Error responses
This section provides reference information about Amazon S3 errors.
In general, S3 bucket owners are billed for requests with HTTP
200 OK
successful responses and HTTP4XX
client error responses. Bucket owners aren't billed for HTTP5XX
server error responses, such as HTTP503 Slow Down
errors. For more information on S3 error codes under HTTP3XX
status codes that aren't billed, see Billing for Amazon S3 error responses in the Amazon S3 User Guide. For more information about billing charges if your bucket is configured as a Requester Pays bucket, see How Requester Pays charges work in the Amazon S3 User Guide. -
SOAP support over HTTP is deprecated, but SOAP is still available over HTTPS. New Amazon S3 features are not supported for SOAP. Instead of using SOAP, we recommend that you use either the REST API or the AWS SDKs.
REST error responses
When an error occurs, the header information contains the following:
Content-Type: application/xml
An appropriate 3xx, 4xx, or 5xx HTTP status code
The body of the response also contains information about the error. The following sample error response shows the structure of response elements common to all REST error responses.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Error> <Code>NoSuchKey</Code> <Message>The resource you requested does not exist</Message> <Resource>/mybucket/myfoto.jpg</Resource> <RequestId>4442587FB7D0A2F9</RequestId> </Error>
The following table explains the REST error response elements.
Name | Description |
The error code is a string that uniquely identifies an error condition. It is meant to be read and understood by programs that detect and handle errors by type. For more information, see List of error codes. Type: String Ancestor: |
Container for all error elements. Type: Container Ancestor: None |
The error message contains a generic description of the error condition in English. It is intended for a human audience. Simple programs display the message directly to the end user if they encounter an error condition they don't know how or don't care to handle. Sophisticated programs with more exhaustive error handling and proper internationalization are more likely to ignore the error message. Type: String Ancestor: |
ID of the request associated with the error. Type: String Ancestor: |
The bucket or object that is involved in the error. Type: String Ancestor: |
Many error responses contain additional structured data meant to be read and understood by a
developer diagnosing programming errors. For example, if you send a Content-MD5 header
with a REST PUT request that doesn't match the digest calculated on the server, you
receive a BadDigest
error. The error response also includes as detail
elements the digest that the server calculated, and the digest that you told the server
to expect. During development, you can use this information to diagnose the error. In
production, a well-behaved program might include this information in its error
For information about general response elements, go to Error responses.
List of error codes
The following table lists Amazon S3 error codes.
Error code | Description | HTTP status code | SOAP fault code prefix |
AccessControlListNotSupported |
The bucket does not allow ACLs. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
AccessDenied |
Access Denied | 403 Forbidden |
Client |
AccessPointAlreadyOwnedByYou |
An access point with an identical name already exists in your account. | 409 Conflict |
Client |
AccountProblem |
There is a problem with your AWS account that prevents the operation from completing
successfully. For further assistance, see Contact Us |
403 Forbidden |
Client |
AllAccessDisabled |
All access to this Amazon S3 resource has been disabled. For further assistance, see Contact Us |
403 Forbidden |
Client |
The email address that you provided is associated with more than one account. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
The authorization header that you provided is not valid. | 400 Bad Request |
N/A |
The authorization query parameters that you provided are not valid. | 400 Bad Request |
N/A |
BadDigest |
The Content-MD5 or checksum value that you specified did not match what the server received. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
BucketAlreadyExists |
The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Specify a different name and try again. | 409 Conflict |
Client |
BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou |
The bucket that you tried to create already exists, and you own it. Amazon S3 returns this
error in all AWS Regions except in the US East (N. Virginia) Region
(us-east-1). For legacy compatibility, if you re-create an
existing bucket that you already own in us-east-1, Amazon S3
returns 200 OK and resets the bucket access control lists
(ACLs). For Amazon S3 on Outposts, the bucket that you tried to create already exists in your Outpost and you own it. |
Client |
BucketHasAccessPointsAttached |
The bucket you tried to delete has access points attached. Delete your access points before deleting your bucket. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
BucketNotEmpty |
The bucket that you tried to delete is not empty. | 409 Conflict |
Client |
ClientTokenConflict |
Your Multi-Region Access Point idempotency token was already used for a different request. | 409 Conflict |
Client |
ConnectionClosedByRequester |
Returned to the original caller when an error is encountered while reading the WriteGetObjectResponse body. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
ConditionalRequestConflict |
A conflicting operation occurred. If using PutObject you
can retry the request. If using multipart upload you should initiate another
CreateMultipartUpload request and re-upload each
part. |
409 Conflict |
Client |
CredentialsNotSupported |
This request does not support credentials. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
CrossLocationLoggingProhibited |
Cross-Region logging is not allowed. Buckets in one AWS Region cannot log information to a bucket in another Region. | 403 Forbidden |
Client |
DeviceNotActiveError |
The device is not currently active. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
EndpointNotFound |
Direct requests to the correct endpoint. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
EntityTooSmall |
Your proposed upload is smaller than the minimum allowed object size. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
