Configuring AWS Secrets Manager access token authentication - AWS Elemental MediaTailor

Configuring AWS Secrets Manager access token authentication

When you want to use AWS Secrets Manager access token authentication, you perform the following steps:

  1. You create an AWS Key Management Service customer managed key.

  2. You create a AWS Secrets Manager secret. The secret contains your access token, which is stored in Secrets Manager as an encrypted secret value. MediaTailor uses the AWS KMS customer managed key to decrypt the secret value.

  3. You configure an AWS Elemental MediaTailor source location to use Secrets Manager access token authentication.

The following section provides step-by-step guidance on how to configure AWS Secrets Manager access token authentication.

Step 1: Create an AWS KMS symmetric customer managed key

You use AWS Secrets Manager to store your access token in the form of a SecretString stored in a secret. The SecretString is encrypted through the use of an AWS KMS symmetric customer managed key that you create, own, and manage. MediaTailor uses the symmetric customer managed key to facilitate access to the secret with a grant, and to encrypt and decrypt the secret value.

Customer managed keys let you perform tasks such as the following:

  • Establishing and maintaining key policies

  • Establishing and maintaining IAM policies and grants

  • Enabling and disabling key policies

  • Rotating cryptographic key material

  • Adding tags

    For information about how Secrets Manager uses AWS KMS to protect secrets, see the topic How AWS Secrets Manager uses AWS KMS in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

    For more information about customer managed keys, see Customer managed keys in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.


AWS KMS charges apply for using a customer managed key For more information about pricing, see the AWS Key Management Service Pricing page.

You can create an AWS KMS symmetric customer managed key using the AWS Management Console or programmatically with the AWS KMS APIs.

To create a symmetric customer managed key

Follow the steps for Creating a symmetric customer managed key in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Make a note of the key Amazon Resource Name (ARN); you'll need it in Step 2: Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret.

Encryption context

An encryption context is an optional set of key-value pairs that contain additional contextual information about the data.

Secrets Manager includes an encryption context when encrypting and decrypting the SecretString. The encryption context includes the secret ARN, which limits the encryption to that specific secret. As an added measure of security, MediaTailor creates an AWS KMS grant on your behalf. MediaTailor applies a GrantConstraints operation that only allows us to decrypt the SecretString associated with the secret ARN contained in the Secrets Manager encryption context.

For information about how Secrets Manager uses encryption context, see the Encryption context topic in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Setting the key policy

Key policies control access to your customer managed key. Every customer managed key must have exactly one key policy, which contains statements that determine who can use the key and how they can use it. When you create your customer managed key you can use the default key policy. For more information, see Authentication and access control for AWS KMS in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

To use your customer managed key with your MediaTailor source location resources, you must give permission to the IAM principal that calls CreateSourceLocation or UpdateSourceLocation to use the following API operations:

  • kms:CreateGrant – Adds a grant to a customer managed key. MediaTailor creates a grant on your customer managed key that lets it use the key to create or update a source location configured with access token authentication. For more information about using Grants in AWS KMS, see the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

    This allows MediaTailor to do the following:

    • Call Decrypt so that it can successfully retrieve your Secrets Manager secret when calling GetSecretValue.

    • Call RetireGrant to retire the grant when the source location is deleted, or when access to the secret has been revoked.

The following is an example policy statement that you can add for MediaTailor:

{ "Sid": "Enable MediaTailor Channel Assembly access token usage for the MediaTailorManagement IAM role", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::account number:role/MediaTailorManagement" }, "Action": "kms:CreateGrant", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "kms:ViaService": "" } } }

For more information about specifying permissions in a policy and troubleshooting key access, see Grants in AWS KMS in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Step 2: Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret

Use Secrets Manager to store your access token in the form of a SecretString that's encrypted by an AWS KMS customer managed key. MediaTailor uses the key to decrypt the SecretString. For information about how Secrets Manager uses AWS KMS to protect secrets, see the topic How AWS Secrets Manager uses AWS KMS in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

If you use AWS Elemental MediaPackage as your source location origin, and would like to use MediaTailor Secrets Manager access token authentication follow the procedure Integrating with MediaPackage endpoints that use CDN authorization.

You can create a Secrets Manager secret using the AWS Management Console or programmatically with the Secrets Manager APIs.

To create a secret

Follow the steps for Create and manage secrets with AWS Secrets Manager in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.

Keep in mind the following considerations when creating your secret:

  • The KmsKeyId must be the key ARN of the customer managed key you created in Step 1.

  • You must supply a SecretString. The SecretString should be a valid JSON object that includes a key and value containing the access token. For example, {"MyAccessTokenIdentifier":"112233445566"}. The value must between 8-128 characters long.

    When you configure your source location with access token authentication, you specify the SecretString key. MediaTailor uses the key to look up and retrieve the access token stored in the SecretString.

    Make a note of the secret ARN and the SecretString key. You'll use them when you configure your source location to use access token authentication.

Attaching a resource-based secret policy

To let MediaTailor access the secret value, you must attach a resource-based policy to the secret. For more information, see Attach a permissions policy to an AWS Secrets Manager Secret in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.

The following is a policy statement example that you can add for MediaTailor:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue", "Resource": "<secret ARN" } ] }

Step 3: Configure a MediaTailor source location with access token authentication

You can configure Secrets Manager access token authentication using the AWS Management Console or programmatically with the MediaTailor APIs.

To configure a source location with Secrets Manager access token authentication

Follow the steps for Access configuration in the AWS Elemental MediaTailor User Guide.