Creating a new Amazon Redshift Serverless compute resource
You can create a new compute resource and add a connection to it in Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio. Complete the following steps to add a new Amazon Redshift Serverless compute connection to the project space:
Go to the Compute section of your project in the Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio .
On the Data warehouse tab, choose Add compute.
Choose Create new compute resources.
Select the type of compute resource you want to add.
Under Compute name, input a name for the Amazon Redshift Serverless resource you want to add.
Under Description, provide a description of the compute resource.
Set the base capacity, maximum capacity and database name.
Choose Add compute. The Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio project Compute and Data pages then display information for that resource.
Some credentials provide more information than others on the Compute page. Using a username and password enables Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio to display more information for a resource.