Using the AL2023 base container image - Amazon Linux 2023

Using the AL2023 base container image

The AL2023 container image is built from the same software components that are included in the AL2023 AMI. It's available for use in any environment as a base image for Docker workloads. If you're using the Amazon Linux AMI for applications in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), you can containerize your applications with the Amazon Linux container image.

Use the Amazon Linux container image in your local development environment and then push your application to AWS using Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). For more information, see Using Amazon ECR images with Amazon ECS in the Amazon Elastic Container Registry User Guide.

The Amazon Linux container image is available on Amazon ECR Public. You can provide feedback for AL2023 through your designated AWS representative or by filing an issue in the amazon-linux-2023 repo on GitHub.

To pull the Amazon Linux container image from Amazon ECR Public
  1. Authenticate your Docker client to the Amazon Linux Public registry. Authentication tokens are valid for 12 hours. For more information, see Private registry authentication in the Amazon Elastic Container Registry User Guide.


    The get-login-password command is supported using the latest version of AWS CLI version 2. For more information, see Installing the AWS Command Line Interface in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

    $ aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

    The output is as follows.

    Login succeeded
  2. Pull the Amazon Linux container image by running the docker pull command. To view the Amazon Linux container image on the Amazon ECR Public Gallery, see Amazon ECR Public Gallery - amazonlinux.


    When you pull the AL2023 Docker container image, you can use the tags in one of the following formats:

    • To get the latest version of the AL2023 container image, use the :2023 tag.

    • To get a specific version of AL2023, you can use the following format:

      • :2023.[0-7 release quarter].[release date].[build number]

    The following examples use the tag :2023 and pull the most recent available container image of AL2023.

    $ docker pull
  3. (Optional) Run the container locally.

    $ docker run -it --security-opt seccomp=unconfined /bin/bash
To pull the AL2023 container image from Docker Hub
  1. Pull the AL2023 container image using the docker pull command.

    $ docker pull amazonlinux:2023
  2. (Optional) Run the container locally.

    $ docker run -it amazonlinux:2023 /bin/bash

    The container image of AL2023 uses only the dnf package manager to install software packages. This means that there's no amazon-linux-extras or equivalent command to use for additional software.