RouteLeg - Amazon Location Service


A leg is a section of a route from one waypoint to the next. A leg could be of type Vehicle, Pedestrian or Ferry. Legs of different types could occur together within a single route. For example, a car employing the use of a Ferry will contain Vehicle legs corresponding to journey on land, and Ferry legs corresponding to the journey via Ferry.



Geometry of the area to be avoided.

Type: RouteLegGeometry object

Required: Yes


Specifies the mode of transport when calculating a route. Used in estimating the speed of travel and road compatibility.

Default Value: Car

Type: String

Valid Values: Car | Ferry | Pedestrian | Scooter | Truck | CarShuttleTrain

Required: Yes


Type of the leg.

Type: String

Valid Values: Ferry | Pedestrian | Vehicle

Required: Yes


FerryLegDetails is populated when the Leg type is Ferry, and provides additional information that is specific

Type: RouteFerryLegDetails object

Required: No


List of languages for instructions within steps in the response.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 2. Maximum length of 35.

Required: No


Details related to the pedestrian leg.

Type: RoutePedestrianLegDetails object

Required: No


Details related to the vehicle leg.

Type: RouteVehicleLegDetails object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: