Color space conversion - MediaConvert

Color space conversion

If you want your output video to use a different color space than your input video, use color space conversion. Set up color space conversion in the output Color corrector settings.

MediaConvert supports the following input color spaces: Rec. 601, Rec. 709, HDR10, HLG 2020, P3DCI, and P3D65.

Supported color space conversions

Your input color space is set by your input video or by the values that you set for Color space and Color space usage in your input settings. For more information about the input color space settings, see Replacing inaccurate or missing HDR metadata.

For information about how to convert the color space, see Color space conversion.

MediaConvert supports the following color space conversions:

  • From any supported HDR format to any other supported HDR format

  • From any supported SDR color space to any other supported SDR color space

  • From any supported SDR color space to any supported HDR format


    Converting from SDR to HDR doesn't upgrade the dynamic range of the video content itself. Therefore, the output is formatted as HDR but looks the same as it would if you created it as an SDR output.

  • From any supported HDR format to any supported SDR color space


    When professional color graders convert an asset from HDR to SDR, they make artistic decisions about where to map colors from the larger space that don't exist in the smaller space. There is no standard formula to map these values automatically. The tone mapping technology that MediaConvert uses to do automatic conversion from HDR to SDR approximates the outcome of manually regrading from HDR to SDR. This automatic conversion works well with most content, but we recommend that you review your outputs to confirm the tone mapping results.