Customer Profiles 표준 주문 객체 필드 - Amazon Connect

Customer Profiles 표준 주문 객체 필드

다음 표에는 Customer Profiles 표준 주문 객체의 모든 필드가 나열되어 있습니다.

Standard order field Data type Description
OrderId String The unique identifier of a standard order.
CustomerEmail String The customer's email address.
CustomerPhone String The customer's phone number.
CreatedDate String The order's date created.
UpdatedDate String The order's date updated.
ProcessedDate String The order's date processed.
ClosedDate String The order's date closed.
CancelledDate String The order's date cancelled.
CancelReason String The order's cancel reason.
Name String The order's name.
AdditionalInformation String Any additional information relevant to the order.
Gateway String The order's payment gateway.
Status String The order's status.
StatusCode String The order's status code. Valid values: DRAFT | ACTIVATED
StatusUrl String The order's status URL.
CreditCardNumber String The customer's credit card last four digits.
CreditCardCompany String The customer's credit card company.
FulfillmentStatus String The order's fulfillment status.
TotalPrice String The order's total price.
TotalTax String The order's total tax.
TotalDiscounts String The order's total discounts.
TotalItemsPrice String The order's total items price.
TotalShippingPrice String The order's total shipping price.
TotalTipReceived String The order's total tip received.
Currency String The order's currency.
TotalWeight String The order's total weight.
BillingAddress OrderAddress The customer's billing address.
ShippingAddress OrderAddress The customer's shipping address.
OrderItems OrderItem list The order's items.
Attributes String-to-string map Key-value pair of attributes of a standard order.

표준 주문 객체는 다음 표의 키로 인덱싱됩니다.

표준 인덱스 이름 표준 주문 필드
_orderId OrderId

예를 들어, SearchProfiles API에서 키 이름으로 _orderId를 사용하여 OrderID가 검색 값과 일치하는 주문이 있는 프로필을 찾을 수 있습니다. ProfileIdObjectTypeName_order로 설정된 ListProfileObjects API를 사용하여 특정 프로필과 연결된 표준 주문 객체를 찾을 수 있습니다.

OrderAddress 데이터 유형

Standard order field Data type Description
Name String The name associated with an order address.
Address1 String The first line of an order address.
Address2 String The second line of an order address.
Address3 String The third line of an order address.
Address4 String The fourth line of an order address.
City String The city of an order address.
County String The county of an order address.
State String The state of an order address.
Province String The province of an order address.
Country String The country of an order address.
PostalCode String The postal code of an order address.

OrderItem 데이터 유형

Standard order field Data type Description
Title String The title of an order item.
Price String The price of an order item.
Quantity String The quantity of an order item.