EntityTooLarge |
Your proposed upload exceeds the maximum allowed object size. For more information, see Amazon Simple Storage Service endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
ExpiredToken |
The provided token has expired. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
IllegalLocationConstraintException |
This error might occur for the following reasons:
400 Bad Request |
Client |
The versioning configuration specified in the request is not valid. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
IncompleteBody |
You did not provide the number of bytes specified by the Content-Length HTTP header. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
IncorrectEndpoint |
The specified bucket exists in another Region. Direct requests to the correct endpoint. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
IncorrectNumberOfFilesInPostRequest |
POST requires exactly one file upload per request. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InlineDataTooLarge |
The inline data exceeds the maximum allowed size. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InternalError |
An internal error occurred. Try again. | 500 Internal Server Error |
Server |
InvalidAccessKeyId |
The AWS access key ID that you provided does not exist in our records. | 403 Forbidden |
Client |
InvalidAccessPoint |
The specified access point name or account is not valid. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidAccessPointAliasError |
The specified access point alias name is not valid. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidAddressingHeader |
You must specify the Anonymous role. | N/A | Client |
InvalidArgument |
This error might occur for the following reasons:
400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidBucketAclWithObjectOwnership |
Bucket cannot have ACLs set with ObjectOwnership's BucketOwnerEnforced setting. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidBucketName |
The specified bucket is not valid. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidBucketOwnerAWSAccountID |
The value of the expected bucket owner parameter must be an AWS account ID. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidBucketState |
The request is not valid for the current state of the bucket. | 409 Conflict |
Client |
InvalidDigest |
The Content-MD5 or checksum value that you specified is not valid. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidEncryptionAlgorithmError |
The encryption request that you specified is not valid. The valid value is
AES256 . |
400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidHostHeader |
The host headers provided in the request used the incorrect style addressing. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidHttpMethod |
The request is made using an unexpected HTTP method. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidLocationConstraint |
The specified location (Region) constraint is not valid. For more information about selecting a Region for your buckets, see Buckets overview. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidObjectState |
The operation is not valid for the current state of the object. | 403 Forbidden |
Client |
InvalidPart |
One or more of the specified parts could not be found. The part might not have been uploaded, or the specified entity tag might not have matched the part's entity tag. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidPartOrder |
The list of parts was not in ascending order. The parts list must be specified in order by part number. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidPayer |
All access to this object has been disabled. For further assistance, see Contact Us |
403 Forbidden |
Client |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
The content of the form does not meet the conditions specified in the policy document. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidRange |
The requested range is not valid for the request. Try another range. | 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable |
Client |
InvalidRequest |
This error might occur for the following reasons:
400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidSessionException |
Returned if the session doesn't exist anymore because it timed out or expired. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidSignature |
The request signature that the server calculated does not match the signature that you provided. Check your AWS secret access key and signing method. For more information, see Signing and authenticating REST requests. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidSecurity |
The provided security credentials are not valid. | 403 Forbidden |
Client |
InvalidSOAPRequest |
The SOAP request body is not valid. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidStorageClass |
The storage class that you specified is not valid. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidTargetBucketForLogging |
The target bucket for logging either does not exist, is not owned by you, or does not have the appropriate grants for the log-delivery group. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidToken |
The provided token is malformed or otherwise not valid. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
InvalidURI |
The specified URI couldn't be parsed. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
KeyTooLongError |
Your key is too long. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
KMS.DisabledException |
The request was rejected because the specified KMS key is not enabled. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
KMS.InvalidKeyUsageException |
The request was rejected for one of the following reasons:
For encrypting, decrypting, re-encrypting, and generating data keys, the KeyUsage must be ENCRYPT_DECRYPT. For signing and verifying messages, the KeyUsage must be SIGN_VERIFY. For generating and verifying message authentication codes (MACs), the KeyUsage must be GENERATE_VERIFY_MAC. For deriving key agreement secrets, the KeyUsage must be KEY_AGREEMENT. To find the KeyUsage of a KMS key, use the DescribeKey operation. To find the encryption or signing algorithms supported for a particular KMS key, use the DescribeKey operation. |
400 Bad Request |
Client |
KMS.KMSInvalidStateException |
The request was rejected because the state of the specified resource is not valid for this request.
