PerformanceInsightsReferenceComparisonValues - Amazon DevOps Guru


Reference scalar values and other metrics that DevOps Guru displays on a graph in its console along with the actual metrics it analyzed. Compare these reference values to your actual metrics to help you understand anomalous behavior that DevOps Guru detected.



A metric that DevOps Guru compares to actual metric values. This reference metric is used to determine if an actual metric should be considered anomalous.

Type: PerformanceInsightsReferenceMetric object

Required: No


A scalar value DevOps Guru for a metric that DevOps Guru compares to actual metric values. This reference value is used to determine if an actual metric value should be considered anomalous.

Type: PerformanceInsightsReferenceScalar object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: