Your CodeCatalyst space uses resources, such as Dev Environments and compute, that are charged based on separate subscription tiers. To check your usage and to view pricing for each subscription tier, see the Billing tab for your space.
You can view or change your CodeCatalyst subscription for your space. CodeCatalyst has the following tiers available.
For more information about billing and rates, see the Amazon CodeCatalyst pricing page
Additional considerations:
All spaces are required to have a billing account, even if the usage does not exceed the Free tier.
AWS is the billing provider for CodeCatalyst. The account you use for billing must be an AWS account.
Billing is configured at the space level. Multiple AWS accounts can be associated with a space, but only one can be active for CodeCatalyst billing at a time. An AWS account can be used as a billing account for more than one space in CodeCatalyst. The AWS account that is specified as the billing account for your CodeCatalyst space has different quotas from other account connections for a space. For more information, see Quotas in the CodeCatalyst User Guide.
You can view your CodeCatalyst charges on your AWS invoice, including current charges. Billing data is updated regularly on the AWS Management Console page for AWS Billing.
Here is one possible flow to set up billing in CodeCatalyst.
Mary Major is a Space administrator for a CodeCatalyst space. Mary works with the AWS administrator for the AWS account that was added to her space in CodeCatalyst when it was created and so defaults as the billing account. Mary can also specify a different account as a billing account for her space. Mary initially set up her subscription to default to the Free tier. Mary knows that hitting the maximum can halt services for the rest of her space on the Free tier, so she periodically reviews usage for her space on the CodeCatalyst console Billing tab. Mary views the pricing subscription for the Standard tier, and after the space grows in size, Mary decides to use the CodeCatalyst billing page to change the subscription tier from the Free tier to the Standard tier. Mary works with her AWS administrator to access her AWS invoice and views the charges for usage beyond the Free tier in CodeCatalyst.