Create the base iOS application to use Amazon Location - Amazon Location Service

Create the base iOS application to use Amazon Location

In this tutorial, you will create an iOS application that embeds a map, and allows the user to find what's at a location on the map.

First, let's create a Swift application using Xcode's project wizard.

To create an empty application (Xcode)
  1. Open Xcode, and from the menu, choose File, New, New Project.

  2. From the iOS tab, select App, and then choose Next.

  3. Provide a Product Name, an Organization Identifier, and in the Interface field input SwiftUI. Choose Next to finalize the selection.

  4. Select a location where you will save your project and press create button to create the empty application.

Once you have creating the base application, you will need to install the required packages for the sample app.

Installing required dependencies
  1. In Xcode, right-click on the project and choose Add Packages.... This will open the Packages window, where you can add packages to your project.

  2. In the Packages window, add the following packages: