Step 5: Use Strategy Recommendations in the Migration Hub console to get recommendations - Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations

Step 5: Use Strategy Recommendations in the Migration Hub console to get recommendations

This section describes how to use Strategy Recommendations in the Migration Hub console to get migration recommendations for the first time.

To get recommendations
  1. Using the AWS account that you created in Setting up Strategy Recommendations, sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Migration Hub console at

  2. In the Migration Hub console navigation pane, choose Strategy.

  3. On the Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations page, choose Get recommendations.

  4. Choose Agree if you agree to allow Migration Hub to create a service-linked role (SLR) in your account. For more information about the SLR, see Using service-linked roles for Strategy Recommendations.

  5. Configure data sources

    1. On the Configure data sources page, you must choose the source of your servers to analyze from the following options:

      1. Strategy Recommendations application data collector – You can use the Strategy Recommendations collector to retrieve information about VMs hosted in VMware vCenter automatically. Using this option, you don't need to perform additional setup.

      2. Manual import – If you want to bring in data about your servers and applications independently, you can use the Strategy Recommendations import template. The import template is a JSON file in which you can fill out the available information for your VMs.

      3. Application Discovery Service – You can use Application Discovery Service to gather information about your on-premises applications and servers. In the Migration Hub console, under the Tools section, you can choose from multiple options under Discovery tools. For example, you can choose Application Discovery Service Agentless Collector, AWS Discovery Agent, or Import (for CSV files).

    2. The Servers table lists all of the available servers based on your selection in the data source section.

    3. Under Registered application data collectors, the application data collectors that you've set up are listed. If you haven't set up any data collectors, you can download the data collector and then deploy it. For more information, see Step 1: Download the Strategy Recommendations collector and Step 2: Deploy the Strategy Recommendations collector.


      To get strategy recommendations, you must set up at least one application data collector or perform an application data import. If you want to add your application-level data without setting up a collector, you can use the application data import template. You can add additional data sources later.

    4. If you selected Manual import, under Import details, choose Add new import.

    5. For Import name, enter a name for your import.

    6. For S3 bucket URI, enter the S3 bucket URI for your import JSON file to upload to.


      The S3 bucket name must start with a prefix of migrationhub-strategy.

    7. Choose Next.

  6. Specify preferences

    1. On the Specify preferences page, set up your business goals and migration preferences. Strategy Recommendations recommends the optimal strategy for migrating and modernizing your applications and databases based on the preferences that you specify. You can change these preferences at a later time.

    2. Choose Next.

  7. Review and submit.

    1. Review your configured data sources and migration preferences.

    2. If everything looks correct, choose Start data analysis. This will perform an analysis of your server inventory and runtime environment and the application binaries for your Microsoft IIS and Java applications.


      The status of the binary analysis is not displayed in the console. When the analysis completes, you will either see a link to the anti-pattern report or a message indicating that the analysis was not successful.


Viewing strategy recommendations in Strategy Recommendations