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お客様が同意した場合、AWS および承認された第三者は、Cookie を使用して便利なサイト機能を提供したり、お客様の選択を記憶したり、関連する広告を含む関連コンテンツを表示したりします。すべての必須ではない Cookie を受け入れるか拒否するには、[受け入れる] または [拒否] をクリックしてください。より詳細な選択を行うには、[カスタマイズ] をクリックしてください。

Amazon SQS キューの作成 - SDK for .NET (バージョン 3)

のバージョン 4 (V4) SDK for .NET はプレビュー中です。プレビューでこの新しいバージョンに関する情報を確認するには、 AWS SDK for .NET (バージョン 4 プレビュー) デベロッパーガイドを参照してください。

SDK の V4 はプレビュー中であるため、コンテンツは変更される可能性があることに注意してください。


のバージョン 4 (V4) SDK for .NET はプレビュー中です。プレビューでこの新しいバージョンに関する情報を確認するには、 AWS SDK for .NET (バージョン 4 プレビュー) デベロッパーガイドを参照してください。

SDK の V4 はプレビュー中であるため、コンテンツは変更される可能性があることに注意してください。


Amazon SQS キューの作成

この例では、 SDK for .NET を使用して Amazon SQS キューを作成する方法を示します。ユーザーがデッドレターキューの ARN を指定しない場合、アプリケーションはデッドレターキューを作成します。次に、デッドレターキュー (ユーザーが指定したもの、または作成されたもの) を含む標準メッセージキューを作成します。




次のスニペットでは、SQS クライアントのリージョンにある既存のキューのリストと、各キューの属性を表示します。


// // Method to show a list of the existing queues private static async Task ShowQueues(IAmazonSQS sqsClient) { ListQueuesResponse responseList = await sqsClient.ListQueuesAsync(""); Console.WriteLine(); foreach(string qUrl in responseList.QueueUrls) { // Get and show all attributes. Could also get a subset. await ShowAllAttributes(sqsClient, qUrl); } } // // Method to show all attributes of a queue private static async Task ShowAllAttributes(IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl) { var attributes = new List<string>{ QueueAttributeName.All }; GetQueueAttributesResponse responseGetAtt = await sqsClient.GetQueueAttributesAsync(qUrl, attributes); Console.WriteLine($"Queue: {qUrl}"); foreach(var att in responseGetAtt.Attributes) Console.WriteLine($"\t{att.Key}: {att.Value}"); }




// // Method to create a queue. Returns the queue URL. private static async Task<string> CreateQueue( IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qName, string deadLetterQueueUrl=null, string maxReceiveCount=null, string receiveWaitTime=null) { var attrs = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // If a dead-letter queue is given, create a message queue if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deadLetterQueueUrl)) { attrs.Add(QueueAttributeName.ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds, receiveWaitTime); attrs.Add(QueueAttributeName.RedrivePolicy, $"{{\"deadLetterTargetArn\":\"{await GetQueueArn(sqsClient, deadLetterQueueUrl)}\"," + $"\"maxReceiveCount\":\"{maxReceiveCount}\"}}"); // Add other attributes for the message queue such as VisibilityTimeout } // If no dead-letter queue is given, create one of those instead //else //{ // // Add attributes for the dead-letter queue as needed // attrs.Add(); //} // Create the queue CreateQueueResponse responseCreate = await sqsClient.CreateQueueAsync( new CreateQueueRequest{QueueName = qName, Attributes = attrs}); return responseCreate.QueueUrl; }

キューの ARN の取得

次のスニペットでは、指定されたキュー URL で特定されるキューの ARN を取得します。


// // Method to get the ARN of a queue private static async Task<string> GetQueueArn(IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl) { GetQueueAttributesResponse responseGetAtt = await sqsClient.GetQueueAttributesAsync( qUrl, new List<string>{QueueAttributeName.QueueArn}); return responseGetAtt.QueueARN; }



NuGet パッケージ:


NuGet パッケージ:


