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Amazon Location Service Routes

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Amazon Location Service Routes - Amazon Location Service
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An overview of Amazon Location Service Routes.

With Amazon Location Service Routes, you can calculate travel time and distance between multiple starting points and ending points, visualize vehicle GPS traces aligned with roads, and better understand your serviceable areas. This helps reduce operating costs and improve customer experience.


Plan a route path

Calculate routes between two or more locations, considering various factors such as distance, time, and road conditions. You can also see alternative routes for the same set of locations.

Route Optimization

Optimize routes for time or distance, choosing the fastest or shortest route. You can also sequence waypoints to optimize for the traveling salesman problem.

Route Analysis

Analyze performance metrics like travel time, distance, or the number of stops to ensure the route meets your desired goals.

Service Area

Defines the geographic area that can be serviced from a particular location based on distance or time limits.

Toll Costs

Calculate the costs associated with toll infrastructure on your route.


Constrain your route calculation by avoiding highways, tunnels, ferries, and toll roads.

Speed Limits

Find speed limits for each segment of a route, ensuring drivers comply with local regulations.

An application using Amazon Location Service route features.

Use cases

Provide efficient routes and turn-by-turn directions

Plan routes from any starting location (address, POI, or GPS coordinates) and calculate the best path to multiple destinations, factoring in vehicle dimensions and restrictions.

For more information, see Calculate routes.

Optimize delivery routes

Use waypoint sequencing to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem and calculate the optimal route to multiple destinations, minimizing time and distance.

For more information, see Optimize waypoints.

Make sure deliveries are made from the nearest warehouse

Use Matrix Routing and Waypoint Sequencing to identify the fastest route from your warehouses to each customer, maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs.

For more information, see Calculate routes and Calculate route matrix.

Improve taxi and ride-share dispatch

Use Matrix Routing to identify the nearest available vehicle and calculate optimal routes based on real-time traffic. This ensures the closest vehicle reaches the customer efficiently, driving both customer satisfaction and business productivity. Make more trips, save on fuel costs, and deliver a superior service experience.

For more information, see Calculate routes, Calculate route matrix, and Calculate isolines.

Find service areas

Use Isoline routes to determine the geographic reach of your business, based on time or distance constraints. This allows the business to identify potential customers and make dispatch plans. In-home healthcare providers can ensure they have enough staff and resources to reach all patients within 15 minutes. Isoline helps optimize service areas, ensure timely deliveries, and locate new facilities.

For more information, see Calculate isolines.

Snap GPS trace to roads

Align GPS traces to roads and visualize vehicle movements, ensuring route adherence and regulatory compliance. Fleet managers can see if vehicles are staying on planned routes and identify deviations. Verify that drivers are following guidelines, spot inefficiencies, and ensure compliance with regulations. Corrects GPS inaccuracies and variations, and presents a realistic view of vehicle activity. Enable better decision-making around route optimization, driver behavior, and fleet management.

For more information, see Snap to Roads.


This table provides an overview of key Amazon Location Service APIs for route planning and location-based data processing. Each API offers unique functionality, such as calculating routes, optimizing waypoints, and snapping GPS traces to roads for accurate tracking.

API name Description Read more
Calculate Routes Calculate a travel distance, travel time, and turn-by-turn directions between a starting point and multiple destinations factoring vehicle restrictions, and real-time traffic.

Calculate routes

Calculate Route Matrix Calculate route distance and time between a set of departure points and a set of destinations, factoring real time traffic.

Calculate route matrix

Calculate Isolines Identify the geographic area that can be reached within a specified time or distance based on your travel modes.

Calculate isolines

Optimize Waypoints Find the efficient order to travel to multiple destinations, reducing travel time and distance while accounting for factors like traffic and vehicle constraints.

How to optimize waypoints for a route

Snap to Roads Match GPS traces to the nearest road segment, to improve accuracy of vehicle tracking and route visualization.

Snap to Roads

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