Derive path mapping rules from storage profiles - Deadline Cloud

Derive path mapping rules from storage profiles

Path mapping rules describe how paths should be remapped from the job to the path's actual location on a worker host. When a task is running on a worker, the storage profile from the job is compared to the storage profile of the worker's fleet to derive the path mapping rules for the task.

Deadline Cloud creates a mapping rule for each of the required file system locations in the queue's configuration. For example, a job submitted with the WSAll storage profile to queue Q1 has the path mapping rules:

  • FSComm: /shared/common -> /mnt/common

  • FS1: /shared/projects/project1 -> /mnt/projects/project1

Deadline Cloud creates rules for the FSComm and FS1 file system locations, but not the FS2 file system location even though both the WSAll and WorkerConfig storage profiles define FS2. This is because queue Q1's list of required file system locations is ["FSComm", "FS1"].

You can confirm the path mapping rules available to jobs submitted with a particular storage profile by submitting a job that prints out Open Job Description's path mapping rules file, and then reading the session log after the job has completed:

# Change the value of FARM_ID to your farm's identifier FARM_ID=farm-00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff # Change the value of QUEUE1_ID to queue Q1's identifier QUEUE1_ID=queue-00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff # Change the value of WSALL_ID to the identifier of the WSALL storage profile WSALL_ID=sp-00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff aws deadline create-job --farm-id $FARM_ID --queue-id $QUEUE1_ID \ --priority 50 \\ --storage-profile-id $WSALL_ID \ --template-type JSON --template \ '{ "specificationVersion": "jobtemplate-2023-09", "name": "DemoPathMapping", "steps": [ { "name": "ShowPathMappingRules", "script": { "actions": { "onRun": { "command": "/bin/cat", "args": [ "{{Session.PathMappingRulesFile}}" ] } } } } ] }'

If you use the Deadline Cloud CLI to submit jobs, its configuration settings.storage_profile_id setting sets the storage profile that jobs submitted with the CLI will have. To submit jobs with the WSAll storage profile, set:

deadline config set settings.storage_profile_id $WSALL_ID

To run a customer-managed worker as though it is running in the sample infrastructure, follow the procedure in Run the worker agent in the Deadline Cloud User Guide to run a worker with AWS CloudShell. If you followed those instructions before, delete the ~/demoenv-logs and ~/demoenv-persist directories first. Also, set the values of the DEV_FARM_ID and DEV_CMF_ID environment variables that the directions reference as follows before doing so:


After the job runs, you can see the path mapping rules in the job's log file:

cat demoenv-logs/${QUEUE1_ID}/*.log ... JJSON log results (see below) ...

The log contains mapping for both the FS1 and FSComm file systems. Reformatted for readability, the log entry looks like this:

{ "version": "pathmapping-1.0", "path_mapping_rules": [ { "source_path_format": "POSIX", "source_path": "/shared/projects/project1", "destination_path": "/mnt/projects/project1" }, { "source_path_format": "POSIX", "source_path": "/shared/common", "destination_path": "/mnt/common" } ]

You can submit jobs with different storage profiles to see how the path mapping rules change.