using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Collections.Generic; using Amazon.SQS; using Amazon.SQS.Model; namespace SQSCreateQueue { // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Class to create a queue class Program { private const string MaxReceiveCount = "10"; private const string ReceiveMessageWaitTime = "2"; private const int MaxArgs = 3; static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Parse the command line and show help if necessary var parsedArgs = CommandLine.Parse(args); if(parsedArgs.Count > MaxArgs) CommandLine.ErrorExit( "\nToo many command-line arguments.\nRun the command with no arguments to see help."); // Create the Amazon SQS client var sqsClient = new AmazonSQSClient(); // In the case of no command-line arguments, just show help and the existing queues if(parsedArgs.Count == 0) { PrintHelp(); Console.WriteLine("\nNo arguments specified."); Console.Write("Do you want to see a list of the existing queues? ((y) or n): "); string response = Console.ReadLine(); if((string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) || (response.ToLower() == "y")) await ShowQueues(sqsClient); return; } // Get the application arguments from the parsed list string queueName = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-q", "--queue-name"); string deadLetterQueueUrl = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-d", "--dead-letter-queue"); string maxReceiveCount = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, MaxReceiveCount, "-m", "--max-receive-count"); string receiveWaitTime = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, ReceiveMessageWaitTime, "-w", "--wait-time"); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(queueName)) CommandLine.ErrorExit( "\nYou must supply a queue name.\nRun the command with no arguments to see help."); // If a dead-letter queue wasn't given, create one if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(deadLetterQueueUrl)) { Console.WriteLine("\nNo dead-letter queue was specified. Creating one..."); deadLetterQueueUrl = await CreateQueue(sqsClient, queueName + "__dlq"); Console.WriteLine($"Your new dead-letter queue:"); await ShowAllAttributes(sqsClient, deadLetterQueueUrl); } // Create the message queue string messageQueueUrl = await CreateQueue( sqsClient, queueName, deadLetterQueueUrl, maxReceiveCount, receiveWaitTime); Console.WriteLine($"Your new message queue:"); await ShowAllAttributes(sqsClient, messageQueueUrl); } // // Method to show a list of the existing queues private static async Task ShowQueues(IAmazonSQS sqsClient) { ListQueuesResponse responseList = await sqsClient.ListQueuesAsync(""); Console.WriteLine(); foreach(string qUrl in responseList.QueueUrls) { // Get and show all attributes. Could also get a subset. await ShowAllAttributes(sqsClient, qUrl); } } // // Method to create a queue. Returns the queue URL. private static async Task<string> CreateQueue( IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qName, string deadLetterQueueUrl=null, string maxReceiveCount=null, string receiveWaitTime=null) { var attrs = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // If a dead-letter queue is given, create a message queue if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deadLetterQueueUrl)) { attrs.Add(QueueAttributeName.ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds, receiveWaitTime); attrs.Add(QueueAttributeName.RedrivePolicy, $"{{\"deadLetterTargetArn\":\"{await GetQueueArn(sqsClient, deadLetterQueueUrl)}\"," + $"\"maxReceiveCount\":\"{maxReceiveCount}\"}}"); // Add other attributes for the message queue such as VisibilityTimeout } // If no dead-letter queue is given, create one of those instead //else //{ // // Add attributes for the dead-letter queue as needed // attrs.Add(); //} // Create the queue CreateQueueResponse responseCreate = await sqsClient.CreateQueueAsync( new CreateQueueRequest{QueueName = qName, Attributes = attrs}); return responseCreate.QueueUrl; } // // Method to get the ARN of a queue private static async Task<string> GetQueueArn(IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl) { GetQueueAttributesResponse responseGetAtt = await sqsClient.GetQueueAttributesAsync( qUrl, new List<string>{QueueAttributeName.QueueArn}); return responseGetAtt.QueueARN; } // // Method to show all attributes of a queue private static async Task ShowAllAttributes(IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl) { var attributes = new List<string>{ QueueAttributeName.All }; GetQueueAttributesResponse responseGetAtt = await sqsClient.GetQueueAttributesAsync(qUrl, attributes); Console.WriteLine($"Queue: {qUrl}"); foreach(var att in responseGetAtt.Attributes) Console.WriteLine($"\t{att.Key}: {att.Value}"); } // // Command-line help private static void PrintHelp() { Console.WriteLine( "\nUsage: SQSCreateQueue -q <queue-name> [-d <dead-letter-queue>]" + " [-m <max-receive-count>] [-w <wait-time>]" + "\n -q, --queue-name: The name of the queue you want to create." + "\n -d, --dead-letter-queue: The URL of an existing queue to be used as the dead-letter queue."+ "\n If this argument isn't supplied, a new dead-letter queue will be created." + "\n -m, --max-receive-count: The value for maxReceiveCount in the RedrivePolicy of the queue." + $"\n Default is {MaxReceiveCount}." + "\n -w, --wait-time: The value for ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds of the queue for long polling." + $"\n Default is {ReceiveMessageWaitTime}."); } } // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Class that represents a command line on the console or terminal. // (This is the same for all examples. When you have seen it once, you can ignore it.) static class CommandLine { // // Method to parse a command line of the form: "--key value" or "-k value". // // Parameters: // - args: The command-line arguments passed into the application by the system. // // Returns: // A Dictionary with string Keys and Values. // // If a key is found without a matching value, Dictionary.Value is set to the key // (including the dashes). // If a value is found without a matching key, Dictionary.Key is set to "--NoKeyN", // where "N" represents sequential numbers. public static Dictionary<string,string> Parse(string[] args) { var parsedArgs = new Dictionary<string,string>(); int i = 0, n = 0; while(i < args.Length) { // If the first argument in this iteration starts with a dash it's an option. if(args[i].StartsWith("-")) { var key = args[i++]; var value = key; // Check to see if there's a value that goes with this option? if((i < args.Length) && (!args[i].StartsWith("-"))) value = args[i++]; parsedArgs.Add(key, value); } // If the first argument in this iteration doesn't start with a dash, it's a value else { parsedArgs.Add("--NoKey" + n.ToString(), args[i++]); n++; } } return parsedArgs; } // // Method to get an argument from the parsed command-line arguments // // Parameters: // - parsedArgs: The Dictionary object returned from the Parse() method (shown above). // - defaultValue: The default string to return if the specified key isn't in parsedArgs. // - keys: An array of keys to look for in parsedArgs. public static string GetArgument( Dictionary<string,string> parsedArgs, string defaultReturn, params string[] keys) { string retval = null; foreach(var key in keys) if(parsedArgs.TryGetValue(key, out retval)) break; return retval ?? defaultReturn; } // // Method to exit the application with an error. public static void ErrorExit(string msg, int code=1) { Console.WriteLine("\nError"); Console.WriteLine(msg); Environment.Exit(code); } } }

