Finding connection endpoints - Amazon MemoryDB

Finding connection endpoints

Your application connects to your cluster using the endpoint. An endpoint is a cluster's unique address. Use the cluster's Cluster Endpoint for all operations.

The following sections guide you through discovering the endpoint you'll need.

To find a MemoryDB cluster's endpoint
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the MemoryDB console at

  2. From the navigation pane, choose Clusters.

    The clusters screen will appear with a list of clusters. Choose the cluster you wish to connect to.

  3. To find the cluster's endpoint, choose the cluster's name (not the radio button).

  4. The Cluster endpoint is displayed under Cluster details. To copy it, choose the copy icon to the left of the endpoint.

You can use the describe-clusters command to discover the endpoint for a cluster. The command returns the cluster's endpoint.

The following operation retrieves the endpoint, which in this example is represented as a sample, for the cluster mycluster.

It returns the following JSON response:

aws memorydb describe-clusters \ --cluster-name mycluster

For Windows:

aws memorydb describe-clusters ^ --cluster-name mycluster
{ "Clusters": [ { "Name": "my-cluster", "Status": "available", "NumberOfShards": 1, "ClusterEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "NodeType": "db.r6g.large", "EngineVersion": "6.2", "EnginePatchVersion": "6.2.4", "ParameterGroupName": "default.memorydb-redis6", "ParameterGroupStatus": "in-sync", "SubnetGroupName": "my-sg", "TLSEnabled": true, "ARN": "arn:aws:memorydb:us-east-1:zzzexamplearn:cluster/my-cluster", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "MaintenanceWindow": "wed:03:00-wed:04:00", "SnapshotWindow": "04:30-05:30", "ACLName": "my-acl", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true } ] }

For more information, see describe-clusters.

You can use the MemoryDB API to discover the endpoint of a cluster.

Finding the Endpoint for a MemoryDB Cluster (MemoryDB API)

You can use the MemoryDB API to discover the endpoint for a cluster with the DescribeClusters action. The action returns the cluster's endpoint.

The following operation retrieves the cluster endpoint for the cluster mycluster. ?Action=DescribeClusters &ClusterName=mycluster &SignatureVersion=4 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=20210802T192317Z &Version=2021-01-01 &X-Amz-Credential=<credential>

For more information, see DescribeClusters.