Getting started with AWS Elemental MediaStore - AWS Elemental MediaStore

End of support notice: On November 13, 2025, AWS will discontinue support for AWS Elemental MediaStore. After November 13, 2025, you will no longer be able to access the MediaStore console or MediaStore resources. For more information, visit this blog post.

Getting started with AWS Elemental MediaStore

This Getting Started tutorial shows you how to use AWS Elemental MediaStore to create a container and upload an object.

Step 1: Access AWS Elemental MediaStore

Once you have set up your AWS account and created users and roles, you sign in to the console for AWS Elemental MediaStore.

To access AWS Elemental MediaStore

Step 2: Create a container

You use containers in AWS Elemental MediaStore to store your folders and objects. You can use containers to group related objects in the same way that you use a directory to group files in a file system. You aren’t charged when you create containers; you are charged only when you upload an object to a container.

To create a container
  1. On the Containers page, choose Create container.

  2. For Container name, type a name for your container. For more information, see Rules for container names.

  3. Choose Create container. AWS Elemental MediaStore adds the new container to a list of containers. Initially, the status of the container is Creating, and then it changes to Active.

Step 3: Upload an object

You can upload objects (up to 25 MB each) to a container or to a folder within a container. To upload an object to a folder, you specify the path to the folder. If the folder already exists, AWS Elemental MediaStore stores the object in the folder. If the folder doesn’t exist, the service creates it, and then stores the object in the folder.


Object file names can contain only letters, numbers, periods (.), underscores (_), tildes (~), and hyphens (-).

To upload an object
  1. On the Containers page, choose the name of the container that you just created. The details page for the container appears.

  2. Choose Upload object.

  3. For Target path, type a path for the folders. For example, premium/canada. If any of the folders in the path don’t exist yet, AWS Elemental MediaStore creates them automatically.

  4. For Object, choose Browse.

  5. Navigate to the appropriate folder, and choose one object to upload.

  6. Choose Open, and then choose Upload.

Step 4: Access an object

You can download your objects to a specified endpoint.

  1. On the Containers page, choose the name of the container that has the object that you want to download.

  2. If the object that you want to download is in a subfolder, continue choosing the folder names until you see the object.

  3. Choose the name of the object.

  4. On the details page for the object, choose Download.