Creating a sample Amazon Q Business application - Amazon Q Business

Creating a sample Amazon Q Business application

This section guides you through creating an Amazon Q Business sample application using IAM Identity Center for managing user access to your application.

Before you create a fully-configured Amazon Q Business application, you can choose to create a sample application to test how Amazon Q Business works. A sample application supports only upload file and chat conversations when created, is powered by an Amazon Q Business native retriever, and doesn't have to be connected to Amazon Q Business data sources. Amazon Q Business sample applications are automatically integrated with AWS IAM Identity Center for user access management.

You can choose to update a sample application to a fully-configured application at any time by selecting a retriever, an index type, connecting data sources, and enhancing it when you update it.

As a prerequisite, make sure that you complete the setting up tasks and go through the connecting an IAM Identity Center instance section. If you're using the AWS CLI or the API, make sure that you created the required IAM roles.


Before you create an Amazon Q Business application, make sure you complete the following prerequisites:

  • Enable an IAM Identity Center instance and connect the identity source for your Amazon Q Business application environment in IAM Identity Center. Amazon Q Business supports both organization and account level IAM Identity Center instances.


    To minimize latency, we recommend using an IAM Identity Center instance created in the same region as your Amazon Q Business application. However, you can also use an IAM Identity Center instance created in an AWS region not yet supported by Amazon Q Business. For more information, see Creating a cross-region IAM Identity Center instance.

  • Configure an IAM Identity Center instance to connect to your Amazon Q Business application environment with users and groups added. You can also create and connect an IAM Identity Center instance to Amazon Q Business from the Amazon Q Business console. You can only add users to an IAM Identity Center instance created from the Amazon Q Business and not groups. To add groups, you need to use the IAM Identity Center console.


    If you add a user to a group in IAM Identity Center and have given that group access to your application, it can take up to 24 hours for the change to take effect and for the user to be able to access your Amazon Q Business application.

Step 1: Create a sample application

This section guides you through the process of creating a sample Amazon Q Business application. To do this, you can use the Amazon Q Business console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), and the Amazon Q Business API operations.


To create an application

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q Business console.

  2. From the How it works menu, from Experiment with a sample – optional, choose Try quick application.

  3. On the Create application page, for Application settings, enter the following information for your Amazon Q Business application:

    • Application name – A name for your Amazon Q Business application environment for easy identification. This name is only visible in the AWS Management Console. The name can include hyphens (-), but not spaces, and can have a maximum of 1,000 alphanumeric characters.

  4. In Service access, for Choose a method to authorize Amazon Q Business, choose from the following options:

    • Create and use a new service-linked role (SLR) – Create and use a new Amazon Q Business-managed IAM role to allow it to access the AWS resources it needs to create your application.

    • Create and use a new service role (SR) – Create and use a new IAM role for Amazon Q Business to allow it to access the AWS resources it needs to create your application.

    • Use an existing service role (SR)/service-linked role (SLR) – Use an existing service role or service-linked IAM role to allow Amazon Q Business to access the AWS resources it needs to create your application.


      For more information about example service roles, see IAM role for an Amazon Q Business application. For information on service-linked roles, including to manage them, see Using service-linked roles.

    • Service role name – A name for the service (IAM) role you created for easy identification on the console.

  5. For Encryption – Amazon Q Business encrypts your data by default using AWS managed AWS KMS keys. To customize your encryption settings, select Customize encryption settings (advanced). Then, you can choose to use an existing AWS KMS key or create a new one.

  6. For Access management method – choose IAM Identity Center.

  7. In Advanced IAM Identity Center settings, activate Enable cross-region calls to access resources to allow Amazon Q Business to connect to an IAM Identity Center instance that exists in a region not already supported by Amazon Q Business. For more information, see Creating a cross-region IAM Identity Center integration.

  8. In Connect Amazon Q Business to IAM Identity Center, you will see the following options based on whether you have an IAM Identity Center instance already configured, or need to create one.

    1. If you don't have an IAM Identity Center instance configured, you see the following:

      • The region your Amazon Q Business application environment is in.

      • Specify tags for IAM Identity Center – Add tags to keep track of your IAM Identity Center instance.

      • Create IAM Identity Center – Select to create an IAM Identity Center instance. Depending on your setup, you may be prompted to create either an account instance, or an organization instance, or be given the option to choose between creating an account instance and an organization instance. The console will display an ARN for your newly created resource after it's created.

    2. If you have both an IAM Identity Center organization instance and an account instance configured, your instances will be auto-detected, and you see the following options:

      • Organization instance of IAM Identity Center – Select this option to manage access to Amazon Q Business by assigning users and groups from the Identity Center directory for your organization.

      • Account instance of IAM Identity Center – Select this option to manage access to Amazon Q Business by assigning existing users and groups from your Identity Center directory.

      • The region your Amazon Q Business application environment is in.

      • IAM Identity Center – The ARN for your IAM Identity Center instance.

    3. If you have an IAM Identity Center account instance configured, your account instance will be auto-detected.

    4. If you have an IAM Identity Center organization instance configured, your organization instance will be auto-detected.

    5. If your IAM Identity Center instance is configured in an AWS region Amazon Q Business isn’t available in, and you haven’t completed Step 7 of this procedure, you will see a message saying that a connection is unavailable with an option to Switch region. Once you complete Step 7, a cross-region connection between Amazon Q Business and IAM Identity Center will be automatically established and your cross-region instance will be auto-detected.


      Selecting Switch region will only give you the option to change your AWS Management Console region. To create a cross-region IAM Identity Center and Amazon Q Business integration follow Step 6 of this procedure.

