Create a channel using the MediaTailor console
The following procedure describes how to create a channel using the MediaTailor console.
To create a channel
Open the MediaTailor console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Channel assembly > Channels.
On the navigation bar, choose Create channel.
Under Channel details, enter details about your channel:
Name: Enter a name for your channel.
Tier: The tier determines what features the channel supports and how much it costs to run the channel. For more information about pricing, see the Channel Assembly pricing page
. MediaTailor supports the following tiers: -
Basic - The Basic tier supports both the Linear and Loop playback modes, and does not support live sources.
Standard - The Standard tier supports live sources, and requires the Linear playback mode.
When you select Standard in Channel details, you can define the audiences under Audiences details. These audiences will be used for programRules when you are going to create audienceMedia for your default program..
Choose Add.
Enter the Audience name in the text box. It must be between 1 and 32 alphanumeric characters long.
Choose Confirm.
Choose Next.
Playback mode: The playback mode sets the channel's playback behavior. MediaTailor supports the following playback modes:
Loop - The programs in the schedule play back-to-back in an endless loop. After the last program plays in a schedule, playback loops back to the first program. Playback continues looping until you stop the channel.
Linear - Each program in the schedule plays once, back-to-back.
For Filler slate, select the Source location name referencing the slate location, and the VOD source name to use as slate. MediaTailor uses the slate to fill gaps between programs in the schedule. If the duration of the slate is less than the duration of the gap between programs, MediaTailor loops the slate. You must configure filler slate field is if your channel uses the linear playback mode. MediaTailor doesn't support filler slate for the loop playback mode.
Choose Next.
Specify audience details under program rules.
When you select Standard in Channel details, you can define the audiences under Audiences details. These audiences will be used for programRules when you are going to create audienceMedia for your default program:
Select Add, and then add an Audience in the text box, then select Confirm.
Enter a name that's no longer than_ 32 alphanumeric characters.
Output type: Select the streaming format for the channel. DASH and HLS are supported.
Source group: Enter the name of the source group that you created in your package configuration, as described in Adding VOD sources to your source location.
Select Next.
Under Manifest settings, enter additional information about your manifest settings:
Manifest window (sec): The time window,in seconds, contained in each manifest. The minimum value is 30 seconds, and the maximum value is 3600 seconds.
Ad markup type(HLS outputs only): The type of ad tags that appear in VOD program ad breaks. Select
to have MediaTailor insert ad breaks into VOD programs withEXT-X-DATERANGE
tags. SelectScte35 Enhanced
to have MediaTailor insert ad breaks into VOD programs usingEXT-X-CUE-OUT
tags. For more information about these tag types, see SCTE-35 messages for ad breaks. For live workflows, MediaTailor always passes throughDATERANGE
tags, and doesn't pass through any Enhanced Scte35 tags, regardless of the selected Ad markup type.
If you want to configure multiple channel outputs, under Outputs choose Add. Then, configure the details for your output by completing the steps 6 and 7 in this procedure.
Choose Next.
Under Channel policy, choose your channel's IAM policy settings:
Do not attach channel policy: Restrict playback to only those who have access to this account's credentials.
Attach custom policy: Define your own policy and restrict access to as few or as many as you want.
Attach public policy: Accept all incoming client requests to a channel's output. You must use this option if you want to use MediaTailor ad insertion.
Choose Next.
Review your settings on the Review and create pane.
Choose Create channel.
Channels are created in a stopped state. Your channel won't be active until you start it with the MediaTailor console or the MediaTailor StartChannel API.