This exception means one of the following:
400 Bad Request |
Client |
KMS.NotFoundException |
The request was rejected because the specified entity or resource could not be found. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
MalformedACLError |
The ACL that you provided was not well formed or did not validate against our published schema. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
The body of your POST request is not well-formed multipart/form-data. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
MalformedXML |
The XML that you provided was not well formed or did not validate against our published schema. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
MaxMessageLengthExceeded |
Your request was too large. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
MaxPostPreDataLengthExceededError |
Your POST request fields preceding the upload file were too large. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
MetadataTooLarge |
Your metadata headers exceed the maximum allowed metadata size. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
MethodNotAllowed |
The specified method is not allowed against this resource. | 405 Method Not Allowed |
Client |
MissingAttachment |
A SOAP attachment was expected, but none was found. | 400 Bad Request | Client |
MissingAuthenticationToken |
The request was not signed. | 403 Forbidden | Client |
MissingContentLength |
You must provide the Content-Length HTTP header. | 411 Length Required |
Client |
MissingRequestBodyError |
You sent an empty XML document as a request. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
MissingSecurityElement |
The SOAP 1.1 request is missing a security element. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
MissingSecurityHeader |
Your request is missing a required header. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
NoLoggingStatusForKey |
There is no such thing as a logging status subresource for a key. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
NoSuchAsyncRequest |
The specified request was not found. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
NoSuchBucket |
The specified bucket does not exist. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
NoSuchBucketPolicy |
The specified bucket does not have a bucket policy. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
NoSuchCORSConfiguration |
The specified bucket does not have a CORS configuration. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
NoSuchKey |
The specified key does not exist. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration |
The specified lifecycle configuration does not exist. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
NoSuchMultiRegionAccessPoint |
The specified Multi-Region Access Point does not exist. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
NoSuchObjectLockConfiguration |
The specified object does not have an ObjectLock configuration. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration |
The specified bucket does not have a website configuration. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
NoSuchTagSet |
The specified tag does not exist. |
404 Not Found |
Client |
NoSuchUpload |
The specified multipart upload does not exist. The upload ID might not be valid, or the multipart upload might have been aborted or completed. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
The version ID specified in the request does not match an existing version. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
NotDeviceOwnerError |
The device that generated the token is not owned by the authenticated user. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
NotImplemented |
A header that you provided implies functionality that is not implemented. | 501 Not Implemented |
Server |
NotModified |
The resource was not changed. | 304 Not Modified |
Server |
NoTransformationDefined |
No transformation found for this Object Lambda Access Point. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
NotSignedUp |
Your account is not signed up for the Amazon S3 service. You must sign up before you can use
Amazon S3. You can sign up at the following URL: |
403 Forbidden |
Client |
ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError |
The Object Lock configuration does not exist for this bucket. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
OwnershipControlsNotFoundError |
The bucket ownership controls were not found. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
OperationAborted |
A conflicting conditional operation is currently in progress against this resource. Try again. | 409 Conflict |
Client |
PermanentRedirect |
The bucket that you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Send all future requests to this endpoint. | 301 Moved Permanently |
Client |
PermanentRedirectControlError |
The API operation you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Send all future requests to this endpoint. | 301 Moved Permanently |
Client |
PreconditionFailed |
At least one of the preconditions that you specified did not hold. | 412 Precondition Failed |
Client |
Redirect |
Temporary redirect. You are being redirected to the bucket while the Domain Name System (DNS) server is being updated. | 307 Temporary Redirect |
Client |
RequestHeaderSectionTooLarge |
The request header and query parameters used to make the request exceed the maximum allowed size. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
RequestIsNotMultiPartContent |
A bucket POST request must be of the enclosure-type multipart/form-data. | 412 Precondition Failed |
Client |
RequestTimeout |
Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
RequestTimeTooSkewed |
The difference between the request time and the server's time is too large. | 403 Forbidden |
Client |
RequestTorrentOfBucketError |
Requesting the torrent file of a bucket is not permitted. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
ResponseInterrupted |
Returned to the original caller when an error is encountered while reading the WriteGetObjectResponse body. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
RestoreAlreadyInProgress |
The object restore is already in progress. | 409 Conflict |
Client |
ServerSideEncryptionConfigurationNotFoundError |
The server-side encryption configuration was not found. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
ServiceUnavailable |
Service is unable to handle request. | 503 Service Unavailable |
Server |
SignatureDoesNotMatch |
The request signature that the server calculated does not match the signature that you provided. Check your AWS secret access key and signing method. For more information, see REST Authentication and SOAP Authentication. | 403 Forbidden |
Client |
SlowDown |
Please reduce your request rate. | 503 Slow Down |
Server |
503 SlowDown |
Slow Down | 503 Slow Down |
Server |
TemporaryRedirect |
You are being redirected to the bucket while the Domain Name System (DNS) server is being updated. | 307 Temporary Redirect |
Client |
TokenCodeInvalidError |
The serial number and/or token code you provided is not valid. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
TokenRefreshRequired |
The provided token must be refreshed. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
TooManyAccessPoints |
You have attempted to create more access points than are allowed for an account. For more information, see Amazon Simple Storage Service endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
TooManyBuckets |
You have attempted to create more buckets than are allowed for an account. For more information, see Amazon Simple Storage Service endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
TooManyMultiRegionAccessPointregionsError |
You have attempted to create a Multi-Region Access Point with more Regions than are allowed for an account. For more information, see Amazon Simple Storage Service endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
TooManyMultiRegionAccessPoints |
You have attempted to create more Multi-Region Access Points than are allowed for an account. For more information, see Amazon Simple Storage Service endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
UnauthorizedAccessError |
Applicable in China Regions only. Returned when a request is made to a bucket that doesn't have an ICP license. For more information, see ICP Recordal |
403 Forbidden |
Client |
UnexpectedContent |
This request contains unsupported content. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
UnexpectedIPError |
Applicable in China Regions only. This request was rejected because the IP was unexpected. | 403 Forbidden |
Client |
UnsupportedArgument |
The request contained an unsupported argument. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
UnsupportedSignature |
The provided request is signed with an unsupported STS Token version or the signature version is not supported. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
UnresolvableGrantByEmailAddress |
The email address that you provided does not match any account on record. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
UserKeyMustBeSpecified |
The bucket POST request must contain the specified field name. If it is specified, check the order of the fields. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
NoSuchAccessPoint |
The specified access point does not exist. | 404 Not Found |
Client |
InvalidTag |
Your request contains tag input that is not valid. For example, your request might contain duplicate keys, keys or values that are too long, or system tags. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
MalformedPolicy |
Your policy contains a principal that is not valid. | 400 Bad Request |
Client |
List of SELECT Object Content Error Codes
Amazon S3 Select is no longer available to new customers. Existing customers of Amazon S3 Select can continue to use the feature as usual. Learn more
The following table contains special errors that SELECT Object Content
might return. For general information about Amazon S3 errors and a list of error codes, see
Error responses.
