Using global view - Application Migration Service

Using global view

Use the global view feature to see source servers across various member accounts and to perform various actions such as installing the SSM Agent.

If you wish to use global view, attach the following managed policy to the user: AWSOrganizationsReadOnlyAccess

The main Global view page provides an overview of your account. The information will change according to whether you have a management account or a member account.

  • Management Account – for management accounts, this page will display Account information that includes the AWS organizations permissions, number of linked accounts, and the total number of source servers, applications, and waves. The Linked account section will display the relevant information for the linked accounts only.

  • Member – for member accounts, this page will only display the Account information that includes the AWS organizations permissions,, and the number of source servers, applications, and waves in the specific account.

As a management account, you will be able to choose between All accounts and My account from the drop-down menu, allowing you to change your view of presented source servers, applications, or waves.

Source servers in member accounts

As a management account, you can view source servers in your account and all member accounts. You can also perform specific actions on managed servers.

Single managed source server

As a management account, you can perform the following actions on a single managed source server.

  • Change staging disk type

  • Edit replication settings

  • Launch settings – edit general launch settings only

  • Post launch

    • Deactivate the post-launch feature for this server

    • Change deployment settings (test and cutover, test only, or cutover only)

  • Start/stop replication

  • Test and cutover drop-down menu:

    • Launch test

    • Mark as ready for cutover

    • Revert to ready for testing

    • Launch cutover

    • Finalize cutover

    • Revert to ready for cutover

    • Terminate launch instances

Multiple managed source server

As a management account, you can perform the following actions on multiple managed source servers.

  • Edit replication settings – the edited servers must be from the same account

  • Add server to application – the added servers must be from the same account

  • Disconnect servers from service

  • Mark as archived

  • Start/stop replication

  • Change staging disk type

  • Edit replication settings

  • Launch settings – edit general launch settings only

  • Post launch

    • Deactivate the post-launch feature for this server

    • Change deployment settings (test and cutover, test only, or cutover only)

  • Start/stop replication

  • Test and cutover drop-down menu:

    • Launch test

    • Mark as ready for cutover

    • Revert to ready for testing

    • Launch cutover

    • Finalize cutover

    • Revert to ready for cutover

    • Terminate launch instances


As a management account, you can perform the following actions on a single or multiple managed applications:

  • Add application

  • Edit application

  • Delete application

  • Test and cutover drop-down menu (these actions can also be performed on multiple applications):

    • Launch test

    • Mark as ready for cutover

    • Revert to ready for testing

    • Launch cutover

    • Finalize cutover

    • Revert to ready for cutover

    • Add application to wave

    • Start/stop replication

    • Archive application


As a management account, you can perform the following actions on a single managed applications:

  • Add wave

  • Edit wave

  • Delete wave

  • Test and cutover drop-down menu (these actions can also be performed on multiple waves):

    • Launch test

    • Mark as ready for cutover

    • Revert to ready for testing

    • Launch cutover

    • Finalize cutover

    • Revert to ready for cutover

    • Add application to wave

    • Start/stop replication

    • Archive application


Use this feature to import and export your source servers, applications, and waves from a single or multiple accounts using the CSV template file.