Offer product data feed - AWS Marketplace

Offer product data feed

One offer can have several products, and one product can be included in different offers. This data feed lists information about the relationships between offers and products.

This data feed provides information about all product offers you've created as the seller of record.

When you add or remove a product from an offer, you create an offer revision.

The offer product data feed is refreshed every 24 hours, so new data is available daily.

The following table explains the names and descriptions of the data feed's columns. For information about the data feed history columns, see Historization of the data.

Column name Description
offer_id The friendly identifier of this offer.

Can be used to join to the offer_id field of the Offer data feed.

offer_revision Combines with offer_id field to form the foreign key to the offer revision.
product_id The friendly identifier of the product, this is the foreign key to the product that this offer exposes.

Can be used to join to the product_id field of the Product data feed.

Example of Offer product data feed

The following shows an example of the Offer product data feed.

offer_id offer_revision product_id
offer-dacpxznflfwin 10 prod-o4grxfafcxxxx
offer-gszhmle5npzip 24 prod-o4grxfafcxxxy