Rebuilding a WorkSpace - Amazon WorkSpaces

Rebuilding a WorkSpace

To restore the operating system that is running on your WorkSpace to its original state, you can rebuild the WorkSpace.

If you want to rebuild your WorkSpace to resolve an issue that you are experiencing with the WorkSpace, try restarting it first. If you rebuild your WorkSpace, any applications that you installed and system settings that you configured after the WorkSpace was created are lost.

When a WorkSpace is rebuilt, the D: drive is re-created from the latest backup. Because backups are completed every 12 hours, your data might be up to 12 hours old. If your administrator recently created your WorkSpace, you must wait 12 hours before you can rebuild your WorkSpace.


To avoid losing any data, save any open documents and other application files before you rebuild your WorkSpace, and then contact your WorkSpaces administrator to make sure your D: drive has been backed up.

While your WorkSpace rebuild is in progress, you are disconnected from the WorkSpace. During this time, you can't use or make changes to the WorkSpace. The rebuild process might take up to an hour.

To rebuild your WorkSpace
  1. Open your WorkSpaces client and connect to your WorkSpace.

  2. Depending on which client you're using, do one of the following.

    If you're using... Do this

    3.0+ client

    Choose Settings, Rebuild WorkSpace.

    1.0+ or 2.0+ client

    Choose My WorkSpace, Rebuild WorkSpace.

  3. In the Rebuild WorkSpace dialog box, review the information. If you choose to proceed with the rebuild, choose Rebuild.