Getting started with Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access Polygon - AMB Access Polygon

Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access Polygon is in preview release and is subject to change.

Getting started with Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access Polygon

Get started with Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access Polygon by using the information and procedures in this section.

Create an IAM policy to access the Polygon blockchain network

To access the public endpoint for the Polygon Mainnet to make JSON-RPC calls, you must have user credentials (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) that have the appropriate IAM permissions for Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access Polygon. In a terminal with the AWS CLI installed, run the following command to create an IAM policy to access both Polygon endpoints:

cat <<EOT > ~/amb-polygon-access-policy.json { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid" : "AMBPolygonAccessPolicy", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "managedblockchain:InvokeRpcPolygon*" ], "Resource": "*" } ] } EOT aws iam create-policy --policy-name AmazonManagedBlockchainPolygonAccess --policy-document file://$HOME/amb-polygon-access-policy.json

The previous example gives you access to all available Polygon networks. To get access to a specific endpoint, use the following Action command:

  • "managedblockchain:InvokeRpcPolygonMainnet"

After you create the policy, attach that policy to your IAM user’s role for it to take effect. In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the IAM service, and attach the policy AmazonManagedBlockchainPolygonAccess to the role assigned to your IAM user.

Make Polygon remote procedure call (RPC) requests on the AMB Access RPC editor using the AWS Management Console

You can edit, configure, and submit remote procedure calls (RPCs) on the AWS Management Console using AMB Access Polygon. With these RPCs, you can read data and write transactions on the Polygon network, including retrieving data and submitting transactions to the Polygon network.

The following example shows how to get information about the latest block by using eth_getBlockByNumber RPC. Change the highlighted variables to your own inputs or choose one of the RPC methods listed and enter in the relevant inputs required.

  1. Open the Managed Blockchain console at

  2. Choose RPC editor.

  3. In the Request section, choose POLYGON_MAINNET as the Blockchain Network.

  4. Choose eth_getBlockByNumber as the RPC method.

  5. Enter latest as the Block number and choose False as the Full transaction flag.

  6. Then, choose Submit RPC.

  7. You get the results of the latest block in the Response section. You can then copy the full raw transactions for further analysis or to use in business logic for your applications.

For more information, see the RPCs supported by AMB Access Polygon

Make AMB Access Polygon JSON-RPC requests in awscurl by using the AWS CLI

Sign requests with your IAM user credentials by using Signature Version 4 (SigV4) in order to make Polygon JSON-RPC requests to the AMB Access Polygon endpoints. The awscurl command line tool can help you sign requests to AWS services using SigV4. For more information, see the awscurl

Install awscurl by using the method appropriate to your operating system. On macOS, HomeBrew is the recommended application:

brew install awscurl

If you have already installed and configured the AWS CLI, your IAM user credentials and the default AWS Region are set in your environment and have access to awscurl. Using awscurl, submit a request to the Polygon Mainnet by invoking the eth_getBlockByNumber RPC. This call accepts a string parameter corresponding to the block number for which you want to retrieve information.

The following command retrieves the block data from the Polygon Mainnet by using the block number in the params array to select the specific block for which to retrieve the headers.

awscurl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "eth_getBlockByNumber-curltest", "method":"eth_getBlockByNumber", "params":["latest", false] }' --service managedblockchain -k

You can also make this same request using curl and the AMB Access token based access feature using Accessor tokens. For more information, see Creating and managing Accessor tokens for token-based access to make AMB Access Polygon requests.

curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id": "eth_getBlockByNumber-curltest", "method":"eth_getBlockByNumber", "params":["latest", false] }' ''

The response from either command returns information about the latest block. See the following example for illustrative purposes:

{"error":null,"id":"eth_getBlockByNumber-curltest","jsonrpc":"1.0", "result":{"baseFeePerGas":"0x873bf591e","difficulty":"0x18", "extraData":"0xd78301000683626f7288676f312e32312e32856c696e757800000000000000009a\ 423a58511085d90eaf15201a612af21ccbf1e9f8350455adaba0d27eff0ecc4133e8cd255888304cc\ 67176a33b451277c2c3c1a6a6482d2ec25ee1573e8ba000", "gasLimit":"0x1c9c380","gasUsed":"0x14ca04d", "hash":"0x1ee390533a3abc3c8e1306cc1690a1d28d913d27b437c74c761e1a49********;", "nonce":"0x0000000000000000","number":"0x2f0ec4d", "parentHash":"0x27d47bc2c47a6d329eb8aa62c1353f60e138fb0c596e3e8e9425de163afd6dec", "receiptsRoot":"0x394da96025e51cc69bbe3644bc4e1302942c2a6ca6bf0cf241a5724c74c063fd", "sha3Uncles":"0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347", "size":"0xbd6b", "stateRoot":"0x7ca9363cfe9baf4d1c0dca3159461b2cca8604394e69b30af05d7d5c1beea6c3", "timestamp":"0x653ff542", "totalDifficulty":"0x33eb01dd","transactions":[...], "transactionsRoot":"0xda1602c66ffd746dd470e90a47488114a9d00f600ab598466ecc0f3340b24e0c", "uncles":[]}}

Make Polygon JSON-RPC requests in Node.js

You can invoke Polygon JSON-RPCs by submitting signed requests using HTTPS to access the Polygon Mainnet network using the native https module in Node.js, or you can use a third-party library such as AXIOS. The following Node.js examples show you how to make Polygon JSON-RPC requests to the AMB Access Polygon endpoint using both Signature Version 4 (SigV4) and token-based access. The first example sends a transaction from one address to another and the following example requests transaction details and balance information from the blockchain.

To run this example Node.js script, apply the following prerequisites:

  1. You must have node version manager (nvm) and Node.js installed on your machine. You can find installation instructions for your OS here.

  2. Use the node --version command and confirm that you are using Node version 18 or higher. If required, you can use the nvm install v18.12.0 command, followed by the nvm use v18.12.0 command, to install version 18, the LTS version of Node.

  3. The environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY must contain the credentials that are associated with your account. .

    Export these variables as strings on your client by using the following commands. Replace the values in red in the following strings with appropriate values from your IAM user account.


After you complete all prerequisites, copy the following files into a directory in your local environment by using your preferred code editor:


{ "name": "polygon-rpc", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "ethers": "^6.8.1", "@aws-crypto/sha256-js": "^5.2.0", "@aws-sdk/credential-provider-node": "^3.360.0", "@aws-sdk/protocol-http": "^3.357.0", "@aws-sdk/signature-v4": "^3.357.0", "axios": "^1.6.2" } }


const axios = require("axios"); const SHA256 = require("@aws-crypto/sha256-js").Sha256; const defaultProvider = require("@aws-sdk/credential-provider-node").defaultProvider; const HttpRequest = require("@aws-sdk/protocol-http").HttpRequest; const SignatureV4 = require("@aws-sdk/signature-v4").SignatureV4; // define a signer object with AWS service name, credentials, and region const signer = new SignatureV4({ credentials: defaultProvider(), service: "managedblockchain", region: "us-east-1", sha256: SHA256, }); const rpcRequest = async (rpcEndpoint, rpc) => { // parse the URL into its component parts (e.g. host, path) let url = new URL(rpcEndpoint); // create an HTTP Request object const req = new HttpRequest({ hostname: url.hostname.toString(), path: url.pathname.toString(), body: JSON.stringify(rpc), method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip", host: url.hostname, }, }); // use AWS SignatureV4 utility to sign the request, extract headers and body const signedRequest = await signer.sign(req, { signingDate: new Date() }); try { //make the request using axios const response = await axios({ ...signedRequest, url: url, data: req.body, }); return; } catch (error) { console.error("Something went wrong: ", error); } }; module.exports = { rpcRequest: rpcRequest };



The following code uses a hardcoded private key to generate a wallet Signer using Ethers.js for the sake of demonstration only. Do not use this code in production environments, as it has real funds and poses a security risk.

If needed, contact your account team to advise on wallet and Signer best practices.

const ethers = require("ethers"); //set AMB Access Polygon endpoint using token based access (TBA) let token = "your-billing-token" let url = `${token}`; //prevent batch RPCs let options = { batchMaxCount: 1, }; //create JSON RPC provider with AMB Access endpoint and options let provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(url, null, options); let sendTx = async (to) => { //create an instance of the Wallet class with a private key //DO NOT USE A WALLET YOU USE ON MAINNET, NEVER USE A RAW PRIVATE KEY IN PROD let pk = "wallet-private-key"; let signer = new ethers.Wallet(pk, provider); //use this wallet to send a transaction of POL from one address to another const tx = await signer.sendTransaction({ to: to, value: ethers.parseUnits("0.0001", "ether"), }); console.log(tx); }; sendTx("recipent-address");


let rpcRequest = require("./dispatch-evm-rpc").rpcRequest; let ethers = require("ethers"); let getTxDetails = async (txHash) => { //set url to a Signature Version 4 endpoint for AMB Access let url = ""; //set RPC request body to get transaction details let getTransactionByHash = { id: "1", jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "eth_getTransactionByHash", params: [txHash], }; //make RPC request for transaction details let txDetails = await rpcRequest(url, getTransactionByHash); //set RPC request body to get recipient user balance let getBalance = { id: "2", jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "eth_getBalance", params: [, "latest"], }; //make RPC request for recipient user balance let recipientBalance = await rpcRequest(url, getBalance); console.log("TX DETAILS: ", txDetails.result, "BALANCE: ", ethers.formatEther(recipientBalance.result)); }; getTxDetails("your-transaction-id");

Once these files are saved to your directory, install the dependencies that are required to run the code using the following command:

npm install

Send a transaction in Node.js

The preceding example sends the native Polygon Mainnet token (POL) from one address to another by signing a transaction and broadcasting it to the Polygon Mainnet using AMB Access Polygon. To do this, use the sendTx.js script, which uses Ethers.js, a popular library for interacting with Ethereum and Ethereum-compatible blockchains like Polygon. You need to replace three variables in the code where highlighted in red, including the billingToken for your Accessor token for token based access, the private key with which you sign the transaction, and the recipient's address that receives the POL.


