Sales compensation report - AWS Marketplace

Sales compensation report


This report will become unavailable on August 30, 2024. You can use these alternatives:

The report lists monthly billed revenue with additional customer information that isn't in the standard Monthly billed revenue report. The report lists the total amounts that AWS bills to customers for hourly, annual, or monthly usage of your product.


The amounts in this report reflect only revenue that is billed to customers, not amounts that are collected from customers.

The sales compensation report and the information that is shared with you as part of this program constitute Amazon's Confidential Information under our nondisclosure agreement with you or, if no such agreement exists, the Terms and Conditions for AWS Marketplace sellers. You can use this information only for compensating your sales representatives by mapping AWS Marketplace revenue to the representatives by company name, geography, and AWS account ID. You can share this information with employees who need to know it to understand the source of commissions that is payable to them. Your use and sharing of such information must comply with the obligations in our nondisclosure agreement with you and the terms and conditions for AWS Marketplace sellers, including, without limitation, Section 3.8 of the Terms and Conditions for AWS Marketplace sellers.

To create your own report similar to this one you can use the AWS Marketplace Seller delivery data feeds service, including the Sales compensation report as a base report to customize to meet your needs.

Publication schedule

This report is published monthly, on the fifteenth day of each month at 00:00 UTC. The report covers the previous calendar month from 00:00 UTC through 23:59 UTC of the last calendar day of the month. For example, the report published on May 15 covers from April 1 at 00:00 UTC through April 30 at 23:59 UTC.

Billed revenue

The billed revenue section of this report includes usage and fee-based charges from the previous calendar month. The following are the column names and descriptions.


In this report, listing fee is the percentage of transaction proceeds (except for those from resale by authorized resellers of authorized resale products) determined in accordance with the tiered listing fee.

Column name Description
Customer AWS Account Number The account that the charges are billed to.
Country The two-character country code that is associated with the account that the charges are billed to. This report uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.
State The billing address state that is associated with the account that the charges are billed to.
City The billing address city that is associated with the account that the charges are billed to.
Zip Code The billing address zip code that is associated with the account that the charges are billed to.
Email Domain The email domain that is associated with the account that the charges are billed to. For example, if the email address is, the entry is
Product Code The unique identifier for the product.
Product Title The title of the product.
Gross Revenue The amount that is billed for using the product or the monthly fees for using the product.
AWS Revenue Share The AWS fee amount that is deducted from the billed amount at settlement time. It appears in the Disbursement report.
Gross Refunds The total amount of any refunds for the transaction.
AWS Refunds Share The portion of the AWS fee that is refunded for the transaction.
Net Revenue The net amount that is billed for this transaction, minus AWS fees, refunds, and US sales and use tax.
Currency The currency of the transaction. For example, if the transaction is in US dollars, the entry is USD.
AR Period The month and year of the transaction, in the format of YYYY-MM.
Transaction Reference ID A unique identifier that represents the transaction, which you can use to correlate transactions across AWS Marketplace reports.
Opportunity Name The unique identifier for a registered opportunity.
Opportunity Description Any metadata in the registered opportunity.
Solution Title The name of the solution.
Solution ID The unique identifier of the solution.
Payer Reference ID A unique identifier that isn't the account ID. It's associated with the account that fees are billed to. It helps with tracking usage, revenue, and subscriptions by customers across all of the AWS Marketplace financial reports.
Payer Address ID A unique identifier that represents the customer's address.