Error code | Description | HTTP status code | SOAP fault code prefix |
AmbiguousFieldName |
The field name matches to multiple fields in the file. Check the SQL expression and the file, and try again. | 400 | Client |
Busy |
The service is unavailable. Try again later. | 503 | Client |
CastFailed |
An attempt to convert from one data type to another using
CAST failed in the SQL expression. |
400 | Client |
ColumnTooLong |
The length of a column in the result is greater than
maxCharsPerColumn of 1 MB. |
400 | Client |
CSVEscapingRecordDelimiter |
A quoted record delimiter was found in the file. To allow quoted
record delimiters, set AllowQuotedRecordDelimiter to
'TRUE' . |
400 | Client |
CSVParsingError |
An error occurred while parsing the CSV file. Check the file and try again. | 400 | Client |
CSVUnescapedQuote |
An unescaped quote was found while parsing the CSV file. To allow
quoted record delimiters, set AllowQuotedRecordDelimiter to
'TRUE' . |
400 | Client |
EmptyRequestBody |
The request body cannot be empty. | 400 | Client |
EvaluatorBindingDoesNotExist |
A column name or a path provided does not exist in the SQL expression. | 400 | Client |
EvaluatorInvalidArguments |
There is an incorrect number of arguments in the function call in the SQL expression. | 400 | Client |
EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPattern |
The timestamp format string in the SQL expression is not valid. | 400 | Client |
EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbol |
The timestamp format pattern contains a symbol in the SQL expression that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbolForParsing |
The timestamp format pattern contains a valid format symbol that cannot be applied to timestamp parsing in the SQL expression. | 400 | Client |
EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternToken |
The timestamp format pattern contains a token in the SQL expression that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
EvaluatorLikePatternInvalidEscapeSequence |
An argument given to the LIKE expression was not
valid. |
400 | Client |
EvaluatorNegativeLimit |
LIMIT must not be negative. |
400 | Client |
EvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternDuplicateFields |
The timestamp format pattern contains multiple format specifiers representing the timestamp field in the SQL expression. | 400 | Client |
EvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternHourClockAmPmMismatch |
The timestamp format pattern contains a 12-hour hour of day format symbol but doesn't also contain an AM/PM field, or it contains a 24-hour hour of day format specifier and contains an AM/PM field in the SQL expression. | 400 | Client |
EvaluatorUnterminatedTimestampFormatPatternToken |
The timestamp format pattern contains an unterminated token in the SQL expression. | 400 | Client |
ExpressionTooLong |
The SQL expression is too long. The maximum byte-length for an SQL expression is 256 KB. | 400 | Client |
ExternalEvalException |
The query cannot be evaluated. Check the file and try again. | 400 | Client |
IllegalSqlFunctionArgument |
An illegal argument was used in the SQL function. | 400 | Client |
IncorrectSqlFunctionArgumentType |
An incorrect argument type was specified in a function call in the SQL expression. | 400 | Client |
IntegerOverflow |
An integer overflow or underflow occurred in the SQL expression. | 400 | Client |
InternalError |
An internal error occurred. | 500 | Client |
InvalidCast |
An attempt to convert from one data type to another using
CAST failed in the SQL expression. |
400 | Client |
InvalidColumnIndex |
The column index in the SQL expression is not valid. | 400 | Client |
InvalidCompressionFormat |
The file is not in a supported compression format. Only GZIP and BZIP2 are supported. | 400 | Client |
InvalidDataSource |
The data source type is not valid. Only CSV, JSON, and Parquet are supported. | 400 | Client |
InvalidDataType |
The SQL expression contains a data type that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
InvalidExpressionType |
The ExpressionType value is not valid. Only SQL
expressions are supported. |
400 | Client |
InvalidFileHeaderInfo |
The FileHeaderInfo value is not valid. Only
NONE , USE , and IGNORE are
supported. |
400 | Client |
InvalidJsonType |
The JsonType value is not valid. Only
DOCUMENT and LINES are supported. |
400 | Client |
InvalidKeyPath |
The key path in the SQL expression is not valid. | 400 | Client |
InvalidQuoteFields |
The QuoteFields value is not valid. Only
ALWAYS and ASNEEDED are supported. |
400 | Client |
InvalidRequestParameter |
The value of a parameter in the SelectRequest element is
not valid. Check the service API documentation and try again. |
400 | Client |
InvalidScanRange |
The provided scan range is not valid. | 400 | Client |
InvalidTableAlias |
The SQL expression contains a table alias that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
InvalidTextEncoding |
The encoding type is not valid. Only UTF-8 encoding is supported. | 400 | Client |
JSONParsingError |
An error occurred while parsing the JSON file. Check the file and try again. | 400 | Client |
LexerInvalidChar |
The SQL expression contains a character that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
LexerInvalidIONLiteral |
The SQL expression contains an operator that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
LexerInvalidLiteral |
