Create and manage commands
You can use the AWS IoT Device Management commands feature to either configure reusable remote actions or send one-time, immediate instructions to your devices. The following sections show you how you can create and manage commands from the AWS IoT console and using the AWS CLI.
Create and manage commands operations
Create a command resource
When you create a command, you must provide the following information.
General information
When creating a command, you must provide a command ID, which is a unique identifier to help you identify the command when you want to run it on the target device. Optionally, you can also specify a display name, description, and tags to further help you manage the command.
You must also provide a payload that defines the actions the device must perform. While optional, we recommend that you specify the payload format type so that the device correctly inteprets the payload.
The commands reserved topics use a format that depends on the payload format type.
If you specify a payload content type of
, then the request topic will be the following.$aws/commands/
If you specify a payload content type other than
, or if you don't specify the payload format type, then the request topic will be the following. In this case, the payload format will be included in the MQTT message header.$aws/commands/
The commands response topic will return a format that
uses json
or cbor
independent of the payload
format type. The response topic will use the
following format where <PayloadFormat>
must be json
or cbor
The following sections show you the command payload format considerations and how to create commands from the console.
Command payload format
The payload can use any format of your choice. The maximum size of the payload must not exceed 32 KB. To make sure that the device can securely and correctly interpret the payload, we recommend that you specify the payload format type.
You specify the payload format type using the type/subtype
format, such as application/json
. By default, it will
be set as application/octet-stream
. For information about
payload formats that you can specify, see Common MIME types
How to create a command (console)
To create a command from the console, go to the Command Hub
To create a new command resource, choose Create command.
Specify a unique command ID to help you identify the command that you want to run on the target device.
(Optional) Specify an optional display name, description, and any name-value pairs as tags for your command.
Upload the payload file from your local storage that contains the actions the device needs to perform. While optional, we recommend that you specify the payload format type so that the device correctly interprets the file and processes the instructions.
Choose Create command.
This section describes the HTTP control plane API operation, CreateCommand
, and the corresponding AWS CLI command, create-command
that you can run to create a
command resource.
Command payload
When creating the command, you must provide a payload. The payload that you provide is base64 encoded. When your devices receive the command, the device-side logic can process the payload and perform the specified actions. To make sure that your devices correctly receive the command and the payload, we recommend that you specify the payload content type.
After you create the command, you cannot modify the payload. To modify the payload, you'll have to create a new command.
Sample IAM policy
Before you use this API operation, make sure that your IAM policy
authorizes you to perform this action on the device. The following example
shows an IAM policy that allows the user permission to perform the
In this example, replace:
with your AWS Region, such asregion
with your AWS account number, such asaccount-id
with a unique identifier for your AWS IoT command ID, such ascommand-id
. If you want to send more than one command, you can specify these commands under the Resource section in the IAM policy.LockDoor
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Action": "iot:CreateCommand", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:
" } }
Create command example
The following example shows how you can create a command. Depending on your application, replace:
with a unique identifier for the command. For example, to lock the doc-history of your house, you can specify<command-id>
. We recommend that you use UUID. You can also use alpha-numeric characters, "-", and "_".LockDoor
, which are optional fields that you can use to provide a friendly name and a meaningful description for the command, such as<description>
.Lock the doors of my home
, which you can use to specify the namespace of the command. It must beAWS-IoT
. -
contains information about the payload that you want to use when running the command and it's content type.
aws iot create-command \ --command-id
\ --display-name\ --description
\ --namespace AWS-IoT \ --payload '{"content":"eyAibWVzc2FnZSI6ICJIZWxsbyBJb1QiIH0="
Running this command generates a response that contains the ID and ARN
(Amazon resource name) of the command. For example, if you specified the
command during creation, the following shows a sample output of running the
{ "commandId": "LockDoor", "commandArn": "arn:aws:iot:ap-south-1:123456789012:command/LockDoor" }
Retrieve information about a command
After you create a command, you can retrieve information about it from the AWS IoT console and using the AWS CLI. You can obtain the following information.
