Creating a SMART on FHIR enabled HealthLake data store
To use the SMART on FHIR framework with HealthLake, create a HealthLake data store with the IdentityProviderConfiguration
parameter specified in your CreateFHIRDatastore request. In the IdentityProviderConfiguration
parameter you specify the following information:
Set the AuthorizationStrategy equal to
. -
Set the IdpLambdaArn equal to the ARN of the AWS Lambda you created to manage token decoding with your authorization server.
Define the Metadata elements specified in the authorization server as a JSON block. These metadata elements are returned in the Discovery Document.
Optional: Enable FineGrainedAuthorizationEnabled. Specify
to use the Fine grained authorization provided by HealthLake
You can make a SMART on FHIR enabled data store using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or via one of the AWS supported SDKs. Creating a SMART on FHIR enabled HealthLake data store is not supported using the HealthLake console.
Using the AWS CLI to create a SMART on FHIR enabled HealthLake data store
You can use the following code example to create SMART on FHIR enabled HealthLake data store using the AWS CLI. When creating a SMART on FHIR enabled HealthLake data store you must specify the identity-provider-configuration
In the identity-provider-configuration
parameter you can optionally enable fine-grained authorization by setting FineGrainedAuthorizationEnabled
equal to True
. To learn more about Fine grained authorization, see Using fine-grained authorization with a SMART on FHIR enabled HealthLake data store. The example below contains a special character \
to indicate line breaks or as an escape character. This is for clarity.
aws healthlake create-fhir-datastore \ --region
\ --datastore-name "your-data-store-name
" \ --datastore-type-version R4 \ --preload-data-config PreloadDataType="SYNTHEA" \ --sse-configuration '{ "KmsEncryptionConfig": { \ "CmkType": "customer-managed-kms-key1
", "KmsKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1
" } }' \ --identity-provider-configuration \ '{"AuthorizationStrategy": "SMART_ON_FHIR_V1", \ "FineGrainedAuthorizationEnabled":boolean-false-by-default
, \ "IdpLambdaArn": "arn:aws:lambda:your-region
" \ "Metadata": "{\"issuer\":\"\",\"jwks_uri\":\"\",\"authorization_endpoint\":\"\",\"token_endpoint\":\"\",\"token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported\":[\"client_secret_basic\",\"foo\"],\"grant_types_supported\":[\"client_credential\",\"foo\"],\"registration_endpoint\":\"\",\"scopes_supported\":[\"openId\",\"profile\",\"launch\"],\"response_types_supported\":[\"code\"],\"management_endpoint\":\"\",\"introspection_endpoint\":\"\",\"revocation_endpoint\":\"\",\"code_challenge_methods_supported\":[\"S256\"],\"capabilities\":[\"launch-ehr\",\"sso-openid-connect\",\"client-public\"]}"}'
When successful you get the following JSON response:
{ "DatastoreArn": "arn:aws:healthlake:
", "DatastoreEndpoint": "https://healthlake.your-region
/r4/", "DatastoreId": "your-data-store-id", "DatastoreStatus": "data-store-creation-status" }