The SQL expression contains an operator that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
LexerInvalidOperator |
The SQL expression contains a literal that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
LikeInvalidInputs |
The argument given to the LIKE clause in the SQL
expression is not valid. |
400 | Client |
MalformedXML |
The XML provided was not well formed or did not validate against our published schema. Check the service documentation and try again. | 400 | Client |
MaxOperatorsExceeded |
Failed to parse SQL expression, try reducing complexity. For example, reduce number of operators used. | 400 | Client |
MethodNotAllowed |
The specified method is not allowed against this resource. | 405 Method Not Allowed |
Client |
MissingRequiredParameter |
The SelectRequest entity is missing a required
parameter. Check the service documentation and try again. |
400 | Client |
MultipleDataSourcesUnsupported |
Multiple data sources are not supported. | 400 | Client |
NumberFormatError |
An error occurred while parsing a number. This error can be caused by underflow or overflow of integers. | 400 | Client |
ObjectSerializationConflict |
InputSerialization specifies more than one format (CSV,
JSON, or Parquet), or OutputSerialization specifies more
than one format (CSV or JSON). For InputSerialization and
OutputSerialization , you can specify only one format
for each. |
400 | Client |
OverMaxColumn |
The number of columns in the result is greater than the maximum allowable number of columns. | 400 | Client |
OverMaxParquetBlockSize |
The Parquet file is above the max row group size. | 400 | Client |
OverMaxRecordSize |
The length of a record in the input or result is greater than the
maxCharsPerRecord limit of 1 MB. |
400 | Client |
ParquetParsingError |
An error occurred while parsing the Parquet file. Check the file and try again. | 400 | Client |
ParquetUnsupportedCompressionCodec |
The specified Parquet compression codec is not supported. | 400 | Client |
ParseAsteriskIsNotAloneInSelectList |
Other expressions are not allowed in the SELECT list
when * is used without dot notation in the SQL
expression. |
400 | Client |
ParseCannotMixSqbAndWildcardInSelectList |
Cannot mix [] and * in the same expression
in a SELECT list in the SQL expression. |
400 | Client |
ParseCastArity |
The SQL expression CAST has incorrect arity. |
400 | Client |
ParseEmptySelect |
The SQL expression contains an empty SELECT
clause. |
400 | Client |
ParseExpected2TokenTypes |
The expected token in the SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseExpectedArgumentDelimiter |
The expected argument delimiter in the SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseExpectedDatePart |
The expected date part in the SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseExpectedExpression |
The expected SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseExpectedIdentForAlias |
The expected identifier for the alias in the SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseExpectedIdentForAt |
The expected identifier for AT name in the SQL
expression was not found. |
400 | Client |
ParseExpectedIdentForGroupName |
GROUP is not supported in the SQL expression. |
400 | Client |
ParseExpectedKeyword |
The expected keyword in the SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseExpectedLeftParenAfterCast |
The expected left parenthesis after CAST in the SQL
expression was not found. |
400 | Client |
ParseExpectedLeftParenBuiltinFunctionCall |
The expected left parenthesis in the SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseExpectedLeftParenValueConstructor |
The expected left parenthesis in the SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseExpectedMember |
The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of
400 | Client |
ParseExpectedNumber |
The expected number in the SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseExpectedRightParenBuiltinFunctionCall |
The expected right parenthesis character in the SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseExpectedTokenType |
The expected token in the SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseExpectedTypeName |
The expected type name in the SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseExpectedWhenClause |
The expected WHEN clause in the SQL expression was not
found. CASE is not supported. |
400 | Client |
ParseInvalidContextForWildcardInSelectList |
The use of * in the SELECT list in the SQL
expression is not valid. |
400 | Client |
ParseInvalidPathComponent |
The SQL expression contains a path component that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
ParseInvalidTypeParam |
The SQL expression contains a parameter value that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
ParseMalformedJoin |
JOIN is not supported in the SQL expression. |
400 | Client |
ParseMissingIdentAfterAt |
The expected identifier after the @ symbol in the SQL expression was not found. | 400 | Client |
ParseNonUnaryAgregateFunctionCall |
Only one argument is supported for aggregate functions in the SQL expression. | 400 | Client |
ParseSelectMissingFrom |
The SQL expression contains a missing FROM after the
SELECT list. |
400 | Client |
ParseUnExpectedKeyword |
The SQL expression contains an unexpected keyword. | 400 | Client |
ParseUnexpectedOperator |
The SQL expression contains an unexpected operator. | 400 | Client |
ParseUnexpectedTerm |
The SQL expression contains an unexpected term. | 400 | Client |
ParseUnexpectedToken |
The SQL expression contains an unexpected token. | 400 | Client |
ParseUnknownOperator |
The SQL expression contains an operator that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
ParseUnsupportedAlias |
The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of
400 | Client |
ParseUnsupportedCallWithStar |
Only COUNT with (*) as a parameter is
supported in the SQL expression. |
400 | Client |
ParseUnsupportedCase |
The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of
CASE . |
400 | Client |
ParseUnsupportedCaseClause |
The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of
CASE . |
400 | Client |
ParseUnsupportedLiteralsGroupBy |
The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of GROUP
BY . |
400 | Client |
ParseUnsupportedSelect |
The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of
400 | Client |
ParseUnsupportedSyntax |
The SQL expression contains unsupported syntax. | 400 | Client |
ParseUnsupportedToken |
The SQL expression contains an unsupported token. | 400 | Client |
TruncatedInput |
Object decompression failed. Check that the object is properly compressed using the format specified in the request. | 400 | Client |
UnauthorizedAccess |
You are not authorized to perform this operation. | 401 | Client |
UnrecognizedFormatException |
We encountered a record type that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
UnsupportedFunction |
We encountered an unsupported SQL function. | 400 | Client |
UnsupportedParquetType |
The specified Parquet type is not supported. | 400 | Client |
UnsupportedRangeHeader |
A range header is not supported for this operation. | 400 | Client |
UnsupportedScanRangeInput |
Scan range queries are not supported on this type of object. | 400 | Client |
UnsupportedSqlOperation |
We encountered an unsupported SQL operation. | 400 | Client |
UnsupportedSqlStructure |
We encountered an unsupported SQL structure. Check the SQL Reference. | 400 | Client |
UnsupportedStorageClass |
We encountered a storage class that is not supported. Only
ONEZONE_IA storage classes are supported. |
400 | Client |
UnsupportedSyntax |
We encountered syntax that is not valid. | 400 | Client |
UnsupportedTypeForQuerying |
Your query contains an unsupported type for comparison (e.g. verifying that a Parquet INT96 column type is greater than 0). | 400 | Client |
ValueParseFailure |
A timestamp parse failure occurred in the SQL expression. | 400 | Client |
List of Replication-related error codes
The following table contains special errors that the Replication
operation might return. For general information about Amazon S3 errors and a list of error
codes, see Error responses.
Error code | Description | HTTP status code | SOAP fault code prefix |
InvalidArgument |
This error might occur for the following reasons:
400 | Client |
InvalidRequest |
This error might occur for the following reasons:
400 | Client |
ReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError |
There is no replication configuration for this bucket. | 404 Not Found | Client |
List of Tagging-related error codes
The following table contains special errors that the TagResource
, UntagResource
, and ListTagsForResource
operations might return for Storage Lens groups. For
general information about general Amazon S3 errors and a list of error codes, see Error responses.
Error Code | Description | HTTP Status Code | SOAP Fault Code Prefix |
InvalidRequest |
The AWS Region in the resource ARN doesn't match the Region that's specified in this request. The AWS account in the resource ARN doesn't match the account ID that's specified in this request. The AWS partition in the resourceArn is invalid. |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidTag |
This request contains a tag key or value that isn't valid.
Valid characters include the following:
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
NoSuchResource |
The specified resource doesn't exist. |
404 Not Found |
Not supported |
TooManyTags |
The number of tags exceeds the limit of 50 tags. |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
List of Amazon S3 on Outposts error codes
The following table contains special errors that an Amazon S3 on Outposts operation might return. For general information about Amazon S3 errors and a list of error codes, see Error responses.
Error code | Description | HTTP status code | SOAP fault code prefix |
BadRequest |
The bucket is in a transitional state because of a previous deletion attempt. Try again later. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidRequest |
This error might occur for the following reasons:
400 Bad Request | Client |
InvalidOutpostState |
The request is not valid for the current state of the Outpost. |
409 Conflict | Not supported |
InvalidRequest |
The access point is not in a state where it can be deleted. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
NoSuchOutpost |
The specified Outpost does not exist. |
404 Not Found | Not supported |
UnsupportedOperation |
The specified action was not supported. |
404 Not Found | Not supported |
InsufficientCapacity |
Insufficient capacity. |
507 Insufficient Storage |
Not supported |
List of Amazon S3 Storage Lens error codes
The following table contains special errors that Amazon S3 Storage Lens operations might return. For general information about general Amazon S3 errors and a list of error codes, see Error responses.