We recommended that you create a fresh private key (wallet) for this purpose rather than reusing an existing wallet to eliminate the risk of losing funds. You can use the Ethers library’s Wallet class method createRandom() to generate a wallet to test with. Additionally, if you need to request POL from the Polygon Mainnet, you can use the public POL faucet to request a small amount to use for testing.

Once you have your billingToken, a funded wallet’s private key, and the recipient's address added to the code, you run the following code to sign a transaction for .0001 POL to be sent from your address to another and broadcast it to Polygon Mainnet invoking the eth_sendRawTransaction JSON-RPC using the AMB Access Polygon.

node sendTx.js

The response received back resembles the following:

TransactionResponse { provider: JsonRpcProvider {}, blockNumber: null, blockHash: null, index: undefined, hash: '0x8d7538b4841261c5120c0a4dd66359e8ee189e7d1d34ac646a1d9923********', type: 2, to: '0xd2bb4f4f1BdC4CB54f715C249Fc5a991********', from: '0xcf2C679AC6cb7de09Bf6BB6042ecCF05********', nonce: 2, gasLimit: 21000n, gasPrice: undefined, maxPriorityFeePerGas: 16569518669n, maxFeePerGas: 16569518685n, data: '0x', value: 100000000000000n, chainId: 80001n, signature: Signature { r: "0x1b90ad9e9e4e005904562d50e904f9db10430a18b45931c059960ede337238ee", s: "0x7df3c930a964fd07fed4a59f60b4ee896ffc7df4ea41b0facfe82b470db448b7", yParity: 0, networkV: null }, accessList: [] }

The response constitutes the transaction receipt. Save the value of the property hash. This is the identifier for the transaction you just submitted to the blockchain. You use this property in the read transaction example to get additional details about this transaction from the Polygon Mainnet.

Note that the blockNumber and blockHash are null in the response. This is because the transaction has not yet been recorded in a block on the Polygon network. Note that these values are defined later and you might see them when you request the transaction details in the following section.

Read a transaction in Node.js

In this section, you request the transaction details for the previously submitted transaction and retrieve the POL balance for the recipient address using read requests to the Polygon Mainnet using AMB Access Polygon. In the readTx.js file, replace the variable labeled your-transaction-id with the hash you saved from the response from running the code in the previous section.

This code uses a utility, dispatch-evm-rpc.js, which signs HTTPS requests to AMB Access Polygon with the requisite Signature Version 4 (SigV4) modules from the AWS SDK and sends requests using the widely used HTTP client, AXIOS.

The response received back resembles the following:

TX DETAILS: { blockHash: '0x59433e0096c783acab0659175460bb3c919545ac14e737d7465b3ddc********', blockNumber: '0x28b4059', from: '0xcf2c679ac6cb7de09bf6bb6042eccf05b7fa1394', gas: '0x5208', gasPrice: '0x3db9eca5d', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x3db9eca4d', maxFeePerGas: '0x3db9eca5d', hash: '0x8d7538b4841261c5120c0a4dd66359e8ee189e7d1d34ac646a1d9923********', input: '0x', nonce: '0x2', to: '0xd2bb4f4f1bdc4cb54f715c249fc5a991********', transactionIndex: '0x0', value: '0x5af3107a4000', type: '0x2', accessList: [], chainId: '0x13881', v: '0x0', r: '0x1b90ad9e9e4e005904562d50e904f9db10430a18b45931c059960ede337238ee', s: '0x7df3c930a964fd07fed4a59f60b4ee896ffc7df4ea41b0facfe82b470db448b7' } BALANCE: 0.0003

The response represents the transaction details. Note that the blockHash and blockNumber are now likely defined. This indicates that the transaction has been recorded in a block. If these values are still null, wait a few minutes, then run the code again to check if your transaction has been included in a block. Lastly, the hexadecimal representation of the recipient address balance (0x110d9316ec000) is converted to decimal using Ethers’ formatEther() method, which converts the hex to decimal and shifts decimal places by 18 (10^18) to give the true balance in POL.


While the preceding code examples illustrate how to use Node.js, Ethers, and Axios to utilize a few of the supported JSON-RPCs on AMB Access Polygon, you can modify the examples and write other code to build your applications on Polygon using this service. For a full list of supported JSON-RPCs on AMB Access Polygon, see Managed Blockchain API and the JSON-RPCs supported with AMB Access Polygon.