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SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration - Amazon EMR
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An automatic scaling configuration, which describes how the policy adds or removes instances, the cooldown period, and the number of Amazon EC2 instances that will be added each time the CloudWatch metric alarm condition is satisfied.



The amount by which to scale in or scale out, based on the specified AdjustmentType. A positive value adds to the instance group's Amazon EC2 instance count while a negative number removes instances. If AdjustmentType is set to EXACT_CAPACITY, the number should only be a positive integer. If AdjustmentType is set to PERCENT_CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY, the value should express the percentage as an integer. For example, -20 indicates a decrease in 20% increments of cluster capacity.

Type: Integer

Required: Yes


The way in which Amazon EC2 instances are added (if ScalingAdjustment is a positive number) or terminated (if ScalingAdjustment is a negative number) each time the scaling activity is triggered. CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY is the default. CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY indicates that the Amazon EC2 instance count increments or decrements by ScalingAdjustment, which should be expressed as an integer. PERCENT_CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY indicates the instance count increments or decrements by the percentage specified by ScalingAdjustment, which should be expressed as an integer. For example, 20 indicates an increase in 20% increments of cluster capacity. EXACT_CAPACITY indicates the scaling activity results in an instance group with the number of Amazon EC2 instances specified by ScalingAdjustment, which should be expressed as a positive integer.

Type: String


Required: No


The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes before any further trigger-related scaling activities can start. The default value is 0.

Type: Integer

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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