Esempio di file di output di analisi conversazionale Contact Lens per una chiamata - Amazon Connect

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Esempio di file di output di analisi conversazionale Contact Lens per una chiamata

Le sezioni seguenti forniscono esempi dell'output che risulta quando l'analisi conversazionale di Contact Lens rileva problemi, abbina le categorie, indica il volume e oscura i dati sensibili.

Espandi ogni sezione per saperne di più.

L'esempio seguente mostra lo schema di una chiamata analizzato dall'analisi conversazionale di Contact Lens. L'esempio mostra il volume, il rilevamento dei problemi, i driver di chiamata e le informazioni che verranno oscurate.

Tieni presente quanto segue per quanto riguarda il file analizzato:

  • Non indica quali dati sensibili sono stati oscurati. Tutti i dati sono indicati come PII (informazioni di identificazione personale).

  • Ogni turno include una Redaction sezione solo se includePII.

  • Se esiste una sezione Redaction, include l'offset in millisecondi. In un file .wav, la parte oscurata sarà silenzio. Se preferisci, puoi utilizzare l'offset per sostituire il silenzio con qualcos'altro, ad esempio un segnale acustico.

  • Se esistono due o più PII redazioni in un turno, il primo offset si applica al primoPII, il secondo si applica al secondo e così PII via.

{ "Version": "1.1.0", "AccountId": "your AWS account ID", "Channel": "VOICE", "ContentMetadata": { "Output": "Raw" }, "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "LanguageCode": "en-US", "Participants": [ { "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER" }, { "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT" } ], "Categories": { "MatchedCategories": ["Cancellation"], "MatchedDetails": { "Cancellation": { "PointsOfInterest": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7370, "EndOffsetMillis": 11190 } ] } } }, "ConversationCharacteristics": { "ContactSummary": { "PostContactSummary": { "Content": "The customer and agent's conversation did not have any clear issues, outcomes or next steps. Agent verified customer information and finished the call." } }, "TotalConversationDurationMillis": 32110, "Sentiment": { "OverallSentiment": { "AGENT": 0, "CUSTOMER": 3.1 }, "SentimentByPeriod": { "QUARTER": { "AGENT": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "EndOffsetMillis": 7427, "Score": 0 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7427, "EndOffsetMillis": 14855, "Score": -5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 14855, "EndOffsetMillis": 22282, "Score": 0 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 22282, "EndOffsetMillis": 29710, "Score": 5 } ], "CUSTOMER": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "EndOffsetMillis": 8027, "Score": -2.5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 8027, "EndOffsetMillis": 16055, "Score": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 16055, "EndOffsetMillis": 24082, "Score": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 24082, "EndOffsetMillis": 32110, "Score": 5 } ] } } }, "Interruptions": { "InterruptionsByInterrupter": { "CUSTOMER": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 10710, "DurationMillis": 3790, "EndOffsetMillis": 14500 } ], "AGENT": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 10710, "DurationMillis": 3790, "EndOffsetMillis": 14500 } ] }, "TotalCount": 2, "TotalTimeMillis": 7580 }, "NonTalkTime": { "TotalTimeMillis": 0, "Instances": [] }, "TalkSpeed": { "DetailsByParticipant": { "AGENT": { "AverageWordsPerMinute": 239 }, "CUSTOMER": { "AverageWordsPerMinute": 163 } } }, "TalkTime": { "TotalTimeMillis": 28698, "DetailsByParticipant": { "AGENT": { "TotalTimeMillis": 15079 }, "CUSTOMER": { "TotalTimeMillis": 13619 } } } }, "CustomModels": [ { // set via "Type": "TRANSCRIPTION_VOCABULARY", "Name": "ProductNames", "Id": "4e14b0db-f00a-451a-8847-f6dbf76ae415" // optional field } ], "Transcript": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "Content": "Okay.", "EndOffsetMillis": 90, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 79.27 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 160, "Content": "Just hello. My name is Peter and help.", "EndOffsetMillis": 4640, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 66.56, 40.06, 85.27, 82.22, 77.66 ], "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 3290, "EndOffsetMillis": 3620 } ] } }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 4640, "Content": "Hello. Peter, how can I help you?", "EndOffsetMillis": 6610, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 70.23, 73.05, 71.8 ], "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 5100, "EndOffsetMillis": 5450 } ] } }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7370, "Content": "I need to cancel. I want to cancel my plan subscription.", "EndOffsetMillis": 11190, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 77.18, 79.59, 85.23, 81.08, 73.99 ], "IssuesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 0, "EndOffsetChar": 55 }, "Text": "I need to cancel. I want to cancel my plan subscription" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 11220, "Content": "That sounds very bad. I can offer a 20% discount to make you stay with us.", "EndOffsetMillis": 15210, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 75.92, 75.79, 80.31, 80.44, 76.31 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 15840, "Content": "That sounds interesting. Thank you accept.", "EndOffsetMillis": 18120, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 73.77, 79.17, 77.97, 79.29 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 18310, "Content": "Alright, I made all the changes to the account and now these discounts applied.", "EndOffsetMillis": 21820, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 83.88, 86.75, 86.97, 86.11 ], "OutcomesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 9, "EndOffsetChar": 77 }, "Text": "I made all the changes to the account and now these discounts applied" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 22610, "Content": "Awesome. Thank you so much.", "EndOffsetMillis": 24140, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 79.11, 81.7, 78.15 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 24120, "Content": "No worries. I will send you all the details later today and call you back next week to check up on you.", "EndOffsetMillis": 29710, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 87.07, 83.96, 76.38, 88.38, 87.69, 76.6 ], "ActionItemsDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 12, "EndOffsetChar": 102 }, "Text": "I will send you all the details later today and call you back next week to check up on you" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 30580, "Content": "Thank you. Sir. Have a nice evening.", "EndOffsetMillis": 32110, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 81.42, 82.29, 73.29 ] } ] } }

Questa sezione mostra un esempio di file redatto per una chiamata dopo che è stata analizzata dall'analisi conversazionale di Contact Lens. È un gemello del file analizzato originale. L'unica differenza è che i dati sensibili sono oscurati. In questo esempio, sono state selezionate tre entità per l'oscuramento: "CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER", "NAME" e "USERNAME".

In questo esempio, RedactionMaskMode è impostato su. PII Quando un'entità viene oscurata, Contact Lens la sostituisce con [PII]. Se l'impostazione fosse ENTITY_TYPE, Contact Lens sostituirebbe i dati con il nome dell'entità, ad esempio [CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER].

{ "Version": "1.1.0", "AccountId": "your AWS account ID", "ContentMetadata": { "Output": "Redacted", "RedactionTypes": ["PII"], "RedactionTypesMetadata": { "PII": { "RedactionEntitiesRequested": ["CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER", "NAME", "USERNAME"], "RedactionMaskMode": "PII" // if you were to choose ENTITY_TYPE instead, the redaction would say, for example, [NAME] } } }, "Channel": "VOICE", "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "LanguageCode": "en-US", "Participants": [ { "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER" }, { "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT" } ], "Categories": { "MatchedCategories": ["Cancellation"], "MatchedDetails": { "Cancellation": { "PointsOfInterest": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7370, "EndOffsetMillis": 11190 } ] } } }, "ConversationCharacteristics": { "ContactSummary": { "PostContactSummary": { "Content": "The customer and agent's conversation did not have any clear issues, outcomes or next steps. Agent verified customer information and finished the call." } }, "TotalConversationDurationMillis": 32110, "Sentiment": { "OverallSentiment": { "AGENT": 0, "CUSTOMER": 3.1 }, "SentimentByPeriod": { "QUARTER": { "AGENT": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "EndOffsetMillis": 7427, "Score": 0 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7427, "EndOffsetMillis": 14855, "Score": -5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 14855, "EndOffsetMillis": 22282, "Score": 0 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 22282, "EndOffsetMillis": 29710, "Score": 5 } ], "CUSTOMER": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "EndOffsetMillis": 8027, "Score": -2.5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 8027, "EndOffsetMillis": 16055, "Score": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 16055, "EndOffsetMillis": 24082, "Score": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 24082, "EndOffsetMillis": 32110, "Score": 5 } ] } } }, "Interruptions": { "InterruptionsByInterrupter": { "CUSTOMER": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 10710, "DurationMillis": 3790, "EndOffsetMillis": 14500 } ], "AGENT": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 10710, "DurationMillis": 3790, "EndOffsetMillis": 14500 } ] }, "TotalCount": 2, "TotalTimeMillis": 7580 }, "NonTalkTime": { "TotalTimeMillis": 0, "Instances": [] }, "TalkSpeed": { "DetailsByParticipant": { "AGENT": { "AverageWordsPerMinute": 239 }, "CUSTOMER": { "AverageWordsPerMinute": 163 } } }, "TalkTime": { "TotalTimeMillis": 28698, "DetailsByParticipant": { "AGENT": { "TotalTimeMillis": 15079 }, "CUSTOMER": { "TotalTimeMillis": 13619 } } } }, "CustomModels": [ { // set via "Type": "TRANSCRIPTION_VOCABULARY", "Name": "ProductNames", "Id": "4e14b0db-f00a-451a-8847-f6dbf76ae415" // optional field } ], "Transcript": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "Content": "Okay.", "EndOffsetMillis": 90, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 79.27 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 160, "Content": "Just hello. My name is [PII] and help.", "EndOffsetMillis": 4640, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 66.56, 40.06, 85.27, 82.22, 77.66 ], "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 3290, "EndOffsetMillis": 3620 } ] } }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 4640, "Content": "Hello. [PII], how can I help you?", "EndOffsetMillis": 6610, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 70.23, 73.05, 71.8 ], "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 5100, "EndOffsetMillis": 5450 } ] } }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7370, "Content": "I need to cancel. I want to cancel my plan subscription.", "EndOffsetMillis": 11190, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 77.18, 79.59, 85.23, 81.08, 73.99 ], "IssuesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 0, "EndOffsetChar": 55 }, "Text": "I need to cancel. I want to cancel my plan subscription" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 11220, "Content": "That sounds very bad. I can offer a 20% discount to make you stay with us.", "EndOffsetMillis": 15210, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 75.92, 75.79, 80.31, 80.44, 76.31 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 15840, "Content": "That sounds interesting. Thank you accept.", "EndOffsetMillis": 18120, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 73.77, 79.17, 77.97, 79.29 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 18310, "Content": "Alright, I made all the changes to the account and now these discounts applied.", "EndOffsetMillis": 21820, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 83.88, 86.75, 86.97, 86.11 ], "OutcomesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 9, "EndOffsetChar": 77 }, "Text": "I made all the changes to the account and now these discounts applied" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 22610, "Content": "Awesome. Thank you so much.", "EndOffsetMillis": 24140, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 79.11, 81.7, 78.15 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 24120, "Content": "No worries. I will send you all the details later today and call you back next week to check up on you.", "EndOffsetMillis": 29710, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 87.07, 83.96, 76.38, 88.38, 87.69, 76.6 ], "ActionItemsDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 12, "EndOffsetChar": 102 }, "Text": "I will send you all the details later today and call you back next week to check up on you" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 30580, "Content": "Thank you. Sir. Have a nice evening.", "EndOffsetMillis": 32110, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 81.42, 82.29, 73.29 ] } ] }