Add Amazon Location search to your application
You now will add reverse geocoding search to the application, where you find the items at a location. To simplify the use of an iOS app, we will search the center of the screen. To find a new location, move the map to where you want to search. We will place a marker at the center of the map to show where we are searching.
Add the following code in `TrackingViewModel.swift` file which is related to the reverse geocoding search
func reverseGeocodeCenter(centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, marker: MLNPointAnnotation) { let position = [NSNumber(value: centerCoordinate.longitude), NSNumber(value: centerCoordinate.latitude)] searchPositionAPI(position: position, marker: marker) } func searchPositionAPI(position: [Double], marker: MLNPointAnnotation) { if let amazonClient = authHelper.getLocationClient() { Task { let searchRequest = SearchPlaceIndexForPositionInput(indexName: indexName, language: "en" , maxResults: 10, position: position) let searchResponse = try? await amazonClient.searchPosition(indexName: indexName, input: searchRequest) DispatchQueue.main.async { self.centerLabel = searchResponse?.results?.first?.place?.label ?? "" self.mlnMapView?.selectAnnotation(marker, animated: true, completionHandler: {}) } } } }
file with the following code which will show the mapview's centered location's addressimport SwiftUI struct TrackingView: View { @ObservedObject var trackingViewModel: TrackingViewModel var body: some View { ZStack(alignment: .bottom) { if trackingViewModel.mapSigningIntialised { MapView(trackingViewModel: trackingViewModel) VStack { UserLocationView(trackingViewModel: trackingViewModel) CenterAddressView(trackingViewModel: trackingViewModel) } } else { Text("Loading...") } } .onAppear() { if !trackingViewModel.identityPoolId.isEmpty { Task { do { try await trackingViewModel.authWithCognito(identityPoolId: trackingViewModel.identityPoolId) } catch { print(error) } } } } } }