using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Collections.Generic; using Amazon.SQS; using Amazon.SQS.Model; namespace SQSCreateQueue { // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Class to create a queue class Program { private const string MaxReceiveCount = "10"; private const string ReceiveMessageWaitTime = "2"; private const int MaxArgs = 3; static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Parse the command line and show help if necessary var parsedArgs = CommandLine.Parse(args); if(parsedArgs.Count > MaxArgs) CommandLine.ErrorExit( "\nToo many command-line arguments.\nRun the command with no arguments to see help."); // Create the Amazon SQS client var sqsClient = new AmazonSQSClient(); // In the case of no command-line arguments, just show help and the existing queues if(parsedArgs.Count == 0) { PrintHelp(); Console.WriteLine("\nNo arguments specified."); Console.Write("Do you want to see a list of the existing queues? ((y) or n): "); string response = Console.ReadLine(); if((string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) || (response.ToLower() == "y")) await ShowQueues(sqsClient); return; } // Get the application arguments from the parsed list string queueName = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-q", "--queue-name"); string deadLetterQueueUrl = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-d", "--dead-letter-queue"); string maxReceiveCount = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, MaxReceiveCount, "-m", "--max-receive-count"); string receiveWaitTime = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, ReceiveMessageWaitTime, "-w", "--wait-time"); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(queueName)) CommandLine.ErrorExit( "\nYou must supply a queue name.\nRun the command with no arguments to see help."); // If a dead-letter queue wasn't given, create one if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(deadLetterQueueUrl)) { Console.WriteLine("\nNo dead-letter queue was specified. Creating one..."); deadLetterQueueUrl = await CreateQueue(sqsClient, queueName + "__dlq"); Console.WriteLine($"Your new dead-letter queue:"); await ShowAllAttributes(sqsClient, deadLetterQueueUrl); } // Create the message queue string messageQueueUrl = await CreateQueue( sqsClient, queueName, deadLetterQueueUrl, maxReceiveCount, receiveWaitTime); Console.WriteLine($"Your new message queue:"); await ShowAllAttributes(sqsClient, messageQueueUrl); } // // Method to show a list of the existing queues private static async Task ShowQueues(IAmazonSQS sqsClient) { ListQueuesResponse responseList = await sqsClient.ListQueuesAsync(""); Console.WriteLine(); foreach(string qUrl in responseList.QueueUrls) { // Get and show all attributes. Could also get a subset. await ShowAllAttributes(sqsClient, qUrl); } } // // Method to create a queue. Returns the queue URL. private static async Task<string> CreateQueue( IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qName, string deadLetterQueueUrl=null, string maxReceiveCount=null, string receiveWaitTime=null) { var attrs = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // If a dead-letter queue is given, create a message queue if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deadLetterQueueUrl)) { attrs.Add(QueueAttributeName.ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds, receiveWaitTime); attrs.Add(QueueAttributeName.RedrivePolicy, $"{{\"deadLetterTargetArn\":\"{await GetQueueArn(sqsClient, deadLetterQueueUrl)}\"," + $"\"maxReceiveCount\":\"{maxReceiveCount}\"}}"); // Add other attributes for the message queue such as VisibilityTimeout } // If no dead-letter queue is given, create one of those instead //else //{ // // Add attributes for the dead-letter queue as needed // attrs.Add(); //} // Create the queue CreateQueueResponse responseCreate = await sqsClient.CreateQueueAsync( new CreateQueueRequest{QueueName = qName, Attributes = attrs}); return responseCreate.QueueUrl; } // // Method to get the ARN of a queue private static async Task<string> GetQueueArn(IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl) { GetQueueAttributesResponse