  9. Tags – optional – To add tags to your Amazon Q Business application environment and web experience, select Add new tag. Then, enter the following information for each tag:

    • Key – Add a key for your tag.

    • Value - optional – An optional value for your tag.

    For more information about using tags with Amazon Q Business, see Tags.

  10. To start creating your application, choose Create.


To configure an Amazon Q Business application

aws qbusiness create-application \ --display-name application-name \ --identity-center-instance-arn identity-center-instance-arn \ --role-arn roleArn \ --description application-description \ --enryption-configuration kmsKeyId=<kms-key-id> \ --attachments-configuration attachmentsControlMode=ENABLED

Step 2: Add users and groups

In this step you add users and groups to your sample application. You need to add and subscribe at least one user to your sample application for it to work as intended.

The following tabs provide a procedure for the AWS Management Console and code examples for the AWS CLI.


You must add, assign, and subscribe at least one user to your Amazon Q Business application environment for it to work as intended. For more information on user subscriptions for an IAM Identity Center-integrated Amazon Q Business application, see Subscriptions for applications using IAM Identity Center.


To add users and groups with their subscriptions to your Amazon Q Business application

  1. To add users or groups, from Manage access, select the Users or Groups tab, then select Add groups and users. Then, depending on how you're integrating Amazon Q Business with IAM Identity Center, do the following:

    1. If you're using a pre-configured IAM Identity Center instance with users and groups already configured, Amazon Q Business detects the users you have configured in IAM Identity Center. You can choose to assign users from your IAM Identity Center directory.

      1. In this case, in the Add or assign users and groups dialog box that opens, select Assign existing users and groups. Then, select Next.

      2. Then, in the Assign users and groups dialog box that opens, type and select the name of the user or group that you want to assign. Then select Assign.


        Search for users using their name, and not their user ID or email alias.

      3. From the Users page, After Amazon Q Business finishes assigning the user to your application, select the subscription type to assign to your user from Current subscription.


        The default subscription type assigned to a user is Q Business Pro.


        If you add a user to a group in IAM Identity Center and have given that group access to your application, it can take up to 24 hours for the change to take effect and for the user to be able to access your Amazon Q Business application.

    2. If you've created a minimally-configured IAM Identity Center instance from within the Amazon Q Business console for your Amazon Q Business application, you can enter the details of your users or users within a group to add them to your application environment and IAM Identity Center instance.

      1. In this case, in the Add new users dialog box that opens, enter the details of your user. Then select Next and Add.

        If you want to add another user or multiple users, select Add new user and enter the user details before you select Add. Then, select Assign.

        The user is automatically added to an IAM Identity Center directory.

      2. The details you must enter for a single user include:

        • Username – A username is required for an user to sign into the AWS access portal. You can't change the username later. Maximum length 128 characters. Can only contain alphanumeric characters or any of the following: +=,.@-_

        • First name – First name of user.

        • Last name – Last name of user.

        • Email address – Email address of user.

        • Confirm email address – Enter email address again to confirm it.

        • Display name – The display name assigned to your user.

  2. In Web experience service access, enter the following information:

    • For Choose a method to authorize Amazon Q Business – A service access role assumed by end users when they sign in to your web experience that grants them permission to start and manage conversations Amazon Q Business. You can choose to use an existing role or create a new role.

    • Service role name – A name for the service role you created for easy identification on the console.

  3. Select Done.


To add users to an application environment (subscriptions for users is only available in the console)

aws sso-admin create-application-assignment \ --application-arn idc-app-arn \ --principal-id idc-user-ID \ --principal-type USER

To add groups to an application environment (subscriptions for groups is only available in the console)

aws sso-admin create-application-assignment \ --application-arn idc-app-arn \ --principal-id idc-group-ID \ --principal-type GROUP

Step 3: Customize web experience

Creating an Amazon Q Business application automatically creates a web experience with a shareable URL. Before you share your web experience URL, you can choose to customize it.

You can customize a web experience by using either the AWS Management Console or the Amazon Q API. If you use the API, customizing your Amazon Q Business can involve a combination of the following API operations:

When you customize your web experience, you can personalize it by changing its title and subtitle, adding a welcome message, and displaying sample prompts.


You can't run any chat queries from the web experience customize mode.

The following tabs provide a procedure for the AWS Management Console and code examples for the AWS CLI.


To customize an Amazon Q Business web experience

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q Business console.

  2. Complete the steps to create your Amazon Q Business application.

  3. Then, from the Amazon Q Business application environment page, select your application, and then select Customize web experience.

  4. In Customize web experience, from the right navigation pane, select Customize web experience.

  5. In Customize web experience, enter the following information for your web experience:

    • Title – A title for your web experience. End users see this title on their web experience page.

    • Subtitle - optional – A subtitle for your web experience to highlight other information for your end users. This subtitle is visible to your end users on their web experience page.

    • Welcome message – Provide an optional welcome message for your end users. We recommend mentioning data sources and application environment capabilities.

    • Display sample prompts – Provide a list of sample prompts on the end user's conversation start screen.

  6. Choose Save.


To create and customize a web experience

aws qbusiness create-web-experience \ --application-id application-id \ --role-arn roleArn \ --title optional-title \ --subtitle optional-subtitle \ --welcome-message optional-welcome-message \ --sample-prompts-control-mode ENABLED

Managing a sample application

You can manage your sample application, including users and groups and their subscriptions, using the AWS Management Console and the API.

To learn more about managing your sample application, see Managing Amazon Q Business applications.

To manage user subscriptions, see Managing user subscriptions.

To manage users and groups programmatically for your Amazon Q Business application, refer to the IAM Identity Center CLI Reference and the Identity Store API Reference.