This topic helps you choose an Amazon Location Service API based on common use cases that you may want to solve with location-based data and services.
- Maps
Maps provide access to both dynamic and static map types for a variety of applications. For more information, See Amazon Location Service Maps.
Dynamic Maps: Interactive maps that can be customized in real time, allowing users to pan, zoom, and overlay data. For more information, See Dynamic maps.
Static Maps: Static images of maps that display specific locations or routes without interactive elements, suitable for applications with limited interactivity. For more information, See Static maps.
- Routes
Routes provide capabilities for calculating optimized paths between locations. These features support applications requiring logistics planning, distance calculations, and route optimization. Users can also snap location points to roads for improved accuracy. For more information, See Amazon Location Service Routes.
CalculateIsolines: Generates isolines based on travel time or distance, useful for defining service areas or reachability zones. For more information, See Calculate isolines.
CalculateRouteMatrix: Provides a matrix of distances and travel times between multiple origins and destinations, supporting logistics and trip planning. For more information, See Calculate route matrix.
CalculateRoutes: Calculates optimized routes for point-to-point or multi-stop navigation, including customizable routing preferences. For more information, See Calculate routes.
OptimizeWaypoints: Optimizes the order of waypoints for the most efficient travel route, minimizing distance or time. For more information, See Optimize waypoints.
SnapToRoads: Aligns coordinates to the nearest road paths, enhancing GPS accuracy by snapping points to known roads. For more information, See Snap to Roads.
- Places
Places enable applications to search, find, and retrieve details about points of interest, addresses, and specific locations. These capabilities enhance location-based services by providing context and improving user experience in search functions. For more information, See Amazon Location Service Places.
Geocode: Converts addresses or place names into geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude), supporting applications that require address-to-location transformation for mapping and spatial analysis. For more information, see Reverse Geocode.
Reverse Geocode: Converts geographic coordinates to the nearest address or place name, providing context for a location. For more information, See Reverse Geocode.
Autocomplete: Suggests potential completions for user-entered text, improving efficiency in search input. For more information, See Autocomplete.
GetPlace: Retrieves detailed information about a specified place, including attributes like address, contact details, and opening hours. For more information, See GetPlace.
SearchNearby: Finds places within a specified radius of a given geographic point, suitable for "near me" searches. For more information, See Search Nearby.
SearchText: Allows text-based searching for places or points of interest based on a keyword or phrase, ideal for finding locations by name or description. For more information, See Search Text.
Suggest: Provides search term suggestions as users type, enhancing search relevance and user experience. For more information, See Suggest.
- Geofences
Geofencing allows applications to define geographical boundaries and monitor entry or exit events within these regions. Features include creating, updating, and deleting geofences, as well as configuring notifications or triggers for location-based actions when tracked devices cross geofence boundaries. Ideal for proximity-based notifications, security monitoring, and asset tracking within predefined areas. For more information, See Amazon Location Service Geofences.
- Trackers
Tracking enables real-time monitoring of device or asset locations over time. Features include adding tracked devices, updating their location data, and retrieving historical position data. Trackers are useful for managing fleets, monitoring personnel, and ensuring the security of valuable assets by providing up-to-date location data and movement patterns. For more information, See Amazon Location Service trackers.