Managed Service for Apache Flink Maintenance - Managed Service for Apache Flink

Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink was previously known as Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink.

Managed Service for Apache Flink Maintenance

Managed Service for Apache Flink patches your applications periodically with operating-system and container-image security updates to maintain compliance and meet AWS security goals. The following table lists the default time window during which Managed Service for Apache Flink performs this type of maintenance. Maintenance for your application might happen at any time during the time window that corresponds to your Region. Your application might experience a downtime of 10 to 30 seconds during this maintenance process. However, the actual downtime duration depends on the application state. For information on how to minimize the impact of this downtime, see Fault tolerance: checkpoints and savepoints.

To change the time window during which Managed Service for Apache Flink performs maintenance on your application, use the UpdateApplicationMaintenanceConfiguration API.

Region Maintenance time window
AWS GovCloud (US-West) 06:00–14:00 UTC
AWS GovCloud (US-East) 03:00–11:00 UTC
US East (N. Virginia) 03:00–11:00 UTC
US East (Ohio) 03:00–11:00 UTC
US West (N. California) 06:00–14:00 UTC
US West (Oregon) 06:00–14:00 UTC
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) 13:00–21:00 UTC
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 16:30–00:30 UTC
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) 16:30–00:30 UTC
Asia Pacific (Seoul) 13:00–21:00 UTC
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 14:00–22:00 UTC
Asia Pacific (Sydney) 12:00–20:00 UTC
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) 15:00–23:00 UTC
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 13:00–21:00 UTC
Canada (Central) 03:00–11:00 UTC
China (Beijing) 13:00–21:00 UTC
China (Ningxia) 13:00–21:00 UTC
Europe (Frankfurt) 06:00–14:00 UTC
Europe (Zurich) 20:00–04:00 UTC
Europe (Ireland) 22:00–06:00 UTC
Europe (London) 22:00–06:00 UTC
Europe (Stockholm) 23:00–07:00 UTC
Europe (Milan) 21:00–05:00 UTC
Europe (Spain) 21:00–05:00 UTC
Africa (Cape Town) 20:00–04:00 UTC
Europe (Ireland) 22:00–06:00 UTC
Europe (London) 23:00–07:00 UTC
Europe (Paris) 23:00–07:00 UTC
Europe (Stockholm) 23:00–07:00 UTC
Middle East (Bahrain) 13:00–21:00 UTC
Middle East (UAE) 18:00–02:00 UTC
South America (São Paulo) 19:00–03:00 UTC
Israel (Tel Aviv) 20:00–04:00 UTC

Set a UUID for all operators

When Managed Service for Apache Flink starts a Flink job for an application with a snapshot, the Flink job can fail to start due to certain issues. One of them is operator ID mismatch. Flink expects explicit, consistent operator IDs for Flink job graph operators. If not set explicitly, Flink auto-generates an ID for the operators. This is because Flink uses these operator IDs to uniquely identify the operators in a job graph and uses them to store the state of each operator in a savepoint.

The operator ID mismatch issue happens when Flink does not find a 1:1 mapping between the operator IDs of a job graph and the operator IDs defined in a savepoint. This happens when explicit consistent operator IDs are not set and Flink auto-generates operator IDs that may not be consistent with every job graph creation. The likelihood of applications running into this issue is high during maintenance runs. To avoid this, we recommend customers set UUID for all operators in Flink code. For more information, see the topic Set a UUID for all operators under Production readiness.

Identify when maintenance has occurred on your application

You can find if Managed Service for Apache Flink has performed a maintenance action on your application by using the ListApplicationOperations API.

The following is an example request for ListApplicationOperations that can help you filter the list for maintenance on the application:

{ "ApplicationName": "MyApplication", "operation": "ApplicationMaintenance" }