Amazon SQS キューの更新
この例では、 AWS SDK for .NET を使用して Amazon SQS キューを更新する方法を示しています。アプリケーションはいくつかのチェックを行った後、指定された属性を指定された値で更新し、キューのすべての属性を表示します。
コマンドライン引数にキュー URL のみが含まれている場合、アプリケーションは単にキューのすべての属性を表示します。
次のスニペットは、指定されたキュー URL によって識別されたキューの属性を示しています。
// // Method to show all attributes of a queue private static async Task ShowAllAttributes(IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl) { GetQueueAttributesResponse responseGetAtt = await sqsClient.GetQueueAttributesAsync(qUrl, new List<string>{ QueueAttributeName.All }); Console.WriteLine($"Queue: {qUrl}"); foreach(var att in responseGetAtt.Attributes) Console.WriteLine($"\t{att.Key}: {att.Value}"); }
// // Method to check the name of the attribute private static bool ValidAttribute(string attribute) { var attOk = false; var qAttNameType = typeof(QueueAttributeName); List<string> qAttNamefields = new List<string>(); foreach(var field in qAttNameType.GetFields()) qAttNamefields.Add(field.Name); foreach(var name in qAttNamefields) if(attribute == name) { attOk = true; break; } return attOk; }
次のスニペットは、指定されたキュー URL によって識別されたキューの属性を更新します。
このトピックの最後 で、スニペットが実際に使用されている例を確認できます。
// // Method to update a queue attribute private static async Task UpdateAttribute( IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl, string attribute, string value) { await sqsClient.SetQueueAttributesAsync(qUrl, new Dictionary<string, string>{{attribute, value}}); }
NuGet パッケージ:
名前空間 Amazon.SQS
クラス AmazonSQSClient
名前空間 Amazon.SQS。モデル
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.SQS; using Amazon.SQS.Model; namespace SQSUpdateQueue { // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Class to update a queue class Program { private const int MaxArgs = 3; private const int InvalidArgCount = 2; static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Parse the command line and show help if necessary var parsedArgs = CommandLine.Parse(args); if(parsedArgs.Count == 0) { PrintHelp(); return; } if((parsedArgs.Count > MaxArgs) || (parsedArgs.Count == InvalidArgCount)) CommandLine.ErrorExit("\nThe number of command-line arguments is incorrect." + "\nRun the command with no arguments to see help."); // Get the application arguments from the parsed list var qUrl = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-q"); var attribute = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-a"); var value = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-v", "--value"); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(qUrl)) CommandLine.ErrorExit("\nYou must supply at least a queue URL." + "\nRun the command with no arguments to see help."); // Create the Amazon SQS client var sqsClient = new AmazonSQSClient(); // In the case of one command-line argument, just show the attributes for the queue if(parsedArgs.Count == 1) await ShowAllAttributes(sqsClient, qUrl); // Otherwise, attempt to update the given queue attribute with the given value else { // Check to see if the attribute is valid if(ValidAttribute(attribute)) { // Perform the update and then show all the attributes of the queue await UpdateAttribute(sqsClient, qUrl, attribute, value); await ShowAllAttributes(sqsClient, qUrl); } else { Console.WriteLine($"\nThe given attribute name, {attribute}, isn't valid."); } } } // // Method to show all attributes of a queue private static async Task ShowAllAttributes(IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl) { GetQueueAttributesResponse responseGetAtt = await sqsClient.GetQueueAttributesAsync(qUrl, new List<string>{ QueueAttributeName.All }); Console.WriteLine($"Queue: {qUrl}"); foreach(var att in responseGetAtt.Attributes) Console.WriteLine($"\t{att.Key}: {att.Value}"); } // // Method to check the name of the attribute private static bool ValidAttribute(string attribute) { var attOk = false; var qAttNameType = typeof(QueueAttributeName); List<string> qAttNamefields = new List<string>(); foreach(var field in qAttNameType.GetFields()) qAttNamefields.Add(field.Name); foreach(var name in qAttNamefields) if(attribute == name) { attOk = true; break; } return attOk; } // // Method to update a queue attribute private static async Task UpdateAttribute( IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl, string attribute, string value) { await sqsClient.SetQueueAttributesAsync(qUrl, new Dictionary<string, string>{{attribute, value}}); } // // Command-line help private static void PrintHelp() { Console.WriteLine("\nUsage: SQSUpdateQueue -q queue_url [-a attribute -v value]"); Console.WriteLine(" -q: The URL of the queue you want to update."); Console.WriteLine(" -a: The name of the attribute to update."); Console.WriteLine(" -v, --value: The value to assign to the attribute."); } } // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Class that represents a command line on the console or terminal. // (This is the same for all examples. When you have seen it once, you can ignore it.) static class CommandLine { // // Method to parse a command line of the form: "--key value" or "-k value". // // Parameters: // - args: The command-line arguments passed into the application by the system. // // Returns: // A Dictionary with string Keys and Values. // // If a key is found without a matching value, Dictionary.Value is set to the key // (including the dashes). // If a value is found without a matching key, Dictionary.Key is set to "--NoKeyN", // where "N" represents sequential numbers. public static Dictionary<string,string> Parse(string[] args) { var parsedArgs = new Dictionary<string,string>(); int i = 0, n = 0; while(i < args.Length) { // If the first argument in this iteration starts with a dash it's an option. if(args[i].StartsWith("-")) { var key = args[i++]; var value = key; // Check to see if there's a value that goes with this option? if((i < args.Length) && (!args[i].StartsWith("-"))) value = args[i++]; parsedArgs.Add(key, value); } // If the first argument in this iteration doesn't start with a dash, it's a value else { parsedArgs.Add("--NoKey" + n.ToString(), args[i++]); n++; } } return parsedArgs; } // // Method to get an argument from the parsed command-line arguments // // Parameters: // - parsedArgs: The Dictionary object returned from the Parse() method (shown above). // - defaultValue: The default string to return if the specified key isn't in parsedArgs. // - keys: An array of keys to look for in parsedArgs. public static string GetArgument( Dictionary<string,string> parsedArgs, string defaultReturn, params string[] keys) { string retval = null; foreach(var key in keys) if(parsedArgs.TryGetValue(key, out retval)) break; return retval ?? defaultReturn; } // // Method to exit the application with an error. public static void ErrorExit(string msg, int code=1) { Console.WriteLine("\nError"); Console.WriteLine(msg); Environment.Exit(code); } } }
属性を更新するには、値全体を引用符で囲み、キーと値のペアの引用符をお使いのオペレーティングシステムに応じた適切な方法でエスケープする必要があります。例えば Windows では、値は次のような形で構成されます。