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CaseDetails - AWS Support
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A JSON-formatted object that contains the metadata for a support case. It is contained in the response from a DescribeCases request. CaseDetails contains the following fields:

  • caseId - The support case ID requested or returned in the call. The case ID is an alphanumeric string formatted as shown in this example: case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47.

  • categoryCode - The category of problem for the support case. Corresponds to the CategoryCode values returned by a call to DescribeServices.

  • displayId - The identifier for the case on pages in the AWS Support Center.

  • language - The language in which AWS Support handles the case. AWS Support currently supports Chinese (“zh”), English ("en"), Japanese ("ja") and Korean (“ko”). You must specify the ISO 639-1 code for the language parameter if you want support in that language.

  • nextToken - A resumption point for pagination.

  • recentCommunications - One or more Communication objects. Fields of these objects are attachments, body, caseId, submittedBy, and timeCreated.

  • serviceCode - The identifier for the AWS service that corresponds to the service code defined in the call to DescribeServices.

  • severityCode - The severity code assigned to the case. Contains one of the values returned by the call to DescribeSeverityLevels. The possible values are: low, normal, high, urgent, and critical.

  • status - The status of the case in the AWS Support Center. Valid values:

    • all-open

    • customer-action-completed

    • opened

    • pending-customer-action

    • reopened

    • resolved

    • unassigned

    • work-in-progress

  • subject - The subject line of the case.

  • submittedBy - The email address of the account that submitted the case.

  • timeCreated - The time the case was created, in ISO-8601 format.



The support case ID requested or returned in the call. The case ID is an alphanumeric string formatted as shown in this example: case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47

Type: String


The category of problem for the support case.

Type: String


The email addresses that receive copies of communication about the case.

Type: Array of strings

Array Members: Minimum number of 0 items. Maximum number of 10 items.


The ID displayed for the case in the AWS Support Center. This is a numeric string.

Type: String


The language in which AWS Support handles the case. AWS Support currently supports Chinese (“zh”), English ("en"), Japanese ("ja") and Korean (“ko”). You must specify the ISO 639-1 code for the language parameter if you want support in that language.

Type: String


The five most recent communications between you and AWS Support Center, including the IDs of any attachments to the communications. Also includes a nextToken that you can use to retrieve earlier communications.

Type: RecentCaseCommunications object


The code for the AWS service. You can get a list of codes and the corresponding service names by calling DescribeServices.

Type: String


The code for the severity level returned by the call to DescribeSeverityLevels.

Type: String


The status of the case.

Valid values:

  • all-open

  • customer-action-completed

  • opened

  • pending-customer-action

  • reopened

  • resolved

  • unassigned

  • work-in-progress

Type: String


The subject line for the case in the AWS Support Center.

Type: String


The email address of the account that submitted the case.

Type: String


The time that the case was created in the AWS Support Center.

Type: String

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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