responseGetAtt = await sqsClient.GetQueueAttributesAsync( qUrl, new List<string>{QueueAttributeName.QueueArn}); return responseGetAtt.QueueARN; } // // Method to show all attributes of a queue private static async Task ShowAllAttributes(IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl) { var attributes = new List<string>{ QueueAttributeName.All }; GetQueueAttributesResponse responseGetAtt = await sqsClient.GetQueueAttributesAsync(qUrl, attributes); Console.WriteLine($"Queue: {qUrl}"); foreach(var att in responseGetAtt.Attributes) Console.WriteLine($"\t{att.Key}: {att.Value}"); } // // Command-line help private static void PrintHelp() { Console.WriteLine( "\nUsage: SQSCreateQueue -q <queue-name> [-d <dead-letter-queue>]" + " [-m <max-receive-count>] [-w <wait-time>]" + "\n -q, --queue-name: The name of the queue you want to create." + "\n -d, --dead-letter-queue: The URL of an existing queue to be used as the dead-letter queue."+ "\n If this argument isn't supplied, a new dead-letter queue will be created." + "\n -m, --max-receive-count: The value for maxReceiveCount in the RedrivePolicy of the queue." + $"\n Default is {MaxReceiveCount}." + "\n -w, --wait-time: The value for ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds of the queue for long polling." + $"\n Default is {ReceiveMessageWaitTime}."); } } // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Class that represents a command line on the console or terminal. // (This is the same for all examples. When you have seen it once, you can ignore it.) static class CommandLine { // // Method to parse a command line of the form: "--key value" or "-k value". // // Parameters: // - args: The command-line arguments passed into the application by the system. // // Returns: // A Dictionary with string Keys and Values. // // If a key is found without a matching value, Dictionary.Value is set to the key // (including the dashes). // If a value is found without a matching key, Dictionary.Key is set to "--NoKeyN", // where "N" represents sequential numbers. public static Dictionary<string,string> Parse(string[] args) { var parsedArgs = new Dictionary<string,string>(); int i = 0, n = 0; while(i < args.Length) { // If the first argument in this iteration starts with a dash it's an option. if(args[i].StartsWith("-")) { var key = args[i++]; var value = key; // Check to see if there's a value that goes with this option? if((i < args.Length) && (!args[i].StartsWith("-"))) value = args[i++]; parsedArgs.Add(key, value); } // If the first argument in this iteration doesn't start with a dash, it's a value else { parsedArgs.Add("--NoKey" + n.ToString(), args[i++]); n++; } } return parsedArgs; } // // Method to get an argument from the parsed command-line arguments // // Parameters: // - parsedArgs: The Dictionary object returned from the Parse() method (shown above). // - defaultValue: The default string to return if the specified key isn't in parsedArgs. // - keys: An array of keys to look for in parsedArgs. public static string GetArgument( Dictionary<string,string> parsedArgs, string defaultReturn, params string[] keys) { string retval = null; foreach(var key in keys) if(parsedArgs.TryGetValue(key, out retval)) break; return retval ?? defaultReturn; } // // Method to exit the application with an error. public static void ErrorExit(string msg, int code=1) { Console.WriteLine("\nError"); Console.WriteLine(msg); Environment.Exit(code); } } }


  • キュー名は、英数字、ハイフン、およびアンダースコアで構成する必要があります。

  • キュー名とキュー URL では大文字と小文字が区別されます。

  • キュー URL が必要なときにキュー名しかない場合には、AmazonSQSClient.GetQueueUrlAsync メソッドのいずれかを使用してください。

  • この例では、作成するキュー上のすべてのメッセージに対してロングポーリングを指定します。これは ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds 属性を使用して行われます。

    AmazonSQSClient クラスの ReceiveMessageAsync メソッドの呼び出し中にロングポーリングを指定することもできます。詳細については、「Amazon SQS メッセージの受信」を参照してください。

    ショートポーリングとロングポーリングの違いに関する詳細については、Amazon Simple Queue Service デベロッパーガイドの「ショートポーリングとロングポーリング」を参照してください。

  • デッドレターキューとは、他の (送信元) キューが正常に処理されないメッセージの送信先として使用できるキューのことです。詳細については、Amazon Simple Queue Service デベロッパーガイドの「Amazon SQS デッドレターキュー」を参照してください。

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