The command ID, Amazon resource name (ARN), any display name and description that you specified for the command.
The command state, which indicates whether a command is available to run on the target device, or whether it's being deprecated or deleted.
The payload that you provided and it's format type.
The time when the command was created and last updated.
To retrieve a command from the console, go to the Command Hub
In addition to the command details, you can see the command history, which provides information about the executions of the command on the target device. After you run this command on the device, you can find information about the executions on this tab.
Use the GetCommand
HTTP control plane API operation or the
AWS CLI command to retrieve information
about a command resource. You must've already created the command using the
API request or the create-command
Sample IAM policy
Before you use this API operation, make sure that your IAM policy
authorizes you to perform this action on the device. The following example
shows an IAM policy that allows the user permission to perform the
In this example, replace:
with your AWS Region, such asregion
. -
with your AWS account number, such asaccount-id
with your AWS IoT unique command identifier, such ascommand-id
. If you want to retrieve more than one command, you can specify these commands under the Resource section in the IAM policy.LockDoor
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Action": "iot:GetCommand", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:
" } }
Retrieve a command example (AWS CLI)
The following example shows you how to retrieve information about a
command using the get-command
AWS CLI. Depending on your
application, replace
with the
identifier for the command for which you want to retrieve information. You
can obtain this information from the response of the
aws iot get-command --command-id
Running this command generates a response that contains information about the command, the payload, and the time when it was created and last updated. It also provides information that indicates whether a command has been deprecated or is being deleted.
For example, the following code shows a sample response.
{ "commandId": "LockDoor", "commandArn": "arn:aws:iot:<region>:<account>:command/LockDoor", "namespace": "AWS-IoT", "payload":{ "content": "eyAibWVzc2FnZSI6ICJIZWxsbyBJb1QiIH0=", "contentType": "application/json" }, "createdAt": "2024-03-23T00:50:10.095000-07:00", "lastUpdatedAt": "2024-03-23T00:50:10.095000-07:00", "deprecated": false, "pendingDeletion": false }
List commands in your AWS account
After you have created commands, you can view the commands that you have created in your account. In the list, you can find information about:
The command ID, and any display name that you specified for the commands.
The Amazon resource name (ARN) of the commands.
The command state which indicates whether the commands are available to run on the target device, or whether they are deprecated.
The list does not display that are being deleted from your account. If the commands are pending deletion, you can still view the details for these commands using their command ID.
The time when the commands were created and last updated.
In the AWS IoT console, you can find the list of commands that you created and
their details by going to the Command Hub
To list the commands that you created, use the ListCommands
API operation or the list-commands
Sample IAM policy
Before you use this API operation, make sure that your IAM policy
authorizes you to perform this action on the device. The following example
shows an IAM policy that allows the user permission to perform the
In this example, replace:
with your AWS Region, such asregion
. -
with your AWS account number, such asaccount-id
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Action": "iot:ListCommands", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:
:command/*" } }
List commands in your account example
The following command shows how to list commands in your account.
aws iot list-commands --namespace "AWS-IoT"
Running this command generates a response that contains a list of commands that you created, the time when the commands were created and when it was last updated. It also provides the command state information, which indicates whether a command has been deprecated or is available to run on the target device. For more information about the different statuses and status reason, see Command execution status.
Update a command resource
After you have created a command, you can update the display name and description of the command.
The payload for the command can't be updated. To update this information or to use a modified payload, you'll need to create a new command.
To update a command from the console, go to the Command Hub
To update an existing command resource, choose the command that you want to update, and then under Actions, choose Edit.
Specify the display name and description that you want to use, and any name-value pairs as tags for your command.
Choose Edit to save the command with the new settings.
Use the UpdateCommand
control plane API operation or the
AWS CLI to update a command
resource. Using this API, you can:
Edit the display name and description of a command that you created.
Deprecate a command resource, or restore a command that has already been deprecated.
Sample IAM policy
Before you use this API operation, make sure that your IAM policy
authorizes you to perform this action on the device. The following example
shows an IAM policy that allows the user permission to perform the
In this example, replace:
with your AWS Region, such asregion
. -
with your AWS account number, such asaccount-id
with your AWS IoT unique command identifier, such ascommand-id
. If you want to retrieve more than one command, you can specify these commands under the Resource section in the IAM policy.LockDoor
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Action": "iot:UpdateCommand", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:
" } }
Update information about a command examples (AWS CLI)
The following example shows you how to update information about a command
using the update-command
AWS CLI command. For information about
how you can use this API to deprecate or restore a command resource, see
Update a command resource
The example shows how you can update the display name and description of a
command. Depending on your application, replace
with the
identifier for the command for which you want to retrieve
aws iot update-command \ --command-id
\ --description<description>
Running this command generates a response that contains the updated information about the command and the time when it was last updated. The following code shows a sample request and response for updating the display name and description of a command that turns off the AC.
aws iot update-command \ --command-id
\ --displayname<Secondary lock door>
\ --description<Locks doors to my home>
Running this command generates the following response.
{ "commandId": "LockDoor", "commandArn": "arn:aws:iot:ap-south-1:123456789012:command/LockDoor", "displayName": "Secondary lock door", "description": "Locks doors to my home", "lastUpdatedAt": "2024-05-09T23:15:53.899000-07:00" }
Deprecate or restore a command resource
After you have created a command, if no longer want to continue using the command, you can mark it as deprecated. When you deprecate a command, all pending command executions will continue running on the target device until they reach a terminal status. Once a command has been deprecated, if you want to use it such as for sending a new command execution to the target device, you must restore it.
You can't edit a deprecated command, or run any new executions for it. To run new commands on the device, you must restore it so that the command state changes to Available.
For additional information about deprecating and restoring a command, and considerations for it, see Deprecate a command resource.
Delete a command resource
If you no longer want to use a command, you can remove it permanently from your account. If the deletion action is successful:
If the command has been deprecated for a duration that's longer than the maximum timeout of 12 hours, the command will be deleted immediately.
If the command isn't deprecated, or has been deprecated for a duration shorter than the maximum timeout, the command will be in a
pending deletion
state. It will be removed automatically from your account after the maximum timeout of 12 hours.
The command might be deleted even if there are any pending command executions. The command will be in a pending deletion state and will be removed from your account automatically.
To delete a command from the console, go to the Command Hub
Choose the command that you want to delete, and and then under Actions, choose Delete.
Confirm that you want to delete the command and then choose Delete.
The command will be marked for deletion and will be permanently removed from your account after 12 hours.
Use the DeleteCommand
HTTP control plane API operation or the
AWS CLI command to delete a command resource. If
the deletion action is successful, you'll see a HTTP statusCode
204 or 202, and the command will be deleted from your account automatically after
the maximum timeout duration of 12 hours. In the case of the 204 status, it
indicates that the command has been deleted.
Sample IAM policy
Before you use this API operation, make sure that your IAM policy
authorizes you to perform this action on the device. The following example
shows an IAM policy that allows the user permission to perform the
In this example, replace:
with your AWS Region, such asregion
. -
with your AWS account number, such asaccount-id
with your AWS IoT unique command identifier, such ascommand-id
. If you want to retrieve more than one command, you can specify these commands under the Resource section in the IAM policy.LockDoor
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Action": "iot:DeleteCommand", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:
" } }
Delete a command example (AWS CLI)
The following examples show you how to delete a command using the
AWS CLI command. Depending on your
application, replace
with the
identifier for the command that you're deleting.<command-id>
aws iot delete-command --command-id
If the API request is successful, then the command generates a status code
of 202 or 204. You can use the GetCommand
API to verify that the
command no longer exists in your account.