Error code | Description | HTTP status code | SOAP fault code prefix |
AccessDenied |
This Region is not supported as a home Region for S3 Storage Lens. |
403 Forbidden |
Not supported |
AccountNotAuthorized |
This account not authorized to use AWS Organizations. Use your management account or delegated administrator account. |
403 Forbidden |
Not supported |
ActivityMetricsMustEnabled |
Activity metrics must be enabled. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
AWSOrganizationsNotInUseException |
This account is not part of your organization. |
403 Forbidden |
Not supported |
DefaultConfigurationDeleteForbidden |
The Default configuration cannot be deleted. |
403 Forbidden |
Not supported |
DuplicateStorageLensGroupARN |
There are two or more entries of the same Storage Lens group ARN in this configuration. |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
EmptyExcludeContainer |
This error occurs for the following reasons:
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
EmptyExcludeElement |
You must specify a Storage Lens group with your Exclude element. |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
EmptyIncludeContainer |
This error occurs for the following reasons:
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidAWSOrgArn |
There is a malformed AWS Organizations ARN in the configuration. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
EmptyIncludeElement |
You must specify a Storage Lens group with your Include element. |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidBucketFilter |
Organization-level configurations do not support bucket filters. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidConfigId |
The configuration ID is not valid. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidDestination |
The S3 bucket ARN is malformed. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidEncryptionMethod |
Only one encryption method can be specified. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidFilterForDefaultConfiguration |
The default configuration must not include any filters. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidIncludeExcludeContainers |
You can specify either an Include container or an Exclude container in a configuration. You cannot specify both in a configuration. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidIncludeExcludeElements |
Only one Include or Exclude element is allowed. At least one Include or Exclude element must be present. |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidKMSEncryptionKeyId |
The KMS key ID ARN is not valid. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidMaximumPrefixDepth |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidMinimumStorageBytesPercentage |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidOrganizationARN |
The AWS Organizations ARN in the configuration is not valid. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidOrganizationForDefaultConfiguration |
The default configuration does not support organization-level metrics. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidRegionForDefaultConfiguration |
The specified Region is not supported for default configuration. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidRegionName |
The Region name is not valid. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidStorageLensArn |
The S3 Storage Lens ARN is not required in input. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
InvalidStorageLensGroupARN |
This Storage Lens group ARN isn't valid or only Storage Lens
groups in your account are allowed. Additionally, you must follow
the Storage Lens group ARN structure: |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
MissingAccountLevelActivityMetrics |
Activity metrics must be enabled at the account level when activity metrics are enabled at the bucket level. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
MissingBucketLevelActivityMetrics |
Activity metrics must be enabled at the bucket level when activity metrics are enabled at the account level. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
MissingEncryptionMethod |
The encryption method cannot be blank. Specify either
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
MissingPrefixLevelStorageMetrics |
Storage metrics at the prefix level are mandatory when the prefix level is enabled. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
OrganizationAccessDenied |
This account is not authorized to add AWS Organizations. |
403 Forbidden | Not supported |
OrgConfigurationNotSupported |
The specified Region does not support AWS Organizations in the configuration. |
403 Forbidden | Not supported |
ServiceNotEnabledForOrg |
The S3 Storage Lens service-linked role is not enabled for the organization. |
403 Forbidden | Not supported |
StorageMetricsMustEnabled |
Prefix-level storage metrics must be enabled. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
TooManyBuckets |
The buckets container cannot have more than 50 buckets. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
TooManyRegions |
The Regions container cannot have more than 50 Regions. |
400 Bad Request | Not supported |
TooManyStorageLensGroups |
You can't attach more than 50 Storage Lens groups to your Storage Lens dashboard. |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
The following table contains special errors that S3 Storage Lens groups operations might return. For general information about general Amazon S3 errors and a list of error codes, see Error responses.
Error code | Description | HTTP status code | SOAP fault code prefix |
AccessDenied |
You don't have permission to perform Storage Lens group actions. This Region is not supported as home Region for S3 Storage Lens groups. |
403 Forbidden |
Not supported |
ConfigurationAlreadyExists |
The specified configuration already exists. |
409 Conflict |
Not supported |
DuplicateElement |
Tags must be unique. The |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidAge |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidFilter |
A filter must include one of the following elements:
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidLogicalOperator |
At least two sub elements must be present in the logical operators |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidMatchAnyPrefix |
The |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidMatchAnySuffix |
The |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidMatchAnyTag |
The |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidMatchObjectAge |
The |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidMatchObjectSize |
The |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidName |
Storage Lens group Name parameter must be between 1 and 64
characters. The Storage Lens group |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidNumericCombination |
This object age or object size combination isn't valid. |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidPrefix |
The maximum length of a prefix is 1,024 characters. The prefix string can't be empty. |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidSize |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidSuffix |
The maximum length of a suffix is 1,024 characters. The suffix string can't be empty. |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
InvalidTag |
The object tag key can’t exceed 128 characters. The object tag
key string can't be null or empty. The maximum length of a tag value
is 256 characters. The object tag key contains characters that
aren't valid. The object tag key must contain only a-z, A-Z, 0-9,
spaces, and the following characters:
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
MismatchedName |
The name specified in the request doesn't match the Storage Lens group name. |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
TooManyConfigurations |
You have attempted to create more Storage Lens group configurations than the 50 allowed. |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
TooManyElements |
The |
400 Bad Request |
Not supported |
List of Amazon S3 Object Lambda error codes
The following table contains special errors that S3 Object Lambda might return. For information about general Amazon S3 errors and a list of error codes, see Error responses.
Error responses received from the supporting access points during non-GetObject
requests are sent to the caller unaltered.
Error code | Description | HTTP status code |
LambdaInvalidResponse |
Returned to the original caller when
See the |
400 Bad Request |
LambdaInvocationFailed |
Lambda function invocation failed. Callers might receive the following error when S3 Object Lambda is unable to successfully invoke the configured Lambda function. The error message might contain details about an eventual error returned by the AWS Lambda service when invoking the function (for example, status code, error code, error message and request ID). |
400 Bad Request |
LambdaNotFound |
The AWS Lambda function was not found. The configured Lambda function, version, or alias was not found when attempting to invoke it. Ensure that the S3 Object Lambda Access Point configuration points to the correct Lambda function ARN. The error message might contain details about an eventual error returned by the AWS Lambda service when invoking the function (for example, status code, error code, error message and request ID). |
404 Not Found |
LambdaPermissionError |
The caller is not authorized to invoke the Lambda function. The caller must have permission to invoke the Lambda function.
