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Workload architecture - Container Build Lens
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Workload architecture

CONTAINER_BUILD_REL_02: How do you handle persistent data in a container application?

Use volumes to persist data

There are times when workloads have to store data across multiple containers. For example, an image-processing application that saves images for processing. Given the ephemeral nature of a container workload, data on the container will be lost once the container is restarted and longer exists. Use mounted volumes, whether block or network file system (NFS), to persist file data for an application. Mounted volumes allow for file data sharing among multiple running containers. In addition, mounted volumes should be used to persist logs or configuration files. For persisting data, use external database such as Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon DynamoDB, or Amazon Aurora. Use a database system that provides performance, high-availability, and scalability to your container application when persisting data.

CONTAINER_BUILD_REL_03: How do you automate building and testing of containers?

Create local testing processes

When building a containerized application, you want to be able to test your application as early as possible. That means that you have to think about how developers will be able to test their containerized application locally. First you will have to decide whether the container build for local testing will run on the developer’s machine or in a remote machine, because this will have an impact on the tooling that developers use on their machines. Second, you will have to provide a local deployment mechanism. For this, you can use single containers that run as part of an automation script or deploy the containers locally using a local version of your target orchestrator. This can be also part of the testing section of your local build-script. With this approach, you can deploy necessary infrastructure components like databases in a lightweight fashion in order to test your application with the real infrastructure instead of mocked APIs. One example might be a Docker Compose manifest to deploy multiple containers in a single command. For Kubernetes, use minikube to deploy the containerized application and all of its objects (such as Deployment, ConfigMaps, and Secrets).

Design your testing environments to support your container build pipeline

When building a containerized application, it can be easily deployed throughout multiple environments. In order to validate that your application is running properly, you will have to test your containerized applications. With the container’s ecosystem, you can have multiple manifests for all of the applications in an environment, and you can easily provision a ready-to-use environment with all dependent services already deployed in it. This process of temporary, or ephemeral testing environments, can be achieved in lower effort given the ease of reproducing fully configured environments that are based on containers. Whether you’re using the GitOps methodology for a Kubernetes based application, or a centralized deployment configuration, you should try to create reproducible environments to support testing of your containerized application.

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