You can create a final snapshot using the MemoryDB console, the AWS CLI, or the MemoryDB API.
You can create a final snapshot when you delete a MemoryDB cluster using the MemoryDB console.
To create a final snapshot when deleting a MemoryDB cluster, on the delete page, choose Yes and give the snapshot a name at Step 5: Deleting a cluster.
You can create a final snapshot when deleting a MemoryDB cluster using the AWS CLI.
When deleting a MemoryDB cluster
To create a final snapshot when deleting a cluster, use the
AWS CLI operation, with the following
– Name of the cluster being deleted. -
– Name of the final snapshot.
The following code takes the final snapshot bkup-20210515-final
when deleting the
cluster myCluster
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws memorydb delete-cluster \ --cluster-name
\ --final-snapshot-namebkup-20210515-final
For Windows:
aws memorydb delete-cluster ^ --cluster-name
^ --final-snapshot-namebkup-20210515-final
For more information, see delete-cluster in the AWS CLI Command Reference.
You can create a final snapshot when deleting a MemoryDB cluster using the MemoryDB API.
When deleting a MemoryDB cluster
To create a final snapshot, use the DeleteCluster
MemoryDB API operation with
the following parameters.
– Name of the cluster being deleted. -
– Name of the snapshot.
The following MemoryDB API operation creates the snapshot bkup-20210515-final
when deleting the
cluster myCluster
. ?Action=DeleteCluster &ClusterName=myCluster &FinalSnapshotName=bkup-20210515-final &Version=2021-01-01 &SignatureVersion=4 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=20210515T192317Z &X-Amz-Credential=<credential>
For more information, see DeleteCluster.