ContainerGroupsAttributes - Amazon GameLift


This data type is currently not available. It is under improvement as we respond to customer feedback from the Containers public preview.

The properties of container groups that are running on a container fleet. Container group properties for a fleet can't be changed.

Returned by: DescribeFleetAttributes, CreateFleet



In the following list, the required parameters are described first.


A set of ports that allow inbound traffic to connect to processes running in the fleet's container groups. Amazon GameLift maps each connection port to a container port, which is assigned to a specific container process. A fleet's connection port range can't be changed, but you can control access to connection ports by updating a fleet's EC2InboundPermissions with UpdateFleetPortSettings.

Type: ConnectionPortRange object

Required: No


A collection of properties that describe each container group in the fleet. A container fleet is deployed with one or more ContainerGroupDefinition resources, which is where these properties are set.

Type: Array of ContainerGroupDefinitionProperty objects

Required: No


Details about the number of replica container groups that Amazon GameLift deploys to each instance in the container fleet.

Type: ContainerGroupsPerInstance object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: