FT.INFO <index-name>
Output from the FT.INFO page is an array of key value pairs as described in the following table:
Key | Value type | Description |
index_name | string | Name of the index |
creation_timestamp | integer | Unix-style timestamp of creation time |
key_type | string | HASH or JSON |
key_prefixes | array of strings | Key prefixes for this index |
fields | array of field information | Fields of this index |
space_usage | integer | Memory bytes used by this index |
fullext_space_usage | integer | Memory bytes used by non-vector fields |
vector_space_usage | integer | Memory bytes used by vector fields |
num_docs | integer | Number of keys currently contained in the index |
num_indexed_vectors | integer | Number of vectors currently contained in the index |
current_lag | integer | Recent delay of ingestion (milliSeconds) |
backfill_status | string | One of: Completed, InProgres, Paused or Failed |
The following table describes the information for each field:
Key | Value type | Description |
identifier | string | name of field |
field_name | string | Hash member name or JSON Path |
type | string | one of: Numeric, Tag, Text or Vector |
option | string | ignore |
If the field is of type Vector, additional information will be present depending on the algorithm.
For the HNSW algorithm:
Key | Value type | Description |
algorithm | string | HNSW |
data_type | string | FLOAT32 |
distance_metric | string | one of: L2, IP or Cosine |
initial_capacity | integer | Initial size of vector field index |
current_capacity | integer | Current size of vector field index |
maximum_edges | integer | M parameter at creation |
ef_construction | integer | EF_CONSTRUCTION parameter at creation |
ef_runtime | integer | EF_RUNTIME parameter at creation |
For the FLAT algorithm:
Key | Value type | Description |
algorithm | string | FLAT |
data_type | string | FLOAT32 |
distance_metric | string | one of: L2, IP or Cosine |
initial_capacity | integer | Initial size of vector field index |
current_capacity | integer | Current size of vector field index |