2c34d"
For information about the CLIs that you can use, see AWS CLI reference
Add service profiles
Service profiles describe the communication parameters the device needs to communicate with the application server.
When creating a service profile, you can specify that you want to use the public network instead of your own private LoRaWAN gateway. For more information, see Managing LoRaWAN traffic from public networks (Everynet).
Add a service profile using the console
If you're adding a wireless device using the console as described in Add your wireless device
specification to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN using the console, after you've added
the device profile, you can add your service profile. Alternatively, you can
also add wireless devices from the
We recommend that you leave the setting AddGWMetaData enabled so that you'll receive additional gateway metadata for each payload, such as RSSI and SNR for the data transmission.
Add a service profile using the API
If you're adding a wireless device using the API, you must first create your service profile before creating the wireless device.
The following lists describe the API actions that perform the tasks associated with adding, updating, or deleting a service profile.
AWS IoT Wireless API actions for service profiles
For the complete list of the actions and data types available to create and manage AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN resources, see the AWS IoT Wireless API reference.
How to use the AWS CLI to create a service profile
You can use the AWS CLI to create a service by using the create-service-profile command. The following example creates a service profile.
aws iotwireless create-service-profile
Running this command automatically creates a service profile with an ID that you can use when creating the wireless device. You can now create the wireless device by using the device and service profiles.
"Arn": "arn:aws:iotwireless:us-east-1:123456789012:ServiceProfile/12345678-a1b2-3c45-67d8-e90fa1b2c34d",
"Id": "12345678-a1b2-3c45-67d8-e90fa1b2c34d"