Check the policies attached to the caller and ensure that they've
been allowed to use The error message might contain details about an eventual error returned by the AWS Lambda service when invoking the function (for example, status code, error code, error message and request ID). |
403 Forbidden |
LambdaResponseNotReceived |
The Lambda function exited without successfully calling
500 Internal Service Error |
LambdaRuntimeError |
The Lambda function failed during execution. An explicit error was received from the Lambda function. For details about the failure, check the AWS CloudFormation logs. |
500 Internal Service Error |
LambdaTimeout |
The Lambda function did not respond in the allowed time. The Lambda function failed to complete its call to
500 Internal Service Error |
SlowDown |
Reduce your request rate for operations involving AWS Lambda. The function invocation was throttled by AWS Lambda, perhaps because it has reached its configured concurrency limitation. For more information, see Managing concurrency for a Lambda function in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide. The error message might contain details about an eventual error returned by the AWS Lambda service when invoking the function (for example, status code, error code, error message and request ID). |
503 Slow Down |
ValidationError |
Validation errors might be returned from the
400 Bad Request |
List of Amazon S3 asynchronous error codes
The following table contains special errors that asynchronous requests might return. For general information about Amazon S3 errors and a list of error codes, see Error responses.
These errors are returned when you query about the state of an asynchronous request,
such as by using DescribeMultiRegionAccessPointOperation
. Because these
requests are asynchronous, all of these errors have a status code of 200
Error code | Description | HTTP status code |
AccessDenied |
Access denied. |
200 OK |
InternalErrors |
An internal server error occurred. |
200 OK |
MalformedPolicy |
The specified policy syntax is not valid. |
200 OK |
MultiRegionAccessPointAlreadyOwnedByYou |
You already have a Multi-Region Access Point with the same name. |
200 OK |
MultiRegionAccessPointModifiedByAnotherRequest |
The action failed because another request is modifying the specified resource. Try resubmitting your request after the previous request has been completed. |
200 OK |
MultiRegionAccessPointNotReady |
The specified Multi-Region Access Point is not ready to be updated. |
200 OK |
MultiRegionAccessPointSameBucketRegion |
The buckets used to create a Multi-Region Access Point cannot be in the same Region. |
200 OK |
MultiRegionAccessPointUnsupportedRegion |
One of the buckets supplied to create the Multi-Region Access Point is in a Region that is not supported. |
200 OK |
NoSuchBucket |
The specified bucket does not exist. |
200 OK |
NoSuchMultiRegionAccessPoint |
The specified Multi-Region Access Point does not exist. |
200 OK |
List of Amazon S3 Access Grants Error Codes
The following table contains special errors that S3 Access Grants requests might return. For general information about Amazon S3 errors and a list of error codes, see Error responses.
Error Code | Description | HTTP Status Code |
AccessGrantAlreadyExists |
The specified access grant already exists |
409 |
AccessGrantsInstanceAlreadyExists |
Access Grants Instance already exists |
409 |
AccessGrantsInstanceNotEmptyError |
Please clean up locations before deleting the access grants instance |
400 |
AccessGrantsInstanceNotExistsError |
Access Grants Instance does not exist |
404 |
AccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyNotExists |
Access Grants Instance Resource Policy does not exist |
404 |
AccessGrantsLocationAlreadyExistsError |
The specified access grants location already exists |
409 |
AccessGrantsLocationNotEmptyError |
Please clean up access grants before deleting access grants location |
400 |
AccessGrantsLocationsQuotaExceededError |
The access grants location quota has been exceeded. Access Grants Locations Quota: |
409 |
AccessGrantsQuotaExceededError |
The access grants quota has been exceeded. Access Grants Quota: |
409 |
InvalidTag |
There are duplicate tag keys in your request. Remove the duplicate tag keys and try again. |
400 |
InvalidAccessGrant |
The specified Access Grant is invalid |
400 |
InvalidAccessGrantsLocation |
The specified Access Grants Location is invalid |
400 |
InvalidIamRole |
The specified IAM Role is invalid |
400 |
InvalidIdentityCenterInstance |
The specified identity center instance is invalid |
400 |
InvalidResourcePolicy |
The specified Resource Policy is invalid |
400 |
InvalidResourcePolicy |
The specified Resource Policy is invalid |
400 |
InvalidTag |
This request contains a tag key or value that isn't valid. Valid characters include the following: [a-zA-Z+-=._:/]. Tag keys can contain up to 128 characters. Tag values can contain up to 256 characters. |
400 |
NoSuchAccessGrantError |
The specified access grant does not exist |
404 |
NoSuchAccessGrantsLocationError |
The specified access grants location does not exist |
404 |
AccessDenied |
You do not have <requested permission> permissions to the requested S3 Prefix: <requested target> |
403 Forbidden |
StsNotAuthorizedError |
An error occurred ( |
403 |
StsPackedPolicyTooLargeError |
An error occurred ( |
400 |
StsValidationError |
The error message varies depending on the validation error. |
400 |
InvalidTags |
Tag keys cannot start with AWS reserved prefix for system tags." |
400 |
TooManyTags |
The number of tags exceeds the limit of 50 tags. Remove some tags and try again. |
400 |