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GetTopicAttributes - Amazon Simple Notification Service
이 페이지는 귀하의 언어로 번역되지 않았습니다. 번역 요청


Returns all of the properties of a topic. Topic properties returned might differ based on the authorization of the user.

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.


The ARN of the topic whose properties you want to get.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Response Elements

The following element is returned by the service.

Attributes.entry.N.key (key)
Attributes.entry.N.value (value)

A map of the topic's attributes. Attributes in this map include the following:

  • DeliveryPolicy – The JSON serialization of the topic's delivery policy.

  • DisplayName – The human-readable name used in the From field for notifications to email and email-json endpoints.

  • EffectiveDeliveryPolicy – The JSON serialization of the effective delivery policy, taking system defaults into account.

  • Owner – The AWS account ID of the topic's owner.

  • Policy – The JSON serialization of the topic's access control policy.

  • SignatureVersion – The signature version corresponds to the hashing algorithm used while creating the signature of the notifications, subscription confirmations, or unsubscribe confirmation messages sent by Amazon SNS.

    • By default, SignatureVersion is set to 1. The signature is a Base64-encoded SHA1withRSA signature.

    • When you set SignatureVersion to 2. Amazon SNS uses a Base64-encoded SHA256withRSA signature.


      If the API response does not include the SignatureVersion attribute, it means that the SignatureVersion for the topic has value 1.

  • SubscriptionsConfirmed – The number of confirmed subscriptions for the topic.

  • SubscriptionsDeleted – The number of deleted subscriptions for the topic.

  • SubscriptionsPending – The number of subscriptions pending confirmation for the topic.

  • TopicArn – The topic's ARN.

  • TracingConfig – Tracing mode of an Amazon SNS topic. By default TracingConfig is set to PassThrough, and the topic passes through the tracing header it receives from an Amazon SNS publisher to its subscriptions. If set to Active, Amazon SNS will vend X-Ray segment data to topic owner account if the sampled flag in the tracing header is true. This is only supported on standard topics.

The following attribute applies only to server-side-encryption:

  • KmsMasterKeyId - The ID of an AWS managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS or a custom CMK. For more information, see Key Terms. For more examples, see KeyId in the AWS Key Management Service API Reference.

The following attributes apply only to FIFO topics:

  • ArchivePolicy – The policy that sets the retention period for messages stored in the message archive of an Amazon SNS FIFO topic.

  • BeginningArchiveTime – The earliest starting point at which a message in the topic’s archive can be replayed from. This point in time is based on the configured message retention period set by the topic’s message archiving policy.

  • ContentBasedDeduplication – Enables content-based deduplication for FIFO topics.

    • By default, ContentBasedDeduplication is set to false. If you create a FIFO topic and this attribute is false, you must specify a value for the MessageDeduplicationId parameter for the Publish action.

    • When you set ContentBasedDeduplication to true, Amazon SNS uses a SHA-256 hash to generate the MessageDeduplicationId using the body of the message (but not the attributes of the message).

      (Optional) To override the generated value, you can specify a value for the MessageDeduplicationId parameter for the Publish action.

  • FifoTopic – When this is set to true, a FIFO topic is created.

Type: String to string map


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.

HTTP Status Code: 403


Indicates an internal service error.

HTTP Status Code: 500


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The credential signature isn't valid. You must use an HTTPS endpoint and sign your request using Signature Version 4.

HTTP Status Code: 403


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.

HTTP Status Code: 404


The structure of AUTHPARAMS depends on the signature of the API request. For more information, see Examples of the complete Signature Version 4 signing process (Python) in the AWS General Reference.


This example illustrates one usage of GetTopicAttributes.

Sample Request

https://sns.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/?Action=GetTopicAttributes &TopicArn=arn%3Aaws%3Asns%3Aus-east-2%3A123456789012%3AMy-Topic &Version=2010-03-31 &AUTHPARAMS

Sample Response

<GetTopicAttributesResponse xmlns="https://sns.amazonaws.com/doc/2010-03-31/"> <GetTopicAttributesResult> <Attributes> <entry> <key>Owner</key> <value>123456789012</value> </entry> <entry> <key>Policy</key> <value>{&quot;Version&quot;:&quot;2008-10-17&quot;,&quot;Id&quot;:&quot;us-east-2/698519295917/test__default_policy_ID&quot;,&quot;Statement&quot;:[{&quot;Effect&quot;:&quot;Allow&quot;,&quot;Sid&quot;:&quot;us-east-2/698519295917/test__default_statement_ID&quot;,&quot;Principal&quot;:{&quot;AWS&quot;:&quot;*&quot;},&quot;Action&quot;:[&quot;SNS:GetTopicAttributes&quot;,&quot;SNS:SetTopicAttributes&quot;,&quot;SNS:AddPermission&quot;,&quot;SNS:RemovePermission&quot;,&quot;SNS:DeleteTopic&quot;,&quot;SNS:Subscribe&quot;,&quot;SNS:ListSubscriptionsByTopic&quot;,&quot;SNS:Publish&quot;],&quot;Resource&quot;:&quot;arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:698519295917:test&quot;,&quot;Condition&quot;:{&quot;StringLike&quot;:{&quot;AWS:SourceArn&quot;:&quot;arn:aws:*:*:698519295917:*&quot;}}}]}</value> </entry> <entry> <key>TopicArn</key> <value>arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:123456789012:My-Topic</value> </entry> </Attributes> </GetTopicAttributesResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>057f074c-33a7-11df-9540-99d0768312d3</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </GetTopicAttributesResponse>

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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